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Prevailing Romantic Customs Among Species

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by FakeGeekGamerGirl, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Ryumaru

    Ryumaru Big Damn Hero

    Huh, weird. I'm playing a male Glitch and he says the same thing.
  2. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  3. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    Huh. Maybe he's just being friendly and not flirting. Or perhaps he's bi. Pfft, I dunno.
  4. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Then I would assume it is not really a pick up, but more of an invite. Like offering to go drinking sometime with a friend. One way to look at it; after all the statement part was "friendly" and not "flirty". I think I have seen at one time a glitch state flirty or something like that then what they actually going to say...
  5. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero

    Dudes don't hit on dudes?

    *thinks for a sec*

    naw, they totally do.
  6. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    That guy don't even talk to me, xenophobic...
  7. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    huh? Didn't say that. Just was saying my interpretation of the word "friendly" before saying the rest of it. To me it does not necessarily mean hitting on someone to be friendly with someone. Reference to oil to me is like reference to alcohol. Saying maybe we should have a drink sometime implies hanging out with the person in general. Nothing really flirty in my opinion. o_O

    Maybe I am just confused and an odd one I guess. hmm...:raccoon:
  8. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    I think it is quite regional bc where i live it can be interpreted as a flirtation too
    Tamorr likes this.
  9. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Maybe, but I just think it is the way I grew up, since I live in a region I would think takes that as flirting. USA. Tend to look at things in a literal way sometimes. ><
  10. Ryumaru

    Ryumaru Big Damn Hero

    I'm cool with either possibility.
  11. mrtallyman

    mrtallyman Starship Captain

    I know a few people have argued that we should disregard the respawn animation, but to input my own little interpretation, I've sorta felt like the presence of cloning that seems to be in every society could be what encourages interspecies romance among the less outright xenophobic factions, like the grounded or outcasts, or whatever relatively peaceful Floran settlements you encounter, as with the ability to reproduce through artificial means allows them to romance and perhaps setup whatever family dynamics they feel comfortable raising children in more freely.

    Also worthy of note, I recall hearing a glitch use the term "pretty as a Floran" so on some level they seem romanticize Florans as being visually appealing.
  12. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero


    But yeah, Floran-Glitch babies would be so adorable.
  13. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore *beams to ship*
    No! you can't breed the nice guys with the bad guys, that is immoral
    I'm Kidding
    FakeGeekGamerGirl likes this.
  14. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero

    Final boss is a hybrid of everything. O_O
    Nibolas O Anelbozas likes this.
  15. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    God Dammit! he's like "I'm the ultimate life form!" and his quest is to absorb every living thing in the universe so he can become a god like creature!
  16. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    Like, the thing? You know, that thing? Thing?

    Damn it, why must they name one of the scariest creature in horror movies like that?

    Anyway, I want to switch gear to hylotl. I like them, and I kind of wonder how romantic custom works for them and between them and other species.
    They have a double sided life (terrestrial/aquatic) and a double sided culture(traditional/modern) at the same time. I imagine they would be very complex.
    Nibolas O Anelbozas likes this.
  17. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    I can't find a lot of information on Hylotl romantic customs. Given their cultural similarity to Japan throughout it's history, I'd imagine their romantic customs would be quite similar, though adapted for their amphibious lifestyle.

    For instance, you might find young Hylotl lass preparing a watertight (and probably either Hylotl-themed or made of lacquered wood) bento full of savory and bitter traditional foods for a guy she's interested in, and presenting it to him at school. I'd surmise that arm-in-arm strolls through scenic kelp forests are popular, especially in the spring and summer when the waters are a bit warmer.
  18. CmereSweetHeart

    CmereSweetHeart Subatomic Cosmonaut

    50% FLORAN 50% AVIAN 50% GLITCH


    I am super serial about this
  19. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    don't forget star and fish
  20. CmereSweetHeart

    CmereSweetHeart Subatomic Cosmonaut

    t'was a south park reference but watev

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