Please Help. Mods stop working after a day.

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Kaicea, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. Kaicea

    Kaicea Space Hobo

    So this has happened to me twice now and I have no idea what is going on or how to fix it but whenever I download a mod where you have to click the config.json file...
    ... and and edit the number it always works... for a single day then just stops out of no where. I have tried redownloading and resaving the file but nothing works so far. Any idea what is happening?
    • Roskii Heiral

      Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

      Have you installed SMAPI?
      • Kaicea

        Kaicea Space Hobo

      • Roskii Heiral

        Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

        Hmmm, I don't have any experience with that particular mod, but that kind of behavior really shouldn't happen without you having a part in it. I use timespeed and the settings i adjust always hold. Are you doing anything else with the files? You really haven't given much to work with in your report.
        • Entoarox

          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

          log please, I need information available in the log so I can help you

          See on where to find the log.

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