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Poll: Option to enable hunger and/or switch back to extreme weather gear (please read top post)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by arden03, Dec 27, 2014.


Who else would like an option to enable hunger bar and bring weather clothing back (remove tech)?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Healing isn't something new. A burger could refill your HP when wearing impervium armor and that was with hunger the way it was. Also the buffs are worthless since techs, status pods stims and basic gamer skills render them irrelevant.
    arden03 likes this.
  2. Image Not Available

    Image Not Available Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think the old heat system needed some changes because the snow armor became obsolete too quickly and so I'd just avoid cold planets until I got high level armor which had enough insulation to make it a non-issue (though it was kinda neat having to pitch down a tent and a camp fire at night). But the new system is just pointless. It arbitrarily gates your progress and then goes on to become a minor annoyance because you have to switch suits between planets. Might as well just have the nav computer give out an error saying you can't go to this planet because you haven't done arbitrary task X yet. Same thing goes for the hunger system. The bar might have been a minor annoyance at best but with the current system food is just completely pointless. The old systems might have needed change, but the change they did wasn't it.

    Speaking of wasted, I wish CF hadn't spent so much time adding content to this new food system and instead just put in some recipes and then released it to see if it even works. As it stands that is who knows how much dev time spent on a system that (IMO) is fundamentally flawed. Similarly a lot of weapons from the Aegisalt etc. tiers are wasted now because of balance changes as are many of the old bosses. I feel Starbound could be so much further ahead if the devs sacrificed content quantity for iteration time and spent more time getting the core mechanics down before adding a billion different food recipes.
  3. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    that's why having the option to choose what you want in the game is needed, that's what we are all looking for, the option to turn these different mechanics on and/or off for our characters. Those of us that want a more well rounded experience rather than a streamlined and frankly flat gamaing experience want to be able to enable those options, the ones that initially attracted many of us to the game and give our support in the first place.
  4. Image Not Available

    Image Not Available Pangalactic Porcupine

    Having options like that is pretty bad actually. Just think about it, implementing an option takes time and effort. They would have to maintain both the survival and non-survival mode, balance both, bugfix both, etc. Yet you would only use one option and all the dev time that goes into the other is wasted on you. So why would you want them to waste dev time on an option you are not going to use? You essentially end up with all the effort for half the game.
  5. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, going back to beta times of other games, like Minecraft, it was a Creative game where your only target was building stuff.
    No mobs, no dying, no weapons, no farm, nothing.

    Starbound had all of this survival stuff from the beginning and just threw it away, which is bad. "Ranked survival" stuff can be done later, no problem with that, but at least giving a balanced survival experience sounds like a great deal.
    And this game runs mostly on scripting, which means the hunger was a pretty simplistic concept of a bar draining at a given rate. Based on preferences you can simply use a greater or lower rate.

    Also, is really funny when noobs die of starvation.
    HI-MAX², arden03 and Beatrice like this.
  6. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    the game is still in development... and according to the poll over 80% of people that have cast votes would like the option to enable certain gameplay features that have been taken out for whatever reason... so actually it would be worth the extra time which wouldnt be that taxing seeing as how they have the options we want back already implemented in previous versions they just need to tweak them. If they take their time, once they have the menus up and running it's a short jump to have it ready... 2 weeks maybe a month, and with us not even in beta stage 2 yet it isn't that crazy to want something like this implemented.
    HI-MAX² and Osoreshi like this.
  7. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Having an option isn't bad... and the game isn't done. There's no end in sight to the development time. Both the current and old systems exist, I can't imagine setting it up to be a toggle would take months to do.
  8. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    oh the toggle wouldnt take months, but it might take a month to set it up AND balance it while also working on everything else they are working on. With all of that a month is a generous estimate admittedly, but not unreasonable.
  9. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    I just want to see some statement regarding all of this from the developers.
    Texmar and Osoreshi like this.
  10. Texmar

    Texmar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To me the hunger added a different sense of game play, I would have to load out by bag before leaving on my next trek or mining run. I'll just save the extra space and not carry food.
  11. weirdee

    weirdee Big Damn Hero

    The main issue with this is that they basically have to write back in all those values for food and gear (keeping in mind how many food items there are, which you saw if you've been keeping track of newsposts), which are probably outdated by now or not even present on newer items. There isn't just a switch that they're flipping that says "be mean to players". In addition, it seems like prices, growth rates, and general availability of food and gear is being balanced around the new system, so even if they did put it back in, they would have to juggle both systems. If you've ever seen Runescape since they tried to accommodate two different combat systems (in servers with players with BOTH MODES), it's a huge, conglomerated mess that's too messy in spots and homogenized in others. Like Jagex, Chucklefish would either be forced to adopt the old system wholesale, or mess the game up heavily to give you something that wouldn't really be that satisfying and heavily polarize the playerbase. I don't think this is going to happen.
    Consumer of Souls likes this.
  12. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    I'm not sure anyone here was naive enough to think it was as simple as flipping a switch.
  13. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    hopefully they have the code set up to be able to add qualifiers to bulk items... it could actually be very easy depending on how everything is set up.
  14. HI-MAX²

    HI-MAX² Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, I asked who is losing more (players or devs) cuz both lose with this broken system. This game WAS advertised with these features, there're still selling sites where these features are in the product description.

    And if in the end they don't come back? We'll be paying for useless content!

    "This game has a complex food and farming system." That so far I haven't needed to use. Several drawn and added items for nothing. How much time was spent on this, anyway? TIME IS MONEY, GUYS.

    "This game has multiple harsh environments and weather system." Environments that can be bypassed with a click. Weather is just eyecandy now.

    Guy 1: "Look! A blizzard is coming!"
    Guy 2: "Ah, yes. Let's sit and admire this beautiful visual effect."
    arden03 and Osoreshi like this.
  15. arden03

    arden03 Big Damn Hero

    they could add the hunger bar back in very easily without rewriting everything by just assigning hunger values to the new system if a bar is enabled... you make it sound like the devs are haphazardly doing things arms flailing... they have all the code, all the dev notes and competent engineers... this isn't brain surgery.
  16. Osoreshi

    Osoreshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Speaking honestly, it is that easy.

    Weirdee has some reason still, since all hunger values from food were completely removed.
    We have a big number of consumables which are supposed to replenish hunger.
    Still... they can all be edited in any text editor by adding a single line in the right place, like (for example) "hungerreplenish" : 30. (I can't remember original variable)
    Writing this down around 80 times iteratively doesn't sound like a major task. Then they recover the old and archaic hunger script, and we are set.
    Plus, edit the effect of "well fed" to make you unable to feel hunger while the buff/debuff lasts. Better dishes make the "well fed" buff/debuff last longer and make you worry less.
    Tamorr and arden03 like this.
  17. DSMK2

    DSMK2 Phantasmal Quasar

    Well for environments, I would like to see some work-up to player character immunity to certain 'extreme' hazards i.e. rad suit to advanced rad suit to rad nano-suit. Something like, from the O2 suit, leads to forked progression towards the other three types, and maybe more (find an inventor crazy enough for a poison suit so you can swim in oceans made of deadly poison!); not like the linear progression currently seen in the unstable update.

    On the other note, I think the problem with the hunger system of old is that it's too... One dimensional? You can eat food anywhere, at anytime without anything happening to the food item...
    • Eat food during a sandstorm: Eat sand, and lots of it
    • Eat food under the sea: Eat saltwater- and whatever else was in it
    • Eat food on a radioactive planet: Eat a tentacle monstrosity of a corn cob
    • Eat food on a extreme heat planet: Eat ashes
    • Eat food on a extreme cold planet: Break your teeth on a food shaped bit of ice
    • Eat food that has been sitting in your pocket and not a fridge for a few days: Yum, yum, naturally aged food sprinkled with space fungus!
    I mean, there wasn't any need for food preservation or storage (especially in your inventory, being on a radioactive planet should do things); once you had more than enough stacks of food, you could pretty much last entire multiple sessions. Not only that, I guess food generally filled a set amount of the hunger bar, anything worked. Could've had quest lines to unlock various levels of cooler boxes :rock:


    I'm seeing these particular systems being potentially greatly expanded modules that can be added to the base game for some reason...
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    Osoreshi likes this.
  18. Texmar

    Texmar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just want the hunger bar, this is too much.:(
    arden03 and HI-MAX² like this.
  19. HI-MAX²

    HI-MAX² Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maaan... Not this again... If you follow this logic that ALL should make sense we'll have a more broken game than the worst unstable version ever.

    Let me break this a little more... :lod:

    • Hyloltl shouldn't have trouble breathing underwater. Also, they should need to rehydrate their bodies every day.
    • Glitch shouldn't eat or have problems with temperatures. But a simple rain would be enough to fry them.
    • Apex shouldn't have problems with cold, but with heat. Also, all food prepared by them would have remnants of monkey hair. How about?

    Someone want me to continue?
    Texmar and arden03 like this.
  20. DSMK2

    DSMK2 Phantasmal Quasar

    Not really logic when I thought about it, but rather to make food more 'valuable' without thinking of the playable races... Bringing back the simple hunger system, but a somewhat detailed "food system" to make replenishing your hunger bar far more interesting (take corn to a extreme heat planet and get pockets filled with popcorn). Like I've said, just having a good few stacks of unchanging food trivialized the hunger system to me, something needs to happen to the food items to make for some crazy survival conditions for the unprepared.

    Might as well stick with the unstable food-for-buffs and heals then (though I'm all for a checkbox for survival) :V

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