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PC GAMER October preview

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by pedpenguins, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. keyless15

    keyless15 Void-Bound Voyager

    Just One.
  2. keyless15

    keyless15 Void-Bound Voyager

    I've seen your crying faces on a couple topics now. Maybe save them for January first, when we'll feel like they're justified. Until then you're depressed over only your own worries. That's not good.

    Cheer up, Buttercup :) :coffee::cookie:
    enemarius86, Colton and Shippo like this.
  3. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    Than i must say something is not really clever to say that to a reporter.

    This is more like a statment with option to withdraw the idea.

  4. psychotwo

    psychotwo Void-Bound Voyager

    Why is everyone associating DLC with money? Maybe you don't need to pay for the DLC.
  5. keyless15

    keyless15 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, merhaps. But they're artists, programmers and what-not. Their specialty isn't PR, so I don't expect them to be on-the-ball all the time. Also, we don't see the whole interview. The author could have thought that the episodic idea was the most original of the ideas, and thus made sure to include it in the article.
  6. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    Edit: this article is not correct her is the right statement:


    OMNI statement:

    "Oh jeeze.
    Ok, this was explained very poorly, let me try to relay how this idea was explained to me.
    All content from this subscription thing will be released as updates for free. The subscription thing is for access to servers where we run the story event live, weekly.
    But any server can run these events. Any extra content will be released to everybody. And essentially no one gets left out. Let me see if I can't find the chat logs where he floated this idea to me."
  7. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    As long as it doesn't turn out as bland as Spartan Ops.
  8. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    So now we got that right the idea to bring on weekly base a story is not something entirely new but works good in the past ( sam and max, Das Vermaechniss des Rabens ( translation: The legacy of the Raven) should be something that the player need to keep up this was a big problem in my option in terrania: no story only a planet where you can build on the only thing what i have found in the ground was a fast death.... Most items tht are in the layers deep are not useful.

  9. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    DLC, the cancer in gaming. :rolleyes:

    ( Unless it's free! )
    Pingeh likes this.
  10. you and me both buddy, its great to see the game getting the recognition it deserves.... a whole year of being on this forum and you just have to be in awe that the game is nearing release :rofl: ....feels...just like a month or so ago that it began...atleast for me.

    if it was free, then the developers wouldn't have money to produce more... paying for things is nesscary unfortunately

    spartan ops was leading to halo 5....they lied about the whole " episodic " thing becuase it was only a couple of months after the game released that they ran out of cotent to release.

    now...this...computer games are different, since its dirrectly connected to the internet cotent can be added faster and easier then it would have been on X-box.

    overall, it may sound like it, but its not.
  11. backeby

    backeby Big Damn Hero

    Why would you call it a cancer? Personally I LOVE that I can expand my games with more content. (Of course content costs money, everything else is pretty silly/dumb)
  12. * brofist*
  13. like00111

    like00111 Zero Gravity Genie

    If they are going to charge money for extra content then they better put it written down somewhere on their website, like their pre-order page. I personally would feel cheated if they started charging me money for content I thought was free once I bought the game.
    enemarius86 and Pingeh like this.
  14. it will probably be a small price.
    and it probably wont be like charging money for updates :p....

    probably the whole " seasonal payment" thing will be like
    pay for season one... play season one.... wich since its like a tv-show it will be like ...a season of doctor who lol
  15. thesecretofshadow

    thesecretofshadow Astral Cartographer

    "One of the ideas is a paid for season of content...once you pay for it you get a new episode"
    Hmm...Oh, wait...What the hell?
    I personally HATE this idea, what's wrong with people that like it? You're just paying more for what SHOULD be "complete". It sounds like the devs are saying: Oh yeah, we'll continue to develop the game for a while, but just some people who pay for new stuff will get it. What about who already pre-ordered the game making nothing more than almost 1.8 MILLION OF DOLARS FOR THEM? This is what they got for being so cool and transparent with this community. It's not for the money, I could pay anything to get any "season of content" but it's for...I don't know..."putting the money over us"? Seriously, they shouldn't do that, they don't need paid content to get much more money than what they've made. I don't like to compare but look at Terraria and Don't Starve, I play them since their betas and they just kept updating the game until now, I think everyone knows there's a HUGE update comming for Terraria and IT'S TOTALLY FOR FREE!
    So, the more you pay for the game the more fun you'll have? It's better to them rethink this idea because I believe this would annoy this passionate community, that's all

    If you notice some english mistake, it's because it's not my natural language)
    Kaeso, Colton and Pingeh like this.
  16. dude....its seasonal...its not just one episode....its mutiple until that season is up.
  17. McRib

    McRib Astral Cartographer

    Alaizia: The article is wrong please read this

    P.s first time i qoute myself get i now an archievment? :p

    Edit: Quote myself is that not a sign of madness? Mhh... Maybe i should consule a doctor about that ;)

    Shippo and Alaizia Darkstar like this.
  18. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    It should not cost money. I think that Tiy has said in Twitter "Fuck microtransactions." So I was pretty surprised when I saw that DLC part. (Excuse me for using the f-word.)

    *EDIT* I did not see McRib's post as it was not there when I started writing this, I was so relieved when I had a look at Rib's post. :)
  19. sweet!
  20. like00111

    like00111 Zero Gravity Genie

    I mean I would pay for it (if it is not outrageous amount, I am looking at $5) . It's just the matter of fact that they didn't tell us that if we buy the game we will also be tacked even more money to even continue the story afterward. It would seem like a low blow to me.

    But it kind of doesn't settle all that well with me if they are going to charge us to even continue the story. We should get the full story and then they can start charging us for whatever extra content they add. Even though that still doesn't sit well with me either. Last I checked I don't pay individually to watch a new season of a show on TV.

    Kind of reminds me what elder scrolls is doing. Instead of making a non-mmo game for the fans, they go with a online mmo and will be charging $60 to buy the game and then $15 a month when a lot of people probably just wanted another single player addition to the series.

    I just have mixed feelings about it all, I paid for a game that said it would have all the features in it at the price I paid. Kind of stuck in a root, do you empty you pockets just for one game? Or do you not and don't get a game that would be awesome. That is my two cents though.
    Colton likes this.

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