Other bits and pieces from today 23rd June

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. skydart

    skydart Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This would be a cool way to indentify things and make the ship computer more usefull.!
  2. Space_explorer

    Space_explorer Phantasmal Quasar

    the usual thing, people complaining because they dont see in the title "Starbound 1.0 its already out!".

    because people cant understand that devs have their lifes and they can choose what to do with it, and also cant understand they have families and are human beings.

    you know the usual thing just because they cant have a little patience.

    On thread:

    @Tiy this include a fix on moon biomes? when i got a huge crater on a moon biome literally the background was "too short" for the big crater" letting me see the stars sky under the mountains "background" of moon biome.

    also nice to see improvement of the game!
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
    PabloM, Kawa, TheNameless and 2 others like this.
  3. oblivion5683

    oblivion5683 Big Damn Hero

    i love you guys.
  4. IronFistSurvivor

    IronFistSurvivor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Selling to NPCs... That alone screams out that the next update will be good. The outpost, the ship overhaul and anything else is nice but THIS is all I actually thought this game needed. Besides an ingame keybind UI, of course. But hey, that's just my thought. Good job! :)
    ObsidianDragon13 likes this.
  5. Pixeludicrous

    Pixeludicrous Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Awesome! Now I'll get to enjoy those sweet, sweet parallax backgrounds. I was wondering why they were so low before, but I'm so glad they're being fixed. Thanks Tiy. :D

    On another note, pertaining to the SAIL, how expressive are they going to be? I know there was talk of them basically Phoenix Wrighting it, but are we looking at things like basic anger, sadness, etc etc, or can we also expect some scenarios more along the lines of...:V ,:lickitung:,:headbanging:, and :badpokerface:?
    PabloM likes this.
  6. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    I hereby throw my full and unwavering support behind any roguelike mechanics that are proposed or implemented into the game. Unidentified items, experience points, polymorphing, capturing and raising pets of any creature, etc etc ad nauseum. This is one of my favorite genres, and any of this kind of stuff that can be added in would only help the game become the greatest it can be. We're already halfway there, with procedurally generated dungeons, random monsters, towns (outposts), town portal (set home and teleport, tho that would do well to return you to the point you left from), etc...

    ... with the caveat that it be explained in as pseudo-science technobabbly a way as possible, to fit with the feel of the rest of the game.
    Kawa, NeoFoxx000 and ObsidianDragon13 like this.
  7. SomaSam

    SomaSam Big Damn Hero

    This is pretty awesome. The parrallax was always weird on a lot of worlds because the ground was at high elevation. Now that you've risen it, it should look much better.
    Jeoshua likes this.
  8. kinzuko

    kinzuko Zero Gravity Genie

    lol wow so many people getting ban hammered from posting in this thread :giggle: but yeah keep up the good work guys and dun ban meh <3
  9. Inkstain

    Inkstain Void-Bound Voyager

    For some reason... These statusupdates sometimes give me more pleasure reading them than actually playing the game :(
  10. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Many things are peaking my curiosity.

    One of which that pertains to this thread's topic is the implication of the AI. I'm itching to see what varieties of appearances, functions, and uses there are. I happily await more news with the patience of a monk.
    ObsidianDragon13 likes this.
  11. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    Well, there is always the concept mock-up that GeorgeV showed us:

    I assume they're going to take away the Matter Manipulator from the ship locker, and the AI will be where you repair the ship and get some of your quests.

    That doesn't answer what appearances they have, but in the game files thus far there is only "normal" and "upset"
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
    KiraSlith and ObsidianDragon13 like this.
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time


    Hopefully the UI will also allow for merchants that want "trades", as well. I want to make merchants which accept Avos money and BigCoin for items.
    Cloudhopper likes this.
  13. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    *enters thread to make smug comment about glitch AI and Replace Me*

    Nooooooo! I was too late! :eek:

    Isn't BigCoin a completely unusable currency due to the fact that it's COMPLETELY imaginary and therefore faced ridiculous inflations from 'counterfeiting'?
    Jeoshua likes this.
  14. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Perhaps... but I think a way of integrating it into merchant trades is perfectly possible. I mean, the main currency in the game is pixels, so I'm sure it is possible to turn imaginary currency into reality.
  15. IvoryOwl

    IvoryOwl Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can someone explain to me what "parallax" is?
    Is it the different background layers that give the illusion of dimension and distance? If so, that's great news because IMO this was one the things that SB was really lacking.
  16. bumper09

    bumper09 Space Spelunker

    does any one get the fresh king of bel air quoit
  17. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    ...But the article on BigCoin stated that since it's entirely in the users' heads, you could forge new BigCoins just by claiming that you have them, and therefore the most accurate way to implement it would be to make merchants sell things for free. :p
  18. kinzuko

    kinzuko Zero Gravity Genie

    think it's a placeholder and a test of the text scrolling and stuff
  19. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    Yes, that's exactly what they are. They've always been in the game, they're just tweaking the height of them so they are easier to see, now.

    Yes, we "get" it. Let's not go there, please. If you're not aware, there was a rather... spirited... debate on that topic for the past few days.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
    dem0nmech likes this.
  20. Dosypoo

    Dosypoo Starship Captain

    Selling to NPC's would be wonderful. I wonder if it will have a very similar interface to the Ship AI when you are buying/selling from/to them? Not sure how excessive that could get but it's a ponder of mine.

    Loving the updates. The more I see, the more this game makes me want to build. To lead my little Floran to create their own nation that encompasses all systems around them. All the new things and wonderful new places to go see, and destroy . . . and build their own empire right on top of their conquests. Sitting atop the Iron Throne while the peasants slave and toil below me, working my land and building my cities for me! And to hell with anyone who gets in my way! They will get stabbed! Stab stab stab! STAB!!! BLOOD AND MEAT AND SSSSSSSSSSSSTAB!!!!

    Alien Florans.jpg

    Sorry I got carried away.

    Anyway . . . I am excited to think what the future will hold for the NPC AI. Thats one thing I am very anxious to hear about in the next Stages of the Beta.

    Also at what point in the future can we expect graphics option sliders and the like? I know it will probably be 3rd Stage beta sometime but I would long for anything to turn the shadows down. Heavy shadows and lighting effects make my computer hate me so much. Especially in dungeons and the like.
    kinzuko, LastDay and Kawa like this.

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