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Pre-Order or not to Pre-Order

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by ZXCV4523, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero

    No, man. We eat cus we hungry. D'uh.
  2. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    lol i c
  3. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    weres the Tacos
  4. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Good point i guess i just want to know if there was anyone out there that was like you know what why should i pre-order but hasn't happen yet lol.
  5. Sir ceil

    Sir ceil Existential Complex

    (Off topic)
    Florans are carnivorous plants. (Could they be related to plants from earth making humans an elder species?) so they must eat in moderation between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
    (On topic)
    Really it is up to you but if you have been following it for a while and you want it for a good deal then buy it now. I did that with minecraft bought it the day the 1.4 Release came out (5 minutes before and let me tell you i was like WOA when the browser changed) I remember about wolves and all that cool stuff.
  6. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    just uploaded another video on the recent live stream feel free to check it out.

    Bandethor likes this.
  7. Earnold

    Earnold Orbital Explorer

    I am sure preorderes should be aware that we get to play the beta as a beta and not the full game but, the sense of preorder is in this case more to support and hasten the day of release rather than play the beta. :) Thanks for the Video
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  8. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Agreed and thanks for the thanks and you are right if you are going to pre-order it should be because you want to help the devs out and the access to the beta is really just a bonus.
    Earnold likes this.
  9. Lazypeanut

    Lazypeanut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I agree 100% with your talking about starbound in a general sense, also im not sure if its just me but i personally think that a lot of the soundtrack sounds a bit like some of the Kingdom hearts soundtrack, could just be me but it's just the tone (which is awesome btw huge fan of kingdom hearts) it has that deep silent and peacefull sound to it which i absolutely like chucklefish really outdone themselves with the soundtrack here absolutely amazing.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  10. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for the agree and the soundtrack is awesome :D i can't say i know the kingdom hearts soundtrack but i may check it out if sound anything like the starbound one :D
  11. Lazypeanut

    Lazypeanut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well it's mostly the one you played that reminded me a bit of this one.

    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  12. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Ah i c wat you mean now very nice :D
    Lazypeanut likes this.
  13. Lazypeanut

    Lazypeanut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, listening to it again it may not sound as much alike, but that peaceful and deep vibe it gives off is what reminded me i think.
    Starbound is gonna rock i personally think a soundtrack in a game is very important since that is what we are mostly gonna listen to while playing it :).
  14. MasterWii

    MasterWii Twenty-three is number one

    hm, i want Pre-Order this, but i think game in steam maybe will cost too low.
  15. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Just uploaded another video talking about the pre-order hitting the $1 million mark which is great :D
    Lazypeanut likes this.
  16. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Well another video all ready to go but this is it for now unless something crazy happens.
  17. Bandethor

    Bandethor Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. nice vids ZXCV4523 gonna sub to your channel :)
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  18. Sashley

    Sashley Aquatic Astronaut

    To be honest the pro order is worth it just for the soundtrack
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  19. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Thanks you :D you just made my day :D
    Bandethor likes this.
  20. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Agreed the sound track is really good just can't get enough of it :D

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