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Announcement Online Character Creator update, part deux!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by tramsan, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Shhmio

    Shhmio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The only thing that doesn't work for me are the clothing color options they are all just a orange/tan color
  2. What about skin color?
  3. iLemonDemon

    iLemonDemon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Worked fine before, well, at least yesterday, suddenly everything is orange. EVERYTHING.
  5. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Just hit edit next time instead of triple posting to change your mind.
  6. But I never changed my mind.
  7. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Whether you have updates or whatever reason, Edit is the way to go. :) It's all good.
  8. If you noticed I freaking edited the crap out of my posts C:

    EDIT: I love you too nate :yeahhhh:
    natelovesyou likes this.

    Me and Tramsan (Him doing most of the technical work while I relayed console logs to him and tested things for him) have been working over the last couple days to solve the issues with the Character Generator. Turns out the issue is that some of our nitpicky computers feel the need to destroy our color palettes just because the ppi on the image files are like 0.009 off of 72. So currently the good fellow Tramsan is working on Manually changing the ppi of all 200 Images that the Character Generator uses. Thanks for your patience, Happy Space Travels friends!
    Kalvuric, Aviakio and natelovesyou like this.
  10. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Thanks for all you do transam and pyro3345! :)
  11. tramsan

    tramsan Contributor

    It's "tramsan" ;)

    So, after stumbling around in the dark for a long time, I finally found the root cause of the issue, using Pyro as my testing guinea pig. Omni then helped me convert all of the images directly on the server, which saves me about 3-4h of work (many thanks to Omni!) These fixes are now live, but since I can't verify them myself, because I didn't have the issue... If those of you who had the issue could go and have a look, and report any remaining bugs to me, that would be great. You're likely going to have to clear your cache again (see opening post.)

    Technical details: The PPI (pixels per inch) of several but not all PNGs were off by a fraction. For some reason, certain computers/browsers, when they displayed that 72.009 ppi image, felt they needed to nudge the colour values of the images just a tiny bit. Not enough that anyone would notice it, but enough to completely break the palette swaps, which relied on exact colour values. Those few images that were already at exactly 72 ppi were colouring properly. So, now that all the images should be at 72 ppi, it should be fixed.

    Even more technical details: The root cause of all this is that the PNG format doesn't support ppi, only ppcm. Some of the source sprites were converted to 72 ppi from a different ppi, and because the conversion was actually happening in another unit, rounding errors occured. Thus we got 72.009 ppi.
    Kalvuric and Aviakio like this.
  12. Kousaka

    Kousaka Void-Bound Voyager

    Still broken for me in both chrome and firefox (after clearing cache), same problems as before.
  13. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    I just checked it on Firefox and Chrome after clearing my cache. I'm still getting the same issue (such as skin colors and clothing colors not changing between options, but hair color can be changed still like before).
  14. Again attention: sorry for the trouble, yes we know the issue is still present. tramsan and I are still working on it, expect a fix soon ;)
  15. tramsan

    tramsan Contributor

    Ok, fix attempt #2 uploaded. Everyone with the issue, please recheck!
  16. Tramsan needs a badge for Character Generator Developer/Web Developer
  17. He has the Contributor Badge for his work on the CharGen. At least I think that's why he has it...
  18. Kousaka

    Kousaka Void-Bound Voyager

    Works perfect now in chrome and firefox!
    pyro3345 likes this.
  19. David-T

    David-T Void-Bound Voyager

    Everything is working here as well. Nice work.

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