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Poll: Option to enable hunger and/or switch back to extreme weather gear (please read top post)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by arden03, Dec 27, 2014.


Who else would like an option to enable hunger bar and bring weather clothing back (remove tech)?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Recipes now are unlocked solely by cooking with the ingredients. So no not even that is a challenge
    arden03 likes this.
  2. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Yes, but it's a matter of degrees and personal opinion, isn't it?

    Mmmm dunno. I CAN envision people deciding to take the 1000-flavor challenge just because it exists. Like I said, simply giving the OPTION is a strong compulsion technique. It's why I'm still hunting down in-game clothes I'll never wear (and likely will never even attach to NPCs if/when that option is available).

    But that's also kind of ridiculous hyperbole. I'd be shocked if the varieties of ice cream in the official game hit double-digits even after a few massive post-1.0 content add-ons (mods not included). And I don't anticipate a huge influx of new foods in the near future... but a pretty extensive rekajiggering of the foods that are there now after more playtesting, not to mention the inclusion of other progression methods they've mentioned.

    Hell, if anything, simply being able to SELL things would be a pretty hefty game-changer right there for food AND more or less everything else, depending on how they price stuff and what is and isn't sellable. (I imagine there's gonna be a lot of stuff you either can't or you're gonna get jack for. Finished food dishes, or hell ANYTHING you have to craft... probably not in the "no" or "jack" columns.) I have a hard time seeing that function not making it to 1.0.

    That's just it... that "tipping point" is going to be a vast gray cloud of opinion. People apparently went nuts on the "design a hat" thing way back, and those sure don't do much... hell, collecting technically-pointless customization options is almost a cottage industry in games nowadays.

    I mean, let's bring up the mods, because the ones for the last stable added more and more and more stuff, from races to decor on down, much of it purely aesthetic. Any number of computer consoles and video screens and wall decor. Some damn good practical items have come from it (Skyrails being a biggie), but also a metric ton of just visual things. People clearly likes the stuffs.

    And let's be honest, there's got to be some caution as to "what the fans want", as a long time online in multiple fandoms has taught me that by and large "the fans" can't agree on jack while things are changing and new and fresh, and tempers run hot and impulsive (thus my general "wait and see" attitude). And letting the fan winds push CF's sails too much has bit them in the ass. The whole matter of the frequency of stable updates causing universe/character wipes that people hated causing the move to less-frequent stable updates to none for months as the stuff they ewre workign was GOING to erase pretty much everything thus the move to the nightly updates, for example...

    And overall, I find the Avians' foods and the Glitchs' variety of foods and etc an enjoyable bit of lorebuilding, "immersion" in its own way. Less to a mechanic and more to a broad narrative... and the broad narrative of the universe is a major chunk of why this game appeals to me. These give me a better sense of who these people are as a people, and spark the imagination. (I imagine meat's not common in the Avian diet not because they don't eat it, but because the priest-class have declared it as Not For The Common Folk.) Giving these items a practical in-game purpose -even if a redundant one- gives them just that much more weight. I like having that "tangibly" in the game rather than banished to some external piece of fiction. It won't be for everyone, but you can say that for most major aspects of the game (build vs combat, for example). Hell, some people are so vested in this universe's fiction already they RP as their species of choice in the forums.

    There's not gonna be an easy, please-all answer. And part of the problem is that all this we're seeing here IS pretty much how game development happens, always. Stuff that was in the initial pitch gets scrapped or massively overhauled. Inspiration strikes at inopportune times. We just didn't use to see it happen. We're watching the sausage get made, and that's never pretty... and to some degree, we're watching the sausage get invented.

    I'll fully agree that the game right now doesn't feel QUITE focused enough, but, well, to use another metaphor, the clay isn't dried and painted yet. There's more polish and chiseling to be done.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    Mendacium and arden03 like this.
  3. Texmar

    Texmar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Point is the Challenge of the hunger bar, stim pack and bandages regen your health bar. Certain foods would regen your hunger bar to a degree. The reason to complete recipes, I wouldnt have to worry so much about my health til the end and eat a stew or something to regen the bar completely. Those annoyed most likely just ate the cooked meat over and over to finally reach a complete health bar. Accept the challenge, don't start a seed collection.
    HI-MAX² and Darklight like this.
  4. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    this is because the things they were doing were new... they were still turning their collection of ideas into code and replacing the old code with it... not to mention art and passing the assets around and waiting for the assets to come back to continue working... that guess and checking is always the longest part, and I'll be that wasn't the only task they were working on because never in game development are you only working on one thing, especially in a small company, that wastes time.[DOUBLEPOST=1419873762][/DOUBLEPOST]
    it's a survival game... or was. now it feels more like an adventure game. survival. you eat to survive dont you? it's not just not dying but actively working to live.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    Mendacium and HI-MAX² like this.
  5. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    i agree with you though I would defend 'haphazardly' while in development holds different meaning. Though the system felt thrown together by the user and maybe not all the code was finalized and polished, it was organized and thorough note taking undoubtedly took place.[DOUBLEPOST=1419879868][/DOUBLEPOST]
    it's not about redundancy, and in the old system food DID offer a decent amount of healing, but it was also something that felt rewarding because there was a clear and obvious reward to using it buff or not. as it stands there is very little use for the buffs even now and some of them are 'cosmetic' buffs (which are great, i totally lovethe idea of the buffs and the cosmetic buffs), but little effects that are essentially meaningless to survival or combat just don't offer the same kind of reward to taking the time to farm and craft. This is about giving the gameback the feel that attracted many of us to it, and what gave it survival defining mechanics. Survival isn't about just not dying, it's about actively living. Right now the game is more an adventure game than survival, and I came here for the survival, so an option to get some of the game back that I paid to support in the kickstarter would be nice...[DOUBLEPOST=1419880130][/DOUBLEPOST]
    we just want the option to have a survival game, and see features they already had implemented back... if you want to have an adventure game then you still have it. Development will be ongoing for a while now. as an edit to be completely frank, until the devs come back and say exactly how much time it would take or even a yes/no, everyone is speculating and the ones against the time it would take want the game done now anyway and the idealists as you label them are mostly just people who are making suggestions hoping that things they like make it in... even if they add 2 months (which is an overstated amount of time honestly) to total development time it won't change the final release date enough to make much difference.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
    Tamorr likes this.
  6. Fluff

    Fluff Title Not Found

    While they both need reworked on different levels I want both back so badly.
    I was massively disappointed with their removal and put off playing the update because of it, actually.

    It's not to say I won't play again, I will, I was just really sad to see unique features that I enjoyed and helped further set the game apart for things like Terraria removed.
    arden03 and HI-MAX² like this.
  7. DSMK2

    DSMK2 Phantasmal Quasar

    [Hindsight. I really take forever to post anything]

    Might as well distill it down into a keep-food-edible simulator then at the very least; it'll easily deal with the "having tons of food enough to trivialize the hunger meter".

    Uncooked meat - Fast time-to-spoil
    Uncooked greens - Moderate time-to-spoil
    Cooked food - Moderate time-to-spoil (Buffs!)
    Preserved food - Very long time-to-spoil (Jerky!)
    Processed food - Lasts forever, a salty, greasy, yet delicious product of civilization yeah!

    Food gained within a period of time counts towards their respective stacks. Food gained outside that period will form their own stacks; thus taking up more slots. Stick food into dedicated food storage to 'freeze' their spoil timers. Foods recently gained should be prefixed with 'fresh', before decaying enough to lose that prefix, then onwards to a 'spoiled' prefix(magically disappearing food items would be annoying). Use spoiled food as fertilizer to speed up farming for more food :V

    Very Fresh -> Fresh -> <no prefix> -> old -> spoiled (green/brown overlay over icon/item)

    Thus at start, new characters are encouraged to farm or hunt often to keep their food stores high, while older characters have to juggle 'fresh' food and inventory space... The hunger meter doesn't need to be changed, you eat food, it refills, simple as that; it's just the other mechanics around that needs to be updated to make it more... Survival-ish.
    Mendacium and arden03 like this.
  8. HI-MAX²

    HI-MAX² Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If there's one thing I like about some of Nintendo developers is that they follow the logic that good games can be simple and yet unique. Just sayin'...
    DeadlyLuvdisc, Tamorr and arden03 like this.
  9. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    spoil timers are honestly off topic, and would probably cater to a much smaller group, so a mod would probably be the best way to go for that plus... DSMK2 you are really into food, dude, lol
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
    HI-MAX² and Tamorr like this.
  10. Morsus98

    Morsus98 Industrial Terraformer

    I miss temperature and hunger, but like food being used to heal. I'd like temperature back no question, but I'd like food to keep it's healing properties. At the moment I'm drowning in pearl peas :(
    arden03 likes this.
  11. Lmaoboat

    Lmaoboat Void-Bound Voyager

    Removing survival mechanics is a leap in the wrong direction. I think different types of planets already felt like pallete swaps as it was.
    c2h5oc2h5, Mendacium and arden03 like this.
  12. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    Certain foods always had healing properties even from the start, I doubt they'll change that, and the temp bar was really great, freezing to death was an awesome mechanic and should also be an option you can enable.
  13. Caelorum

    Caelorum Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I honestly don't understand anyone who votes no to this.

    It's literally stated as an option. It'll make both sides happy. Options should NEVER be said no to in a game. If you say no to options, you're an idiot.

    Like people who say no to sitting down in chairs, or drinking/eating/emotes in a game because "It's not a sims game gawd". Who cares, having the OPTION is nice. If you don't like it, don't do it. If you like it, do it. Everyone wins.

    I would really just like a "Realism" check box when you start your character, Next to the difficulties. Enables hunger, armor/temp system, things like that.
    arden03 likes this.
  14. Mendacium

    Mendacium Industrial Terraformer

    I can't really say much about new system suggestions, as I am no game designer, but I can say that the survival aspects of Starbound were some of the main factors that drew me to the game in the first place. The fact that it is a rogue-like, survival sim, RPG is (was) amazing. I truly hope they re-implement some version of the survival systems back into the game.

    Just a thought: Instead of having tech completely replace equipment for heating (any perhaps cooling at some point), perhaps the vanity/costume equipment slots could be used specifically for environmental/survival concerns.
    arden03 and c2h5oc2h5 like this.
  15. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    Personally, I can't explain why, but I really liked how the old heat/cold/hunger system felt.

    However, a few fleshed out survivor type mods may be more interesting than having the core mechanics include it. Additionally, getting rid of the old heat/cold mechanic thing may have been a good thing as now you're encouraged more to dig around and explore underground at the beginning of the game. Also, I do like all the extra effects that the game has added to the food. Expanding those effects a bit to make food and recipes worth cultivating and collecting might be a good idea whether we have a hunger system or not. Additionally, having those effects added to the description would be good.

    Still, I miss fearing the cold, dangerous nights where food was scarce and survival sometimes meant shutting yourself in a cave and huddling around a camp fire until dawn arrives.
    Texmar and Darklight like this.
  16. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Wow, that's so nice of you to say.

    So hypothetically, you'd vote in favor of an optional feature that took the entire Chucklefish team five years to complete, even though only a handful of people supported the feature, just because it makes "both sides happy"? Because I think that would only benefit the people who did want the feature, at the cost of five years of development time that could have been used to improve the game for everyone else. Just a thought-- you probably won't pay it any mind, since I'm an "idiot".

    Since when has that ever been a reason to not discuss a topic?

    Game developers have to decide where the tipping point for their own game would lie, so why not think about it ourselves? Personally, I'd set the bar at around a dozen options that share the same function. That'd be like two shades of every color of the rainbow, plus black, white, and gray. Or a dozen different shapes of energy projectiles, plus a dozen more for bullets, maybe a few missiles and grenades. A dozen healing items, a dozen buff items, and a dozen food items would be enough for me. I'm not completely indifferent to the benefits of superficial variety, I just think real, functional variety is more beneficial to the game and so that's where development should be focused. After all, superficial things are the easiest to mod.

    My point about diminishing returns is that the Chair weapon is just one item, and it brings untold joy to many kinds of players-- hardcore collectors and casuals alike. Compare this with the theoretical ice cream flavors, which would only exist as a "challenge" to the collectors, or a tiny bit of immersion for the role players. The amount of work that goes into the chair is hypothetically less than 1% of the work effort that would go into the ice cream flavors, but you get so much more joy out of it because it is accessible to most players. Ice cream probably wouldn't deliver the same results, even to collectors and role players who might not even notice some missing flavors. Because of this, I think it makes more sense for something like this to be left to modding.

    And sure enough, that's what they're doing-- They'll bring back hunger and warmth when they feel they have enough time to make it fully fleshed out, without detracting from other mechanics which they are focusing on at the moment. Personally, I suspected this from the moment they announced it because they do tend to pander to their fans too much, and a lot of the CF fans on these forums have gotten used to the idea of Starbound being a survival game.
  17. Treldent-02

    Treldent-02 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You know that hunger is probably going to come back, right? as Tiy mentioned in the latest post, they weren't happy with how the huner system worked, so that's why it was removed, i believe hunger may actually come back at some point
  18. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Perhaps you should look at the date the thread was made
  19. Treldent-02

    Treldent-02 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, whoops
  20. Odai

    Odai Void-Bound Voyager

    i agree, hunger and temperature was a nice feature i dont want it gone :(

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