Please Implement A Warp Beacon, Doing Anything Underground Is Tedious Without It

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Pizzarugi, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. dra6o0n

    dra6o0n Big Damn Hero

    Sugar. Its mostly super sweet when you bite into the non-grain stuff. Artificial flavors too!
  2. ASalesman

    ASalesman Void-Bound Voyager

    I think maybe instead of a "warp beacon" there could be "teleportation pads." Instead of being able to abuse a warp beacon underground and beam up to your ship from anywhere, these teleportation pads could teleport you to another place on the planet, say the surface.

    Using a teleportation pad requires at least two terminals on the same planet.

    I suggest this idea because I think it makes sense that you cant beam up from underground. It would be cool to see these teleportation pads implemented in the game.

    My thread-----> here!
  3. djskagnetti

    djskagnetti Space Spelunker

    I played Terraria way more than any normal person should, along with trying a ton of different mods. One of the coolest was a portal mod, I forget the name of it and who made it, but it was really cool. It took a lot of materials, like 10 of each gemstone and other stuff in the game to make just one, but once you made two you could place one at your base and the other at any other place in the game. If you clicked on the one at your base, you teleported to the second portal. If you clicked the second portal, it transported you back to the one at your base. It was a progression going in order as they were placed, so if you had five placed about the world, you would click the first and that would bring you to the second one you placed, then two brought you to three, three to four, four to five, and five back to the first one you placed. It was such a simple mod, but made traversing to areas you wanted to go very easy. You already had to get there once to place the portal, and having 10 of each gemstone was a difficult task just to make one, so it was more end-gamey than noob-friendly.

    If nothing else, the Magic Mirror that was originally part of the game was one of the best items in Terraria. Going down is easy, coming back up is tedious. Just hit that mirror and *bamf* you were home again at your bed. Maybe have it take resources to make a "magic mirror" in the game, so it's a one time thing, if you are worried this makes it too easy, and to use it again you have to make another one. Maybe like 1 diamond = 1 teleport back to base. Or 100 diamond. Whatevs.

    I bought this game yesterday and so far love it beyond belief, with portals and mirrors or without.
  4. Brixmon

    Brixmon Phantasmal Quasar

    no but guys
    you're ignoring the elephant in the room here guys
    but no

    ...Seriously though, I just read through 3 of 14 pages consisting completely largely of "This is naught but an 'oh shit gtfo' button idea and eliminates all challenge ever and cannot be balanced at all ever. Bad idea objectively." I was surprised that only a few people here thought that MAYBE the OP wasn't talking about Magic Mirror-type items or tech.
    Here's my idea.
    First: They would NOT be usable-from-inventory magic mirror "oh shit better skedaddle" items. These would either not exist or be very late-game.
    Instead, they would be placeable two-way 'furniture' items. They'd probably become available by Tier 2, maybe 3.

    Changing the inherent spawn location isn't necessary if you can build these teleporter networks.
    They can function in one of two ways:

    1. They are somewhat inexpensive, but you cannot use them underground (though if my hunch is right, the whole "rocks are in the way" argument is an invalid justification because, in an atmosphere, the gas is in the way and a person being beamed down traveling at FTL speeds would react no differently to gas atoms in the way than they would to much denser rock atoms in the way. The reaction being a nuclear explosion.) and there would be elevators to compensate for this.
    2. They are fairly expensive, and can be used underground.

    Also, I feel it necessary to restate this in case it was not obvious to people who seemed to have a grasp of the concept:
    Tedium does not equal challenge. It equals boring. Which equals "not fun". Games are supposed to be fun.
    Lost in Nowhere likes this.
  5. Ataraxi4

    Ataraxi4 Space Hobo

    I agree, they should either be expensive/expendable on use if they are to function underground, otherwise they would be a tad Op, risk should be a factor when tunnelling underground and planning your route etc. OR only work above ground and be reasonably inexpensive, this would also address the adjustable warp location that people have been requesting when warping from the ship to the planet.
  6. Ataraxi4

    Ataraxi4 Space Hobo

    Or something like this but it costs pixels to use?
  7. 1wolffan

    1wolffan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ooh I like this idea quite a bit. You move one end, you have to re-link them. Thank you for thinking of it. :D

    NOTE: Still reading the rest of the posts, before adding my own idea.
  8. 1wolffan

    1wolffan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, now that I've read all 14 pages, I can compose a decent response:
    To the Haters...
    Pokemon version: So, you never used the running shoes/bikes/fly HM's in your game...
    Other RPGs: Or the airships/ships/other-vehicles in your games either?
    To people recommending "just dig a tunnel straight down to the core" and/or "with line-of sight to other pads"...
    Did it ever occur to you, that some folks might find the most charm in leaving things looking natural, as they go through their landscapes? With maybe an occasional dedicated/decorated mining area just to find natural caves?

    As several people have mentioned, the teleporters should be stationary-furniture objects (MAYBE some later tier versions could be handheld/consumable). The idea about not being able to teleport out when monsters are nearby is also a pretty good one; as is having to hold still for several seconds to use it.

    As mentioned in my post above, I REALLY like the idea of having to relink placed pads when you move them around; but there should also be a "to the ship" version/option. I also think there should be more than one pair of pads to be able to link, in case you find multiple interesting build-sites. The network of jump-sites also has some pretty good merit, but may be tougher to code.

    There should definitely be multiple tiers of 'porter-tech. There were several posts about surface-spawn devices, that led to direct pairings, that led to full-networks, etc.

    As for materials...[​IMG]See that metal room in the upper-left (the astute observer may even find a second one)? That's a hole in the wall that I decorated to look like a teleporter from certain sci-fi franchises. ;) It's 7-blocks wide, and 8 blocks tall. There are 3 different kinds of metal, using both front and back build-layers, a sliding metal door, and a couple Fluorescent lights for effect. The specific items used are: 43 lite-metal-blocks, 12 steel-blocks, 23 hi-tech-blocks, 2 fluorescent lights, and 1 metal sliding door.

    I happened to find these items in a couple Apex Structures, and decided to use them to make 'realistic-looking' teleportation rooms. But if those blocks are also craftable (I at least know steel blocks are), perhaps this could be an effective recipe and/or item size.

    If you read this far, thank you for your time, and we'll just have to wait and see. ;)
  9. kalez

    kalez Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I really don't see the problem. Grab all the ores while you are there so you don't have to come back, and if you think it is too difficult to find your way to the surface (I've never had an issue), just exit the game and restart.

    I think, if anything, there could be a one-time-use "return to location" beam point beacon, so if you REALLY want to come back to that spot (which I could see if there was a certain dungeon or something found underground and your inventory might be full), you set the beacon down, find your way out, and then you can beam back to that location from your ship. This method prevents it from being overpowered and allowing free beaming to anywhere around the planets and such.
    LuckyRare likes this.
  10. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    Yep, I'd much rather have a beam BACK to where I was than a "OSHI..." button.
    kalez likes this.
  11. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    14 pages.... I'm not touch'n that...

    But I had my own suggestion and reading the title of this topic this would be more appropriate of me to post it here.

    Yes, warp beacons.

    My suggestion is a collection of gates.

    At stage 1, you'd be capable of crafting short range beacons, which can teleport you to points within the same worldspace or from your ship.
    These would be Local gates. You would place them as any furniture item and interact with them to turn them on. From a Local Gate you could warp to any other Local Gate on the planet, or to/from your ship.
    These would be difficult to build, so they'd more be available for later on in the tier, and not for example right when you're still scraping up wood to build a crafting table or stone ax. But more when you're working with iron.

    At stage 2, around when you start being able to work with agestalt, you could build sector gates, which would be surface-only gates that are larger to place and only one can be placed on a planet at once. A sector gate would be able to warp you to any other planet within the same sector, as the name suggests, so long as there is another sector gate there. Your ship's teleporter is counted as a sector gate once the ability to use them is unlocked.

    At stage 3, around when you can work with Rubium or so, you could build Galaxy Gates. Which would warp to any other galaxy gate regardless of location or sector.

    All gates would be managed through an in-game menu, like the quest or codex menus, which would both efficiently manage a large selection of placed warp gates and coupled with having to place a warp gate before hand, severely limit their ability to be used in "Oh, shit" moments.

    The main purpose of this mod would be in allowing proper exploration without fear of losing any interesting planets you want to keep, without having to save the coordinates elsewhere such as the little notepad document I have saved and hassle-free, and to allow the easy return to the points that make the planet interesting in the first place. ie; that unique and interesting dungeon or town you discovered.

    I might suggest a Pocket Portal as well, which could be a very end-game tech that can be used to open up the warp menu to warp to any applicable warp gates as though you had used a Galaxy Gate, Sector Gate, or Local Gate.
  12. Paragon123

    Paragon123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    How about, the teleports are furnature... but you need to fuel them before you can use them. Each time you use it, you lose a 2 fuel, it can store 200 fuel.

    when you place the teleporter it takes x amount of time to boot up. Once you put it on the ground it takes as long as a tree take to grow to become active.

    Each telepad has an input and an output wiring node. Using the pad teleports you to a randomly selected pad connected from your current pads output.
    e.g Pad 1 has no input, output connects to pad 2. Pad 2 input is pad 1 output is pad 3 and 4
    using pad 1 always sends you to pad 2, using pad 2 sends you to either 3 or 4 randomly.
    This actually makes it much more difficult than an Oh S*** button because you have to travel that distance with nothing but your wiring tool equipped.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2014
  13. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm one of those people who wants a 2 way porter to get back to where I was not out of it in an instant. But everyone only thinks of it as "It's the panic button, can't have that!"

    Who in their right mind would bother building anything if you can save&quit to get back to the ship (without building anything and near the core)?
    Lost in Nowhere likes this.
  14. Vaeux

    Vaeux Big Damn Hero

    Oh hey, this sounds like a good place to shamelessly plug my mod, Planetside Teleporters.

    They can't teleport you between planets, aren't balanced/limited in any way, and require the use of a unique tech... but you can use them to instantly teleport from one spot to another, once you've set them up. They're pretty handy if you care more about convenience than whether their implementation is "fair".
  15. WolfBane

    WolfBane Phantasmal Quasar

    I kept on forgetting to share it myself, or else I would have. I recommend this mod!~
  16. kalez

    kalez Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah, it is kind of pointless to have something like that.

    Technically, there already is a panic button :p "Save/Quit."
    Lost in Nowhere likes this.
  17. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

  18. Anhrak

    Anhrak Big Damn Hero

    Deciding yourself where you want to be warped. Best idea ever so far.

    Though, what only confuses me a bit... when you want to warp to somewhere, people are going to apply logic too that they want to be able to warp OUT of the planet from that same spot too

    Also, I'm concerned about abuse. If people can decide where they want to spawn when warping from their ship, people can easily go mine, quickly store ores in their ship, and continue straight away where they left off. There *is* already a way how you can warp instantly back to your ship from wherever you are: "Save and Quit game".
  19. Raptoral ze great guy

    Raptoral ze great guy Big Damn Hero

    How about stronger beacons become available as you progress through the tiers
  20. Raptoral ze great guy

    Raptoral ze great guy Big Damn Hero

    I think what the author of the post is thinking of is a large warp pad, not just something to plonk down in emergencies
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