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Pre-Order or not to Pre-Order

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by ZXCV4523, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Vitez

    Vitez Orbital Explorer

    This isn't an EA game, of course you should pre-order.
  2. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    Seems about right.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  3. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Well yea EA hasn't being doing so well i only hope that they get there act together and maybe rethink some of there ideas because at the end of the day it is only really hurting us as they do push out good game but i feel they are trying to be too much of a business to the point they will sacrifice parts of the game to make more of a profit.
  4. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    i very much want to pre order, but i cant cause my mother cant pay in dolars, if the pre order was on steam i could pay with my country currency :cry:
  5. Questing

    Questing Starship Captain

    If you are this torn over whether or not to spend $15 bucks, then videogames probably aren't for you. I mean, this is an indie game. You can choose how little or how much you pay to a degree, as opposed to AAA games where it is locked at $69.99 or you have to wait a year to get it used. I preordered because I think the game looks pretty fucking good, and I really like the ideas that they are throwing around. If you have any doubt in your mind, then that is how that plays out. Its your money, so just sit back and relax and get comfortable, because noone is forcing you to do... Well... Anything with it. Take your time.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  6. ZXCV4523

    ZXCV4523 Big Damn Hero

    Thats a great way on looking at it after all as you stated it is a choice and only you can make that choice but i always like knowing what other people think hence the existents of this thread.
  7. zoudain

    zoudain Orbital Explorer

    For Minecraft, it was $10 in Alpha, and now it's $30. I expect somewhat the same for this game, so you should buy it while its less.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  8. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    Considering that I Pre-ordered the game like 5 times already, I would have to say Yes, it's totally worth it.
    Finn Learson, ZXCV4523 and Questing like this.
  9. Questing

    Questing Starship Captain

    Did they really not just give the game to you? "YEAH, YOU WORK FOR US, BUT TOUGH SHIT, ITS NOT A FREE RIDE, BUCKO" ahahahah.
  10. Khataclysme

    Khataclysme Big Damn Hero

    Pre-order of course !
    Also, thank you for videos :D
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  11. Shadow Stealer

    Shadow Stealer Orbital Explorer

    Do it! I'm waiting to be paid so then I can- interesting video too thanks for posting it :)
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  12. Earl Asplund

    Earl Asplund The Number of the Minibeast

    There are many aspects that a pre-order gives to the devs that your standard purchase at launch does not. Among the simplest, the devs are getting more money to help support themselves and speed up the development. Also, because we're paying them now, as opposed to later on when it is fully released/Beta, the money itself is worth more now than it is then due to inflation.

    The other aspect to pre-ordering is that the company gains confidence in the product they are making, and will be a huge morale boost to the staff. It also shows off in the marketting department, as they can visibly show that there is good interest in the game even though it's not out.

    So yes, please pre-order <3. The game's easily worth $15 (or if you have 3 friends, $11), and more, if you're able to donate further.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  13. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    Starbound is definitely a game to preorder. You get the starbound soundtrack, beta, and full game, and for a cheaper cost than if the game was out.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  14. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    indeed, wish i could pre order :up:
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    If you are ready to listen to this fine young man for 20 min
    Then you can!
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  16. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    the problem is i can only buy the game when it arrives at steam :)
  17. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    If the game was like 60 dollars or something like that, I'd say wait before you pre-order. But seeing as its only 15, I think that's a really good price.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  18. x6snake6x

    x6snake6x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nice video :up: but I feel that projects like these should be fully supported. I mean think about it, surely you've pre-ordered a game before that was less promising than this and for a much higher price. And I don't think anybody expects the beta to have full content or be bug free. It's a nice bonus for pre-ordering. In fact I don't think there's any reason why anybody interested in this project wouldn't pre-order (unless they don't have the money to do so for whatever reason).
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  19. MaceToTheEyes

    MaceToTheEyes Astral Cartographer

    Definitely pre-order. You get access to the beta, which means you can have a voice in the future development of the game.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.
  20. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Pre-order :
    • Take risk with less payment.
    • Youre supporting the game production before its released as sign to developers they are doing something people like.
    • You can always donate to the Starbound crew when games released if feel you didin't give them enough support.
    Release :
    • Less risk, yet pay more for something you would gotten cheaper.
    • You get to see video reviews/blogs/gossip about how did the game meet expectations of the audience.
    Those are only tiny portition affecting whole pre-order/release concept. These can be argued over if they are true or not, only my quick thoughs about the matter.
    Im sure one wouldn't be here posting if one weren't intrested of the game.

    Nice review overall, its good to see people doing these.
    ZXCV4523 likes this.

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