REQUEST Portraits

Discussion in 'Mods' started by cyliie, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. cyliie

    cyliie Space Spelunker

    I am very fond of Stardew Valley portrait mods, I do love Mr. Concerned Ape's pixel art but right now I'm looking for new portraits, I just want to try something new. I am working on portraits of my own but it's very difficult, especially since I am not an artist. I have looked around at portraits and I haven't found any that fit my style, most of the mods I use change farm buildings and pet/horse/livestock skins, I do have a few that effect the game play, Siv's Marriage Mod and maybe a few others I installed a long time back. I had a friend who was going to do portraits for me but not only is pixel art challenging for her, she is very busy, the two of us were doing a sort of 'cute' or 'kawaii' style of portraits. I guess this might be a tall request but I am difficult and annoying like this where I want all the portrait art styles to be the same, I don't want bachelor's and bachelorette's from Person A, town's people from Person B, and anyone else from Person C. I also previously mentioned having Siv's Marriage Mod, I want something compatible with that, if that's possible. Well I know I'm asking for a lot but I thought I might put my request out there and see if I get any replies.

    -<3 cyliie

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