Pixel Omega's Character Art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Omega V, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    blind sniper likes this.
  2. Prophet of Deception

    Prophet of Deception Big Damn Hero

    Thanks! Send me any of your characters to make them gory! The link is in my siggy!
  3. A Vagrant

    A Vagrant Cosmic Narwhal

    I never thought a pixelated version of my avatar could be Hitler.
    Forever likes this.
  4. Exodus

    Exodus Space Kumquat

  5. Prophet of Deception

    Prophet of Deception Big Damn Hero

    This thread has basically finished. It has reached the point in time where Either Hitler, Nazis or anything to do with the Holocaust is mentioned. It's this guys theory about information closing down to the easiest and plainest form ie Hitler. Look it up, it was on the TV show QI.
  6. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Well, I'm still open to do art; otherwise it's time to enjoy my week long break from college studies! :DD
    Seajun_ and NewLiar like this.
  7. Exodus

    Exodus Space Kumquat

    What? This post makes no sense at all. Please explain it to me.
  8. NewLiar

    NewLiar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think he's talking about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law

    Edit: Whoops, just saw the massive image with Godwin's law at the top of this page... :p
    Prophet of Deception likes this.
  9. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    Welp, only one way to keep this thread alive; BOMB THEM WITH REQUESTS!!! :viking::viking:
    NewLiar likes this.
  10. Exodus

    Exodus Space Kumquat

    Oh my god. This is so true. Everything makes sense now!
    Prophet of Deception and NewLiar like this.
  11. Prophet of Deception

    Prophet of Deception Big Damn Hero

    Hell yes it does. Did you know Hitler said that? Jokes
  12. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Bomb me with requests? o_O

    *Hides under wall of text*
  13. Request bombing time? Request bombing time.
    [​IMG]Holy cow that image was larger than I thought. Sorry! Anyway, could you do all of them? And if not, Just the dude?
  14. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    I don't know if others have this problem, but i can't even see the picture.
    It says it's from zerochan and that you should use the provided share links...
  15. Damn it, I'll have to fix it when I get home.
  16. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Well at least people realize I'm not dead! :laugh:
  17. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    Ahh zombie! :eek:
  18. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    *tempted to make a zombie avatar because of this*
  19. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    Do it! Shine on you crazy star!!!

    Damn i'm watching anime again, feels glorious :rainbow:
  20. Yes. Also, zombie attack: :zombie: KILL IT! KILL IT WITH A WORKING IMAGE!
    Just the dude and possibly the two Pokemon in front.

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