Orbital Colosseum

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Daitenshi, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. Grayecastle

    Grayecastle Big Damn Hero

    Yes, there should be a wagering pool. I could make some serious pixels on that Rancor I just entered...
  2. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    I mean, i had no intention of this being a Galactic "Dog Fighting Ring." I preferred to pit people against one another instead of animals. I'll add a betting section though and elaborate on it.
  3. The Enderman

    The Enderman Phantasmal Quasar

    I sense alot of people yelling " This... is... SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" while running into there. (Great idea)
    Owl24 likes this.
  4. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    We have to add the two classic modes, Capture the Gem and Juggernaut! Though some of other less popular custom games in Terraria would be a lot of fun too. Ohh, we also need to have a fighter pilot (that could mean a lot of things) competition to test our piloting skills.

    OT:inhuman is spelt wrong 8P
  5. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    Well that's part of the custom arenas. They can be set for custom game modes and such ^w^
  6. BoboTheEpic

    BoboTheEpic Big Damn Hero

    Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome RATCHET! And the... METAL GUY!
    Supagriff likes this.
  7. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    I'm assuming from the Ratchet in that reference it's toward Ratchet and Clank? Never played that game.
  8. BoboTheEpic

    BoboTheEpic Big Damn Hero

    Indeed it is. Ratchet and Clank 2, it's what the announcer says when you enter the Megacorp games arena.
  9. Kodee

    Kodee Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is a great idea. It would be awesome if they accualy had the game allow cheaters in the competition as long as noone noticed, like, for examle, replacing my pet penguin I entered against like five people at once with a super overpowered robot version, and watch as millions of people in the stands lose all their money. X3 :mwahaha:
  10. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    xD There would be limitations to the pets/gear/ so on so on allowed in the tournament.
  11. A very good idea. Galactic arenas would quickly become a hive of activity, as everyone likes a good bit of PvP now and then.
  12. Skeith

    Skeith Void-Bound Voyager

    The arena should also have method's of generating different biomes that suit some creatures needs. A fish can't stay on a metal/stone surface without dying so they would have make it so the chamber fills up with water or grass grows, sand falls into place etc etc. . .
  13. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Yea, I don't want cheaters in the competition. That is why there is tiers, you can enter in at different tiers and some may have no restrictions. So, you can bring your penguin looking all harmless and your opponent would not be suspecting that the penguin was the real threat and die horribly. That would be a real strategy that I approve of.
  14. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    Exactly. Don't think i need to add much more to that statement.
  15. Sashima

    Sashima Big Damn Hero

    I support this idea 100% I like the idea of there being tiers of rewarded fun! I feel like if you did it though either it couldn't be repeatable,. or that you would receive no drop rewards from monsters or it would become too easy to farm bosses. It would bring a lot of challenge to fighting some monster, and definitely bosses on a flat surface with little to no created terrain.

    Perhaps there would be a big monetary gain from this rather than item stuff, and as well, you could expand on tamable monsters and subject them to arena style play!

    I would actually love if you could control your monster in the arena.
  16. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    Thanks for your support! As for the controlling monsters I'm just worried how viable it would actually be. That's more coding for them to do... lots more, but feel free to elaborate on the idea and i could add it .
  17. Shahab

    Shahab Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    man it would be epic.
    pet pvp
  18. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    OOh, there could be a betting system. Based off of the items you go into a fight with which monsters and how many of them will change how much money you will get out of your bet. There could also be a system that remembers which monsters you kill best and lower your return if you choose to battle them.
  19. Skeith

    Skeith Void-Bound Voyager

    Also, they could switch the monsters used based on how well you did against them, you suck against these, HA well good luck. You couldn't beat one of them, try beating 5! (Interesting challenge or something)
  20. Oricalcum

    Oricalcum Ketchup Robot

    Sounds pretty cool, I support :D

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