Omni Reply to Community Questions

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Bloodcloud, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. I agree Solarius. I think that there were some really great points and discussions in the part that I did read, but there was so much negativity from both sides of the issue. I didn't enjoy seeing people being flamed for expressing thoughts or concerns that were stated logically and calmly, and it was the first time I was disappointed in the community. I really hope some of that negative energy has been released, so this community can be the wonderful place I know it is. I also hope that people with differing opinions can continue to express themselves and have rational discussions with others without getting pounced on.
    Solarius likes this.
  2. Incendiary

    Incendiary Ketchup Robot

    Should it maybe be quoted over to a sticky in the FAQ? I feel like once the thread dies we'll have more people come with these question.
    Core likes this.
  3. Core

    Core Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Some of these answers kind of hurt, but I think it was for the best to calm the community down and rest some questions we had about some things.
    Hazmat likes this.
  4. Solarius

    Solarius Aquatic Astronaut

    Well they all weren't going to be in the favor that everyone wanted, but atleast now people know. I think it was more of the unknown factor that riled up so many people.
    Core and Hazmat like this.
  5. Kaeso

    Kaeso Industrial Terraformer

    Thanks to Omni for answering those questions. That information is solid gold, and should (hopefully) go a long way in calming down the community that is clamoring for an immediate release. It also gives a much better idea of what to expect in the beta as far as content goes.
    Donseluke, Hazmat and Core like this.
  6. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    I've already fired off a thanks but need to here as well I suppose. Taking the time to answers these really helped straighten out a lot of things and gives a much clearer picture. Thanks for taking the time Omni, we know your busy and people really appreciate it.
    Skarn, Serenity, Donseluke and 4 others like this.
  7. mooncats5

    mooncats5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    While I'm happy to hear some of the answers listed here, I can't help but feel like we, the community, have been nagging the devs too much these days. :< While I haven't been (or have been trying not to be) adding to the whining and complaining and demands I'm sure I've vented some stress as well.

    They're WORKING on it. It's going to take time. They're working as hard as they possibly, humanly can on something wonderful. They update us on things almost every single day. They do streams and answer repeat questions whenever possible. Frankly, if I were Omni or anyone else working on Starbound I probably would have looked at this list of questions and felt a bit insulted. The argument can be made that 'I payed for the pre-order and still don't even have beta in my hands', so I can't say that we aren't 'entitled', but we're basically asking them to pull the cake out of the oven an hour early just because we're hungry NOW. And yeah, maybe we put in the order for the cake some time ago - but they're milking the cow and growing the damn wheat and fruit filling! They don't have the luxury of going to the supermarket and getting all the ingredients. This is from SCRATCH!

    ... aaaand this metaphor got away from me a bit, but I hope you get what I mean. DX Let's all just try to calm down a little, hm? <3

    NOW THEN. All that said - beta at tier 3 would be fantaaaastic! It'll likely still be quite some time from now, but still! I hope this turns out to be the case. :)
  8. StormX

    StormX Space Spelunker

    Yes, they could've felt insulted, but that would've been just as childish as everyone that was just going "gimme beta now!", because it's very easy to get so wrapped up in what you're doing that you don't see the bigger picture, especially in really involved projects such as this. We had been getting a lot of information but it was without context. We asked for context. We were thankfully given some context. There's nothing wrong with asking for context and clarity as long as it's done in a respectful manner.
    Avatra and Donseluke like this.
  9. Rawrquaza

    Rawrquaza Existential Complex

    All I can say is keep up the good work! The devs are doing a great job, I can stand waiting however long it takes. Thanks for the information!

    I agree 100% with the post below me.
  10. Alexor

    Alexor Star Wrangler

    I'm actually a little concerned that you guys may be rushing beta. I mean, it's a hard statement to defend as a customer ("Yes, I want to wait LONGER before playing your game!") but it's a little concerning that you've backed out of having all 10 tiers done, as I believe was the original case. I trust you guys, of course: You know when it's ready better than I do, for sure. Just don't rush out an unfinished project: Remember that, beta or not, it's the world's first impression. Yeah, the forum's going to be all angry that they don't have their content, but in the grand scheme of things, it might be better to endure that for an extra month or sure just to make sure that the game is as quality as possible.

    Don't let my idle musings discourage you though! If you think you're ready to make the push for beta, then go for it! I'm certain that, no matter how the beta release is handled, people are going to be absolutely freaking out with joy. While it may be a bit optimistic to say that the release "can't go wrong", I've got pretty high hopes that it'll turn out awesome no matter how you decide to handle it!
    Rawrquaza likes this.
  11. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    we are customers. It's our job to demand the thing that we bought and we're supposed to want that thing we bought to be the best thing it can be. It's their job to listen to us "nag and whine" and take it the best they can and do the best they can on it.

    They're not tiny blue team baby girly devs, they can handle it.
    Pingeh and Sicilian like this.
  12. Donseluke

    Donseluke Phantasmal Quasar

    I am just happy that we the dark knights, actually were able to contribute something worthwhile and ultimately prove that the beta wouldn't and shouldn't be feature complete.

    I am happy with three tiers. I am sure the rest of the tiers will be smooth sailing as long as the feature creep doesn't get out of hand.

    Happy to be of service. o7
    Pingeh and Miss Andry like this.
  13. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    You really see it that way, their are no sides to this we are not political parties. We are just people with different opinions and process of getting information.
  14. Donseluke

    Donseluke Phantasmal Quasar

    It seemed awfully split down the middle between people screaming don't bother the devs and people screaming for clarity. There was personal attacks, and a lot of rambunctiousness that was barely kept in check.
  15. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    There are 50 shades of grey lol, sad thing is when arguments get heated personal attacks are used have seen it happen in almost every topic in existence. It's really was not that simple. I could say people screaming you already got the answer here is the link and they don't owe the i49 demo, and people screaming give me i49 demo my life is shattered. See I can word it in a way that makes my opinion seem like the right one too. But really it was People with opinion vs People with opinion.
    Donseluke likes this.
  16. mooncats5

    mooncats5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Way to suggest girls can't handle things. But anyway.

    The people who pre-ordered, myself included, should have known that while we WERE paying for the game, we were also simply paying upfront so that the dev team could... you know... eat? Pay rent? Live? Work comfortably enough? As I said - on the one hand, yes, we are entitled to a product that we've paid for. On the other, we've paid for it knowing that it came with a waiting period. It's really only been a few months since pre-orders opened up, and a LOT of work has been done in that time. But a lot of work remains! Tiy and the others have stressed that they want to present us with a quality release and such, and I fully support and understand that. Have you played many early-access games these days? Some are beyond broken or severely lacking in features. They want to give us something more complete than that.

    So. All I was asking is for the community to perhaps be a little more understanding and patient. That's all. You're not 'winning' anything by being the kid in the backseat asking 'are we there yet?' every 5 minutes until we finally get to the destination...
  17. Quenton

    Quenton Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, and we kind of have an idea of what they're going through. That's what I was looking for, myself.

    It's very easy to make assumptions until you actually know what things are like from the other guy's point of view. It changes things.

    I would like to add my vote to having this thread sticky'd.
    Donseluke, Rawrquaza and Serenity like this.
  18. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Exactly as much as I try not to assume and it's a pet peeve of mine, the world is not just me everyone deals with things differently. I can't really blame people for how they deal with things in life if everyone was a carbon copy of me this world would be great....I am kidding it would suck.
  19. Donseluke

    Donseluke Phantasmal Quasar

    Sadly enough DRMS are easily removed though. Hopefully they do a bit more in the anti-piracy area.
    Serenity likes this.
  20. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    They need privateers to counter them lol. Honestly only real way to deal with piracy is to make a good product that people want to support.

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