Patchnotes for v. Indignant Koala 12/11/2013

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. 0mglolz

    0mglolz Star Wrangler

    500MB updates is killing my internet :L
    Dynafols likes this.
  2. Fezul

    Fezul Void-Bound Voyager

    Please T_T character deletion button ... need it a lot
  3. banananana

    banananana Space Hobo

    pls add to icons of HP ARMOR ENERGY MAX AND ENERGY REGEN little grafical fix

    heart and under it little text MAX for extra HP
    energy and little MAX for extra energy
    as for energy regen either little + or little text regen or recovery ,but regen is less text

    also numbering HP display would be nice and energy too
    Angelus.Nox likes this.
  4. TheAppleFanatic

    TheAppleFanatic Master Chief

    Does anybody know when Beta Stage 2 is coming?
    vanella and The Alien Way like this.
  5. Creston91

    Creston91 Tentacle Wrangler

    Tiy, if you see this can you message me, I have some questions I believe you could help me with.
  6. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    wow, after the update to make trees into coal, i spawn in a world with almost no trees, gg game gg
    vanella and arkandrews like this.
  7. Fireb4llz

    Fireb4llz Aquatic Astronaut

  8. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Community making you work non-stop for the balance changes, good work keeping up and still listening to the great suggestions.

    Still waiting for my client to update... :koala:
  9. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Again no one i doubt will enjoy all these nice new cool balances as there will be tons of people that dont start again......force the character reset or you going to end up with bugs that probably would not be there if they had to start again :-/
    magica likes this.
  10. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    I still think I prefer version numbers over synonyms for a pissed-off koala.
    PrincessMeatloaf and Odat like this.
  11. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader


    This counts, right? At least it's quite fun to do in my opinion. Either that or I'm that one guy who likes boring things.
    LastDay likes this.
  12. mediacommand

    mediacommand Void-Bound Voyager

    Good stuff. Key binding plz =D
  13. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh wow, that's hilarious! Kinda miss the rage birds *sob*
  14. Eled

    Eled Orbital Explorer

    So, how do we make the lantern backpack? we really need a way to see all the recipies in game (aside from drops) so we know what to aim at.

    Same question on drills while I'm thinking.
  15. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Is it me, or is Tiy starting to obsess over the mods? I've noticed 2 items he's wanted / has added into the game from the resource section, with them being that pixel bar converter and the lantern. Not that that's a bad thing though, but something to note.
    fcarreau and LastDay like this.
  16. Zephiron

    Zephiron Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, seeing devs making their game progress along with community based help isn't something you can see that much in the industry, so it's always a good thing to witness.

    I'm both quite impressed and glad that CF has decided to put such effort in constantly molding their game with that alluring speed. Congrats. It made me forget for a sec that I've been fooled by CA not three months ago with Rome 2, which completely lacked the title "public beta" x).
    Angelus.Nox and schala_zeal like this.
  17. DaBa

    DaBa Phantasmal Quasar

    Lava, buff. About time! It felt silly that I could drown myself in that and still survive about 10 seconds.

    And, THANK YOU for fixing coal issues! I hope you made it more common too.
    Angelus.Nox likes this.
  18. Shadowbolt

    Shadowbolt Big Damn Hero

    No FPS fixes? :(
    YoKid likes this.
  19. SerrinsWorld

    SerrinsWorld Void-Bound Voyager

    awesome work, there seems to be a little flaw though:
    i think the big slicestabber is a little to weak, considering it has a lower dps than the normal slicestabber but costs twice as much steel :)
  20. enirre90

    enirre90 Void-Bound Voyager

    I just saw my first chunk of coal on the surface and got all tear-eyed. All is right.

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