Planets/Star systems at war

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Speno1, May 15, 2012.

  1. Shahab

    Shahab Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    great idea.
    this would add lots of depth
    Speno1 likes this.
  2. Speno1

    Speno1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks :p
  3. Speno1

    Speno1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Cool ideas guys!
  4. Tyler Widner

    Tyler Widner Master Chief

    Ehhumm "Star uhmm WARS" people thisis starting to look like terraria in starwars troll face :))
  5. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Keep up the good work guys good stuff coming from this thread.
    MrCreeper123125 and Speno1 like this.
  6. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't see something being like this in SB, I could be wrong but I just highly doubt it :/ but its always good to keep you're hopes up xP
  7. Speno1

    Speno1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  8. NuclearPicklenomaly

    NuclearPicklenomaly Phantasmal Quasar

    Dont be sad. :cookie: If the community thinks its a bit too much or too difficult to implement, then you could just tone it down some. Make it more simple so that the possibility of its implementation is higher. All you have to do is think up ideas, and the devs will likely take notice of those ideas and take it into consideration. So remember, even if we cant decide for sure what goes into the game, we can at least spark more ideas in their heads ^__^.

    And i DO think this is a good idea. Good mid to high level stuff X3 !
  9. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Cheer up friend dont worry about a thing cus every little thing is gonna be alright.:):cookie:
    Dementia and MrCreeper123125 like this.
  10. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wasn't trying to rain on you're idea because it was a good one, but just like they said tone it down and it probably would work alot better ^_^
  11. Speno1

    Speno1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    :p, btw I would think if the devs saw an idea to difficult to implement but they liked, then they would tone it down a bit anyway. Idea threads are supposed to show the maximum of what this idea can do, and it's up to the devs to decide whether they want to tone it down a bit or not if they put it in the game.
  12. NuclearPicklenomaly

    NuclearPicklenomaly Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah yes. very true, they would :DD. It is our duty as forum goers to supply more ideas to their ever-expanding game universe 8D! And brains... and penguins > 3 >
  13. Madosuki

    Madosuki Pangalactic Porcupine

    Love the idea of interplanetary combat, would love ships blasting craters into things, and being able to do that as well.
    Speno1 likes this.

    BLITZCRAFT Tentacle Wrangler

    i like this idea it would really bring the game to life.
    i allso think that we should be able to create our own faction then aswel.
    and maybe even be able to conquer other planets and enslave the population
    Curtis6566 likes this.
  15. Curtis6566

    Curtis6566 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I love this idea! i was already thinking of something like it, but I thought it was too complicated and not gonna happen. I hope they implement this idea, it'd make the game so much funner!
    And to BLITZCRAFT's suggestion I think we should be able to do that, (my ideas) and possibly team up with other player's factions as well. Though I don't think we should be able to attack other player's factions, as who would want to logg on one day to find thier home-planet conquered.
  16. rabbiter

    rabbiter Void-Bound Voyager

    Definetly! I wanted to mod this on terraria but hey! If it's on star bound then I don't have to!
  17. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I Don't think that this is going to be released on release. Post-release yes. Just one question, would the war go on if you exit the game entirely? like in fish tycoon? or will it pause when you leave the game? Imo would be better if it continues when you exit the game :p Then before you exit you will need to give your team more stuff so they could survive. :DD
  18. rabbiter

    rabbiter Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah! but you have to have a limit. Say you go on vacation and can't play for a week. How can you get enough stuff to keep your army still standing for that long? I think that after 24 hours the war would automatically pause.
  19. Speno1

    Speno1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Firstly, there would be an option for this.
    Secondly, the army can survive on their own. You could even appoint an NPC to be leader while you're away. Careful they don't betray you though. Wouldn't it be awesome if your most trusted soldior is actually against you, and then they discuss their plans to another player, and that player could report the traitor or join him!
  20. rabbiter

    rabbiter Void-Bound Voyager

    That would be cool when you didn't get turned on but not cool when they do turn on you:p

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