One year later...

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. NeoFoxx000

    NeoFoxx000 Phantasmal Quasar

    Wow! I can't believe it's been actually a whole year. I've clocked in 578 hours on this game (according to Steam), most of which has been on the nightly, which is probably not as much as most people here, and I've enjoyed every minute of it! :D
    JoeBlk likes this.
  2. Tymon

    Tymon Cosmic Narwhal

    A year since early access? Hmm...
    Driko likes this.
  3. It's been in development for more than a year -- but it's 1 year as far as being available for everyone to play, hence the 1 year Bday
  4. Tymon

    Tymon Cosmic Narwhal

    Being confused is nitpicking? Besides, I edited my post because I saw it said 'a year since early access'. I was reading through some of the replies and I was like, "Uh... starbound has been around a lot more than just a year o.o'
  5. A year has come and gone. Despite the downsides, I am glad I got to spend my time here with you all. Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Starbound.~
    JoeBlk and Katzeus like this.
  6. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    Happy birthday, Starbound!

    I remember the day Beta released. It was INSANE. We had to create a new IRC channel and set it as the default live chat in order to keep the flow of people controllable in the main channel.
    And I was stuck at work!!! ;_;

    But anyways, Chucklefish has come a long way. Once a global scattering of nerds with a dream, now an actual legitimate company. *sniff* so proud~
  7. velkos4ever

    velkos4ever Void-Bound Voyager

    starbound is WORTH WAITING FOR!make it perfect ;D
  8. Rexxar_F3

    Rexxar_F3 Space Spelunker

    When I get my new PC i know that this is the first game it's going to have, thanks to all the Chucklefish team and everyone involved in this woderfull game that has become one of my favourite sanbox games in no time!
    I honestly appreciate all your work and i hope that the hours of fun with this game will be endless.
    With all my love <3:love:
    JoeBlk likes this.
  9. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    One year without ocean planets, and still advertising this game with ocean planets. And there are still people around who ask themselves why fans are upset. I am, at this very moment (even if not upset, but more... disappointed).
    Driko, enderpony, Johan and 5 others like this.
  10. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    I'm on an ocean planet in the nightly build right now. So your argument is invalid
  11. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    Your stupid nightlies are no updates. They aren't even beta. Your argument is invalid.
    Driko, enderpony, Johan and 6 others like this.
  12. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Except they are?

    You might not consider them anything, but factualy, they are updates, in another branch you might not like, but still exists.

    They are in the beta, as they are part of it.Argument valid.
  13. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    A beta is a feature-complete build. They are no beta at all.
    Driko, Lupino, Nimeni and 2 others like this.
  14. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Then its a early alpha, wich is still valid, no matter of personal apreciation.
    Darklight likes this.
  15. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    The term beta is not a personal appreciation. And when I buyed Early acess, it was called a "beta phase". So, please explain me that. Because you are contradicting everything, saying the nightlies are alphas or pre-alphas, when the player has purchased a beta. If we keep the stable builds as beta, you can't count the nightlies.
    Driko, randon, Johan and 3 others like this.
  16. Fritz the Prussian

    Fritz the Prussian Void-Bound Voyager

    Happy Birthday then, to be on topic. And thank you, Izzabelle, for beeing the most professional and most objective Forum Moderator I have seen in ages.

    The past did show that CF is excellent at keeping a promise and meeting expectations. That is why I do not doubt the arrival of the trailer next week and the release of a stable update the week after or so.

    Keep up the good work, CF, I trust in you!
    JoeBlk and Izzabelle like this.
  17. Tymon

    Tymon Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm not sure that even alpha actually applies in this case, Nightlys are development builds that just happen to be released to the public. Alpha releases generally are still the gameplay we can expect. And considering nightly builds have had things like invincibility, certain things turned off, or on, it's safe to say it's not really alpha either. Anyway, enough with the flame war you two.
    enderpony, Bad Karma, Pingeh and 3 others like this.
  18. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Do people act with such literal precision with words all the time?

    So whenever I told them I was the sh*t, I actually told them that I'm feces??

    Holy feces! D:
    Jbeetle, Peelz, Lintton and 3 others like this.
  19. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Indeed, beta is not personal, never said it was, I said that the appreciation that you have towards the term of it, or the status wich it curently is doesent matter.

    Indeed, we bough a beta, and there is a separate,verry unstable branch within itt, which the Devs named Nightlies, which in of itselft, could be considered somewhat of a Alpha/Pre-Alpha wihin the Beta.Better?

    Blah, blah blah, wording.

    If you don't like the Nightlies, trust me, I don't fancy em either, you are perfectly free to say ya don't, yet dismissing them as updates of the progress of the development, even if in its experimental integration state, or just plain experimentation state, is ridiculous.

    Dislike em as much as you want, they are still a branch that is updated with content that will pass onwards to the stable build, so, at most, your disregard of these updates will only afect your own timetabe for a update, while afecting nothing else.And being somewhat wrong for no valid reason watsoever that I can observe.

    Eh, fair enough, wount say its been a flame war, or that ones rewin, but fine.

    Words can be fickle, heh, hers the example.
    Ryuu Kitsune and Darklight like this.

    Don't derail the thread into the existential meaning of development phases. Take it to PM. Seriously.

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