Story Old Ghosts

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Zoolot, May 18, 2013.

  1. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    To be completely honest, I haven't even started writing it. I've been way to busy between job hunting, college and other things that I haven't really had the time to get anything done. I WILL be continuing the story, If I stop I will definitely let you guys know(but it won't happen for the foreseeable future.).

    That sounds like something i'd want to read, shoot me a link if you put it up somewhere!

    I forgot to mention, my actual name is Ethan, It's pretty funny we share the same first name :D
    Aeryc, Ecleptic and tassina like this.
  2. Aeryc

    Aeryc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah. Nice to know ya!
    Zoolot likes this.
  3. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

  4. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Wow, 1,300 views, not bad, not bad at all.
    General_Bond, Aeryc and tassina like this.
  5. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    1,400 views, that's outstanding! You people who read my story are awesome <3
    General_Bond, Aeryc and tassina like this.
  6. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    One thousand five hundred and twenty five. That's quite an accomplishment! I still don't know if the thread views only count each person once. If they do, that's insane.
    tassina likes this.
  7. OneOnlyDan

    OneOnlyDan Cosmic Narwhal

    Nice story. Liked it :)
    tassina and Zoolot like this.
  8. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Thanks! And don't forget, it's still going!
    OneOnlyDan, tassina and Aeryc like this.
  9. Zamna

    Zamna Astral Cartographer

    Hey, Zoo. I came in for the first time in a while, and was pleasantly surprised to see that you'd made something out of my now-dead round robin story thread. going with that however, I have to be reeeeeeeeeeeeeealy nit-picky about your grammar. Aside from that, great job on the story!
    tassina likes this.
  10. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Thanks! It's become a labor of love, I'm glad you approve! Could you be more specific on the grammar nitpickery? I'd like to know so I can change it!
    tassina likes this.
  11. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Man, 1,600+ views... No idea if everyone liked it though, hopefully they did!
    tassina likes this.
  12. Tairuse

    Tairuse Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nice, simply awe. Keep up good work! Really nicely put together.
    tassina likes this.
  13. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Thank you! :) It makes me all fuzzy inside when people like my work. Wait, that might have been my dinner...
    Aeryc and tassina like this.
  14. Aeryc

    Aeryc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, the story is great. Also nice new avatar!
    tassina and Zoolot like this.
  15. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Thanks! and right back at ya.
    tassina and Aeryc like this.
  16. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Will you look at that, 18,000 views!
    On a more informative note: I'm going to be putting chapter ten up this weekend!
    Aeryc and tassina like this.
  17. Aeryc

    Aeryc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Woohoo! Can't wait to read
    Zoolot and tassina like this.
  18. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    Chapter ten is partway up! Time decided to catch up with me. I promise tomorrow will bring with it the rest of the chapter! For now have a cliffhanger! :mwahaha:
    tassina likes this.
  19. Aeryc

    Aeryc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And a really good one at that....
    Zoolot and tassina like this.
  20. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    tassina and Aeryc like this.

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