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PC GAMER October preview

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by pedpenguins, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

  2. um, someone told me a second ago that omni fixed this misconception. appearently all the content mentioned will be free.... I think, might have misunderstood what he said.
  3. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    Omni did direcly respond to this so they will be dlc ( so mention a dlc for the avian and more story) but all this dlc are compley free ( dlc on weekly bases) to get new story and more toys to play...

    P.s were is my nuke? Did somebody see my nuke?

    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  4. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    What we call "DLC" today is the same thing as the expansion packs of yore, except instead of waiting 6 months and having to haul your arse down to the local video game shop, you can buy it online and have it instantly (well, almost instant, some of us still have crappy internet :(). That's not to say that there's not "good" and "bad" DLC, but that's no different than expansions (just that people conveniently forget the "bad" expansions of the old days because it's easier to complain about everything).

    Edit: Plus at least these days, we do get extra content for free sometimes. That's a pretty new thing.
    Sir Ginger Ale and RedScarWolf like this.
  5. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    To be honest, I like that way a little less. I can't see a story being all that compelling if it involves hundreds of starbounders running around on some server. I'd actually kind of rather some crafted experiences I could play locally with a few friends. I wouldn't even mind paying for it if they kept the quality good.
    Colton likes this.
  6. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    You can play solo and you can play online with friends of a server (created one for your self) only friends you invite can join this game.

    I didnt read anythink about "big world" yet so groups are playing for himself.

  7. ...imagine the size of the servers though.. I mean most of the game is contained on one server...even if your on a different server the entire galactic map changes anyway ...
    destroy a planet:p ...I belive its destroyed on other servers aswell..but the map I believe is actualy infinite.
  8. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    I mean that I do not like expansion packs of any kind. I don't just hate DLC, I also do not like other expansions.
  9. ...so your saying once the game is released it should grow stagnant and then eventually die out to some players because it never changes ?

    sounds a bit like how terraria is right now.... I mean, after they stopped updating people started to get bored of it..
    ZanVaelius likes this.
  10. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    I think it means that you will get ze events if you play alone (Any server can run those events) as well :)
  11. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    Many parts of thr game will be not ready when the game comes out. One Races will be addet after the release some parts of the story too. ( all for free) This update will be the mention dlc, therefore there will add on weekly base new story and more toys...

    Terria was the best explain how do you NOT treat you game... Release and after 2 month shut down everything and left the game of this one....
    p.s now you can get terria for ios and another scram agian NO further support it is more a lite version than everything else ( but good import i must say)

  12. cant forget updates after the game is released...those are technically "DLC" ... so that means if theres no dlc the game grinds to halt on anything new.
  13. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    I count them only as dlc if they add more content or new story or something bug fixing and another stuff should be done before release a game.

    Edit: my first real games i had was command and conquer 2 so they was not patch only addons and that was it even the two addons didnt change the balancing of the game. It was good as it is. This times are OVER most people in the gaming branch notices that the time for the dlc ( small content updates) and the communty working has come.
  14. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't see the point of this post. I was not asking anything about what's in the beta, because it has already been explained. :rolleyes:
  15. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    Hmm, I guess that would be fine. I guess its hard to know exactly what they will be doing yet. I'll just wait and see. :)
  16. what he was saying is dlc is needed for the game to progress...without updates and added content a game grows stagnant and players lose interest after a while
  17. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    For me, DLC is different from updates. It seems that you think they're the same. DLC costs money. Updates do not.
  18. neither in this game will cost money, becuase of the large ammount of money they accured from pre-orders....
  19. Colton

    Colton Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't like the idea of events, episodes, or this "subscribe to be the first to see!" nonsense. And I certainly don't want to have to avoid the forums for however many weeks until release to avoid potential spoilers when all I want is to do is enjoy the story at my own pace.

    Leave the story out of the beta release and give me a finished product with a finished story upon release. That's kind of what I (and I'm sure many others) have been expecting up until now.
    Kaeso likes this.
  20. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    Why are people repeating that? I KNOW.

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