Patchnotes for v. Indignant Koala 12/11/2013

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Aeon

    Aeon Phantasmal Quasar

    I've got the vapors.
    variablenonsense likes this.
  2. mizukaru

    mizukaru Phantasmal Quasar

    these patch notes are the best I've heard so far. Lookins like starbound is making it's way into the stars!
  3. Iojiki

    Iojiki Starship Captain

    Thank you for the "not dying in ship" thang. Was getting propellerd on spawn by friends. :zzz:
    PrincessMeatloaf likes this.
  4. Bumber

    Bumber Pangalactic Porcupine

    "You are now invincible on your ship (this requires a new character)"
    Now it seems lava-filled ships will actually be an awesome thing in the future.
  5. Themastadon85

    Themastadon85 Aquatic Astronaut

    Just look at this link once in a while. Its great for seeing if/when there were updates :)
    RoboDuckMonkey likes this.
  6. Sir Scarfalot

    Sir Scarfalot Void-Bound Voyager

    So... gonna be balancing the printer anytime soon....?

  7. DWAlpha

    DWAlpha Pangalactic Porcupine

    You just have to delete the character files in the steam folder

    For me ( I use Windows 7 64bit) its located in: Computer > Local Disk ( C: ) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > SteamApps > common > Starbound > player

    and in that player folder just delete all the files there to remove your character files.
  8. Chromeltd

    Chromeltd Master Chief

    awesome job cant wait till the rest of the content gets added each peace its such Drama much Wow :)
  9. warxy

    warxy Phantasmal Quasar

    ta. I was wondering what the 500mb update was about.
  10. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Yea, I was fighting the first boss yesterday with a new character and these birds kept on attacking ... almost killed me.
    This patch is GREATLY appreciated.
  11. Sn0wman

    Sn0wman Big Damn Hero

    Thank, freaking, god.
    The damn birds were a plague when I'm mining.
    One bolt and three quarters of my HP is gone, not to mention they wouldn't GO AWAY!
    vanella and revmaillet like this.
  12. Sillywalks

    Sillywalks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    We want to delete the characters in-game! :D
  13. Zearoth

    Zearoth Aquatic Astronaut

    After playing for a few minutes, I can say that the game is already feeling much more forgiving.
    >My Scavenger armor is negating a decent enough hunk of the monsters damage, and the shield shaves off even more.
    >The weapons feel stronger, but not over powering as to make you feel like a grand conquerer of worlds.
    >The birds! the birds are no longer the bane of our existence, the terrors of our dreams! Their abilities are now much more balanced, and the fact they don't chase though forever is even better.
    >Ores seem much more common, where before, at least on my planet, they seemed fairly scarce. Coal being especially rare.

    That's all I can say about the update for now from my limited testing. But I intend to remake my character and maybe even my world, so I'll be able to test and see how the rest of what the patch changed is.
    PrincessMeatloaf and revmaillet like this.
  14. Iggyistheboss

    Iggyistheboss Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for the update! Even though there are no new things i'm just glad that some balansing has happened xD
  15. Exi1e

    Exi1e Zero Gravity Genie

    Hey, did you fix the access violation bug yet for windows 7 64bit users?
  16. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

  17. DarkerCloud

    DarkerCloud Big Damn Hero

    I love how you guys implement some mods into the core game.
    Kako likes this.
  18. ElDiablo1985

    ElDiablo1985 Void-Bound Voyager

    Need Seeds for Trees.
    PrincessMeatloaf, wolfyluna and Kako like this.
  19. BlackParagon

    BlackParagon Void-Bound Voyager

    I've just updated, created a new character in singleplayer and came across 2 birds that electrified me for around 30 dmg per hit (on the starting planet)... I thought them nerfed? Or is this already the nerfed dmg? probably just an anomaly...but if not, better look into this
  20. Baleur

    Baleur Phantasmal Quasar

    - You can now turn 10 unrefined wood into coal in the furnace

    Kashiko likes this.

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