Patchnotes for v. Indignant Koala 12/11/2013

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. TouKiTroll

    TouKiTroll Master Chief

    Such updates ! Much balancing ! Wow !
    Skarred Emerald likes this.
  2. Notho

    Notho 2.7182818284590...

    Cool, thank you. :)
  3. jcklsldr

    jcklsldr Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank god, I was on a T2 planet earlier in T2 max armor and got one shot by a birds fireball. sent me flying off one mountain, over another, and into a shallow grave.
  4. Plistra

    Plistra Intergalactic Tourist

    I haven't had any performance issues until this update. I don't know what the problem is, but the game constantly lags when on a planet. Like I said, never has it done this until now. o_O
    Sorry if I am not in the wrong section for this comment.:badpokerface:
  5. Glaedien

    Glaedien Master Chief

    No more crying in a hole hiding from devil birds? Yay!
    vanella and Angelus.Nox like this.
  6. WilliamWallace

    WilliamWallace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Will guns drop now? :)
    vanella and Angelus.Nox like this.
  7. ReticentGrace

    ReticentGrace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yay! I was showing my girlfriend how to play last night, and I was sad when she kept getting burdered (bird murdered. That's what we shall call it now- I have decreed it so.)...! She's a total geek too, though, so she understands that active betas have issues- we're both really excited to start anew sans burdering sprees. I'm really psyched that the development team listens so well to us and actually incorporates our ideas! :catface:

    My only suggestions for the team are perhaps parroting the 'delete character' button in the GUI screen for character selection...and it might be nice if the beginning quest notes for the tutorial questline we have now alluded toward being able to travel to other planets. I had NO idea you could travel prior to building the distress beacon- I tend to be a bit of a girlscout, so I was following the missions note for note...

    ...girlfriend showed me up by wondering if you could stick coal in your ship's fuel port then going to the planet next door! I was super surprised! :eek:

    So for boyscouts and girlscouts like yours truly, it might be nice for there to be some kind of nudge in the mission notes gently encouraging us to travel to other worlds.

    The game is awesome, though, and you guys are awesome! This is the best early christmas gift anyone ever got me!
  8. Daphonic

    Daphonic Seal Broken

    Cant find this BACK item that lights up caves in anything....
    WilliamWallace likes this.
  9. Mereneth

    Mereneth Master Chief

    Blah, you updated the update before it finished downloading, so steam nixxed it and started over again. >.<
  10. Jlblair

    Jlblair Orbital Explorer

    I was wondering.. when will we be able to delete Characters? I don't want to sound whiny here but having your character roster full of unused characters or from previous updates is a bit of a pain..
    PrincessMeatloaf likes this.
  11. Badblocks

    Badblocks Void-Bound Voyager

    Can I please request two things for the next update?
    1) In game option to delete characters.
    2) Better looking storms. It looks weird when it rains and lightning strikes, but the sky is clear. Maybe make the planet darker, add clouds (darkness depending on how heavy the storm is)? Just a thought. It would look really cool!
  12. Lithium88

    Lithium88 Aquatic Astronaut

    After today's patch I can't see my character anymore in the main screen. I can see that there are files in the player folder, but my character is not displayed in the game. Anyone else have this problem?
  13. hitmaN M.D.

    hitmaN M.D. Tentacle Wrangler

    Yeah, I had to go to the game directory and delete the character files to empty that list.
  14. CaptainNikia

    CaptainNikia Intergalactic Tourist

    Woohoo! Nerfed birds! Gameplay will be MUCH less stressful now xD
  15. Curtismaximus

    Curtismaximus Space Hobo

    Is there a way to make sure you are running the new update? Possibility in game?
  16. Jlblair

    Jlblair Orbital Explorer

    Yeah I am too worried of messing something up to do that.. aha
    But I think that is a much need feature.
  17. Sn0wman

    Sn0wman Big Damn Hero

    Critical Hit yo.
    vanella and Count Skrule like this.
  18. petecz

    petecz Star Wrangler

    Really smooth stuff guys!
  19. douglasdamm

    douglasdamm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i liked the lantern, hope it gets a cool animation in the future, right now it looks weird when u aim in front of you or above
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
    Iamyew likes this.
  20. Nxio

    Nxio Intergalactic Tourist

    Can you wipe out characters next update because i cant delete and i am op

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