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Closed Post here if you are an XP user crashing at Chucklefish logo.

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Suhr, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    So one extreme or the other, is it?
  2. Aiden14

    Aiden14 Intergalactic Tourist

    XP SP2
    3.5 GIGS ram
    Pentuim4 3.40 Ghrz

    single core so the core affinity does jack for me... :lod:
  3. Asferot

    Asferot Void-Bound Voyager

    I was trying to be dramatic!

    But yea he is working on it and as far as we see they are close to fixing those damn crashes. All we can do is wait and have faith in them.
  4. Procrastinator Max

    Procrastinator Max Big Damn Hero

    Good thing I got a Mac
  5. Wrath42k

    Wrath42k Void-Bound Voyager


    "- Major work has gone into making the game work correctly onto windows XP (done, needs testing)"
    Well, theres some news, kinda.. Odd worded though, does this mean that the fix is done and needs testing? Or they need to test to get the fixes?
  6. TeddyGrams

    TeddyGrams Tentacle Wrangler

    ....then why are you even on this thread.....:mad:
    murdog, Pingeh and kentelljd like this.
  7. Sheogoraz

    Sheogoraz Master Chief

    Technically, I don't think that's a possible outcome.
    Starbound's Steam Store page clearly says "Windows XP" in the recommended requirements section. People bought the game with this in mind, and XP users are entitled to a working beta / full product, the same way Vista / 7 / 8 users are. As Asferot said, imagine the uproar if suddenly having Windows 8 was a necessity to run the game. If the devs just do a 180 and ask their costumers to change their OS, their previous sales pitch could be seen as false advertising and that'd be really bad publicity for Chucklefish.
  8. michal16202

    michal16202 Space Spelunker

    Any progress?

    LEYERSON Space Hobo

    hopefully we can play tonight! :D
  10. Wrath42k

    Wrath42k Void-Bound Voyager

    One can hope. . .
  11. Venusgate

    Venusgate Void-Bound Voyager

    Tried this. While Process lasso looks neat, it not only did not help me, but it gave me the same error three times simultaneously! Weee!
  12. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    It's happened before. What was that Steam game that flat out lied on its Steam page? War Z, I think? Besides, we didn't know the system specs for certain until the beta was launched on steam, way after we paid for it. I never meant to imply I thought Chucklefish wasn't going to make the game work on XP. I just meant that it was worrisome the way it was being handled with twitter. That's all. Don't crucify me for my opinion which wasn't meant to be taken so seriously.
  13. qazqazqaz

    qazqazqaz Master Chief

  14. Zoro the Gallade

    Zoro the Gallade Big Damn Hero

    Yep, and hopefully it won't just cause a new crash at the character creation screen or such.
  15. Nixeras

    Nixeras Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was getting errors like this on the server when I tried to run it, it turned out my universe files were corrupted. Go into your steamapps/common/starbound/ folder and move or rename your Universe folder, then try again.
  16. Corpsie

    Corpsie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can't really go into detail on Twitter, you know, what with the character limit and all that. Also the posts aren't particularly vague if you're used to coders. Personally I like seeing the progress even if it is just "aaaahhh it's all wrong and I want to hit it with a brick" or "which silly **** messed this up.. oh. I did." because that makes me feel like the coders are on our side and working bloody hard. It also humanises the face of the chaos.

    Rough guess as to what's happened (and I'm by no means an expert) is that while coding they've used a library (block of code pre-written so you don't have to do everything from scratch) that declared itself to be XP compatible when it wasn't. So it's basically playing silly buggers. Fortunately now the problem is isolated to a smallish area it shouldn't too hard to correct.

    I'm guessing the guys used libraries that declared everything to be cross-platform compatible and it's only now, this is showing up... for a host of reasons.
  17. Grey565

    Grey565 Tentacle Wrangler

    Well at the very least the Dev team as a whole get points for the speed of the patches, here's to hoping i can sit with a nice cold Ale and play some starbound soon
  18. Sheogoraz

    Sheogoraz Master Chief

    Haha. Nah, dude, I get it. We cool. I heard about the clusterfuck that was "The War Z", yeah ... man, these guys were a bunch of dickbutts.
    Anyhoo, fingers crossed and back to waiting for Bart to work his magic.
    Silverforte likes this.
  19. Zoro the Gallade

    Zoro the Gallade Big Damn Hero

    Instaswitching to CPU 0 only affinity worked some magic on me. Sure, it took 5 minutes in the Loading screen, lagged a lot while beaming down and fighting, and eventually crashed on its own...but those few moments I got to play the game I witnessed epicness. Trust me guys, it's worth waiting for. And hey, besides, it was the very first beta, it was guaranteed to have some game-breaking bug.
    foefaller, Pingeh and kentelljd like this.
  20. Nachoman

    Nachoman Starship Captain

    in which time zone devs live?
    What time is it in their own country?
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