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Server Help [Petition] Please fix Server Stability

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Stadl0r, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Pretty much the way i see it. There is one huge multiplayer community on this game that struggles to be able to play. Devs don't seem to see it, they would be impressed in how many players have bought the game and the first thing they have done is join a multiplayer server. They would also be impressed by the amount of people who simply don't play Singleplayer at all, people love multiplayer, except the developers. :(

    Last i heard and reported the issues are still present on unstable (that should get to stable soon), that I would have to wait a while longer till the time for this fixes comes. How much time is a while longer for them, they don't tell, but i guess it depends in how much pressure there is to fix this issues, there's constant reports specially of people crashing while playing on MP will certainly prioritize it. hm
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
    CrimsonGiraffe likes this.
  2. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    My partner & I mainly play this game because it's a game with sandbox elements and sci-fi, and we can play it together. Not to mention the server software is pretty lightweight compared to games like Minecraft so we can easily run a server for us and our friends.

    Neither of us play in singleplayer, we only ever go in singleplayer to test things or use admin commands (since admin rights are broken on servers).

    Lately, since we installed some worldgen mods, our issues with crashing on random planets/every planet seem to have died down to the point where we can actually explore a few planets, and I can build on one, but there are still a ton of planets which will straight-up crash our clients almost immediately when we beam down.

    Not to mention we've never tried playing with more than two people (two people being us), if the server software is as unstable as people suggest, we'd never be able to host for our friends, something we want to eventually start doing again.
    CrimsonGiraffe likes this.
  3. DiWorm

    DiWorm Void-Bound Voyager

  4. Grcss

    Grcss Aquatic Astronaut

    Gj chucklefish another broken update! :kitten::kitten2:
  5. Endimmion

    Endimmion Big Damn Hero

    As the owner of http://starbound-servers.net/, I really agree with this topic that the multiplayer part needs more attention.

    I could be also nice that the version name is changed after each stable patch. Upbeat Giraffe has received around 3 (maybe more) patchs, and the version name is still "Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2". A player cannot make a difference between a server running the latest stable version or the first "version" of "Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2"
    Snowpup likes this.
  6. DiWorm

    DiWorm Void-Bound Voyager

    Win64 UDP Query port still going down...
  7. The query is failing on all the servers, windows or linux on that aspect.

    This update only fixed the ban command and added the user/pass logins. All the issues far we're running the server are still present. The crashes, crashes without logs and players crashing while playing on the server beaming down to a planet for example or just the server once again unloading worlds with players still inside of them.

    I'm to reproduce timeout issue (NA), if they are still around i shall reply.
    As devs say "You'll have to wait a while longer".
  8. Yup we just did timeout on our side. Not letting anybody in, the changes on the log messages now show no attempt to connect at all, it's like the connection was never made, hm.
  9. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Boy, I hope the next update has some server stability fixes. It's getting harder to keep servers up especially without RCON for StarryPy.
  10. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

    this is wrong. the version number is now 668. you can tell the patches apart from this number in the game menu and the server files/console.
    Markelius likes this.
  11. Far i can tell, the query is unable to return protocol, only
    versionBeta v. Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2

    So this hotfixes will not change the actual major version number, however the protocol is making unable players on 666 to play on 668 as i got several support requests of people who don't run the game via steam don't notice this updates. So on serverlist the query can only know that is Giraffe Update 2, that includes far i remember 664,665,666 and now 668.
    Snowpup and Fleder like this.
  12. Endimmion

    Endimmion Big Damn Hero

    Thank you Bacon, you have perfectly summarize the problem ^^.

    Of course a user can know his version and of course a server owner can find what "version" he is running. But as the query protocol don't return this version number, we can't show to player what version a server is running.
  13. Felonious

    Felonious Existential Complex

    I'll speak up here if only to have my name on this petition. Things are pretty rough right now. I wouldn't have such an issue with it if so much that made multiplayer stable hadn't been either neglected or stripped out of the most recent updates. It is amazingly infuriating, and shows a shocking lack of foresight. This game will ride it's longevity on multiplayer as much, if not more than, singleplayer.
  14. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, that is something i did not know. TIL
    But you (@Endimmion) said "a player can not...", so i thought you were talking about actual users, not on some protocols or programs.
  15. Funkyfresh4756

    Funkyfresh4756 Starship Captain

  16. Only thing the update did is fix the ban command and change the way you auth with one account/pass instead of only pass.
    When it comes to real stability, the issues are still there. It might face a bit less crashes, but in trade off, specially with several players now it faces lag spikes that last several seconds. The official SB Tweet of "We're working on server stability and security" seems to have been only "vanity".

    I'm still waiting and hope they're actually working on it, but i need to prepare myself for a blog post "hey we've been working since last update on more and more content!"
    Silverforte likes this.
  17. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    Hey, at least I can use admin commands on my partner & I's server now.
  18. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    I really wouldn't count on seeing any real server stability updates before the last quarter of this year. They've said several times during the long stretch between this stable and the last stable that they were fixing lag issues, optimizing yadda yadda and it didn't actually have a significant impact when Giraffe came out. Consider how long it took them to get that update live and off unstable. Now consider how much is still missing from the game, how much more work there is to do. Then, after THAT, imagine maybe seeing optimization updates. They can't optimize what we have now or it'll need more tuning later. There's so much left to do that we're probably not going to see optimization of any sort for a loooooong time. They let stable go a year with the online portion of the game an unmanageable, chaotic, nightmarish mess before they released a stable update that had changes to server management and those changes were shallow. Until there is some vanilla block protection with user level permissions (ranks) that doesn't suck (/settileprotection), a better way to ensure a banned player can't easily return and a cure for the cpu and memory issues causing the server lag, online is going to continue to be a pain to manage.
    Bacon likes this.
  19. Drezdin

    Drezdin Void-Bound Voyager

    Beeop boop~
  20. amerisun

    amerisun Void-Bound Voyager

    I will add my two cents here also, I play with my kids in multiplayer and with friends on the internet. I do not play single player at all, and I have my server running on a 4 core 8 thread ubuntu server with 16 gigs of ram, and the Starbound Linux64 server regularly will spike up to use 100% of my cpu.... Please put some focus on the server side of this game on a unix server to make it stable and optimized to work on beefy hardware at least.

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