Patchnotes for v. Indignant Koala 12/11/2013

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Hurray, time to wait 20 minutes.
  2. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader

    Better make sure it's on the High Priority update setting. :3

    EDIT: I got the update a few minutes ago, It's already downloaded. :)
  3. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    WOOT the update is officialy out
  4. Hinata

    Hinata Void-Bound Voyager

    Improved grass? Explain! :S
    chico1596, vanella and Kako like this.
  5. SteelSoldier

    SteelSoldier Existential Complex

    I like that we can constantly experience and test out new things!
    NevaR likes this.
  6. William Wolfe

    William Wolfe Void-Bound Voyager

    Why isn't this on the front page?
    Desfar likes this.
  7. Raindrac

    Raindrac Existential Complex

    Awesome to see my grass suggestion is in the game. Thanks, Tiy & the devs.
    chico1596, vanella, Kako and 3 others like this.
  8. Defiance

    Defiance Aquatic Astronaut

    I just want to say that I have never seen a dev group as devoted to their product as you guys are. Daily bug fixes in phase 1 beta is practically unheard of. You can wipe my character all you need, just keep up the AMAZING work. 10/10 would buy again to support this group.
    mewfan151, vanella, Foqus and 17 others like this.
  9. squarebit

    squarebit Orbital Explorer

    Awesome! The birds were mercilessly murdering me wherever I went.
    Time to get some sweet, sweet revenge.
  10. Grizzleface

    Grizzleface Void-Bound Voyager

    What was the grass suggestion?
  11. MrPanda663

    MrPanda663 Space Hobo

    Yup... i still cant play starbound after the update.... please fixx
    GobiDesert likes this.
  12. talalnst

    talalnst Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thnx devs awesome job
  13. Phoenix_

    Phoenix_ Space Penguin Leader

    I feel your pain; and now relief! :D
    vanella and squarebit like this.
  14. Raindrac

    Raindrac Existential Complex

    Quote from my response on reddit.
    vanella, Kako, NevaR and 7 others like this.
  15. Jman1177

    Jman1177 Void-Bound Voyager

  16. EmGeHo

    EmGeHo Cosmic Narwhal

    Nice fair wood- to coal exchange, finally I can get back to adventuring!
    chico1596 likes this.
  17. Xpress

    Xpress Master Chief

    Sooo... u didnt fixed the bandages?? with the addition of hp to the game bandages do almost nothing now and also u spawn with low life too.

    EDIT: actually u now spawn with full life in indignant koala version but bandages are still useless.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  18. Midnight_Blitz

    Midnight_Blitz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nerfs... NERFS...!
    Thank you oh so very much. I could do nothing during v. Annoying Koala :/
    NevaR likes this.
  19. banananana

    banananana Space Hobo

    fcarreau and NevaR like this.
  20. DiBBz

    DiBBz Big Damn Hero

    that would actually be cool , but would be a bit hard considering planets are randomized in size are they not

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