OH SWEET JESUS HELP ME MY HAIR IS ON FIRE! (And an introduction or something)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Neapolitan Shark, Nov 23, 2014.


Do I seem like a swell guy?

  1. Sure.

  2. Eh.


  1. Neapolitan Shark

    Neapolitan Shark Space Spelunker

    Whelp, now that I have your attention, I'd like to introduce myself.

    My Story:

    My life got flipped-turned upside-down, and I'd like to take a minute...

    Okay, for real this time.

    So just like everyone I came out of some little hole and into this great big world, but I'm pretty sure the rest of the life I'm living has it's own thread to be talked about somewhere. So lets just focus on my "online life"

    Haha, that implies I had one in real life in the first place!

    So I started out in my kiddie days watching youtube videos and playing flash games (without accounts because I saw enough squeaker/rage/typical 11-year old on the internet videos to know better). Eventually during seventh grade I bought Sid Meier's Civilization V and had to set up a steam account to play it. This was a bit of a jumping point in my weblife since it's the first time I was looking at structured community. Lets face it, youtube comments are almost the exact opposite for what you'd consider orderly. I sheepishly started commenting on forum threads and eventually mustered the self-confidence to make a youtube account in order to organize who I want to watch and make it easier to support the people who entertain me (which is currently 100-something, I'm easily entertained).

    I started branching out a bit, eventually settling on WildShadow Forums as my main community. Alas, after the devs got bought out by Kabam "Entertainment" (give me all your money for a few in-game items moron) the forum got moved to a more strict and no-nonsense company-run forum structure because a "security compromise". And once the oversensitive and unqualified moderators moved in it went downhill from there. Old members got kicked out for no good reason and new members were turned into money-making drones.

    Which brought me to 4chan. I seemed like a great place, sure it was a bit raunchy (As in absolutely disgusting to the average joe on the street) but It felt like home to me. Needed to fill in the void the forum I was now I.P. banned from could no longer fill. I lurked, shitposted, contributed, and generally had some good times with the fellow anonymous members of the site. Plus I got a good Gigabyte of images from there, not going to say how much of that could be considered safe for work though, haha. Eventually I ditched that site to more, in my opinion, the superior 8chan.

    So there's my story I guess. I'll post some stuff about me in another post If I get some replies, no use trying to start a dead car (forum).
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  2. DrVoodoo

    DrVoodoo Cosmic Narwhal

    Welcome to the forums.
  3. Neapolitan Shark

    Neapolitan Shark Space Spelunker

    That's it? Don't get me wrong it's nice of you to say that, but we need MORE! We need blackjack! Sexy women! Sexy Men! We need Mountain Dew and Doritos! We need some Flair!

    Anyways, since I'm replying to you is a good enough excuse to bump the thread, let's get on with some of my favorite things!

    If there is anything 4chan taught me, is that templates are amazing.

    Vidya: Risk of Rain, as you can tell by my Avatar too.
    Movie: I absolutely loved playing with legos in my younger years. And the amazing work they did with this movie really churned up that nostalgia. And the message at the end of the movie made me a bit teary-eyed too.
    Band: Musical artist to be exact. Check out his soundcloud
    Album: This album just makes my day, always loved Monstercat's releases.
    T.V. : Don't have a favorite show on the channel, but it's simply all around great.
    Instrument: Always loved piano solos, Never had the time to learn how to play it though.
    Artist: Keith Thompson, found him in 8th grade when I was looking for a map of Europe during World War I for a history project. I found a fictional map he made based on the erra and I've been following his creative works since. Check out his other stuff.
    [WARNING: A bit of gore and somewhat disturbing imagery is some of his works, just to warn the feint of heart]
    Language: I just adore how German sounds, sadly my school doesn't offer a class for it. Don't have the free time to learn it to, rats.
    Hobby: The best there is!
    Pokemon: Never got into pokemon in my childhood, but I decided to get a copy of Pokemon White and I've loved this tough fellow since.
    Book: Space Operas are just amazing to me.
    Weapon: I've liked the design of this one, and 4/8chan's /k/(weapons) board really likes it. Just going with the herd here.
    "Stuff I like to look at for around 30 minutes": As you can tell this was originally from 4chan, didn't want to edit the box out though, it would just look wonky without it!
    Drink: This stuff is my Kryptonite, I have at least one of these a day when they're in stock at the local grocers.
    Sport: Call me a geek, nerd, or a dork, But I'll take StarCraft 2 over a bunch of sweaty guys fighting over a ball anyday.
    Type of Girl: A little vague I guess, don't have too many preferences but here are a few:
    • White/Asian (Nothing against other races, but light skin just looks attractive to me)
    • triple-digit I.Q.
    • Honest
    • Accepting
    • Introverted
    • Logical
    Civilization: From the valiant Spartans to the amazing Athenian Democracy and culture, what's not to love?
    Clothing Style: Khakis, Pop culture T-shirt, Hoodie, all-day erry-day.

    [HALFWAY POINT: feel free to contemplate how crazy this guy must be to dedicate so much time into one post]

    Superhero: Never had a preference, I guess he's pretty cool.
    Cartoon: First 5 seasons were the best.
    Vehicle: Love me some exercise, but when it comes to cars specifically I'll go with a Ford Mustang
    Celebrity: His voice makes me melt.
    Food: Most of my family goes hunting every year, I could never think of a better meat than deer from Wisconsin.
    Universe (fictional): The whole reincarnation and sci-fi aspects makes me love it to no end
    Invention/discovery: HOORAY FOR MORE LAZINESS!
    Color: And if you don't like it you can get out. Or not, whatever.
    Drug: Coffee, although some Anons would usually put more "suggestive" consumables here.
    Youtube: Dan Hardcastle, love this guys way for organizing his channel.
    Comedian: George Carlin, never laughed my ass off harder than the first time I watched his New York show on youtube.
    Anime: Watch it, watch it NOW. Don't like reading subtitles? I DON'T CARE WATCH IT NOW. Seriously, you you like space operas or WWII Navy inspired fiction you'll love this show.
    Place: Ah Wisconsin.The summers are great, the Falls are beautiful, the Winters are decent, and the Springs are quaint.
    Animal: I love sharks, there like your average fish, but more badass.
    Retro-Vidya: Rogue, the original Rogue-like! RNGesus ain't got nothin on me!
    Politician: Hahaha, no.
    Historical Figure: Nikola Tesla. Love how much this guy contributed to science, a very overlooked genius
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
  4. The Lem

    The Lem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi . . . ?
  5. Neapolitan Shark

    Neapolitan Shark Space Spelunker

    Again with the short and sweet replies. Wheres the detail guys!

    Anyways, hows it going? I can uderstand your confusion a bit, didn't expect the link and image limitations so my latest post looks stupidity hamfisted
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  6. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Floran welcomessss sssstrange adventurer.
  7. Neapolitan Shark

    Neapolitan Shark Space Spelunker

    Lovely! Looks like this forum has some kick in its step! Loving the inviting community.
  8. DrVoodoo

    DrVoodoo Cosmic Narwhal

    Excuse me, but I don't like talking about myself.
    Though thanks to you I found my new favorite artist.
  9. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    such detail!
  10. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Welcome to the forums! Love the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" refrence (though I'm not sure I spelled Bel Air correctly). Anyway, welcome!
  11. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Welcome to the community!

    We are all preety chilled and laid back, so don't worry, it aint like 4Chan or the minecraft forums, as long as ya aint a complete bigot, ya will do just fine and we dont exactly have any resident flamers or trolls, Mods are preety cool aswell.

    Plus, we could use some more of you Quantity over Quality posters, always a nice read.

    So indeed, welcome.
  12. Neapolitan Shark

    Neapolitan Shark Space Spelunker

    Great to hear that you like Keith's work!

    It's what I do best!

    I always like to throw little references into my posts when I have the time.


    Trust me, I'm not sure if anybody can take more than one 4/8chan. In terms of the minecraft forums, not sure where you got that from but I'd assume it's comparable to a overcrowded ball pit.

    Always glad to contribute!

    Once again, thanks!
    yclatious likes this.
  13. Neapolitan Shark

    Neapolitan Shark Space Spelunker

    Okay guys, the template is finally up. Feel free to bask in its glory.
  14. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    Dan is indeed best yt person. +1
  15. Terror134

    Terror134 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Haha. Welcome!
  16. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    You must be Disney's Hades to make an introduction post that long while your hair is on fire.
    No, I didn't read past the first paragraph. Got shit to do.

    Neapolitan Shark and The | Suit like this.
  17. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Welcome to the forums, where you can get anything from hugs to ham sandwiches!

    Enjoy your stay, and do avoid getting sucked into clans if you can, you can never leave the fun that goes on there!

    And yes bicycles are epic (my primary form of transportation) and Morgan Freeman has a golden voice.
  18. Neapolitan Shark

    Neapolitan Shark Space Spelunker

    I like this guys style "Nope, TL;DR, got better stuff to do"

    Thanks for the wlecoming and advice!
  19. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Yes, it's a black hole, but a fun one!

    I'm a member of one that has hit 12 threads!
  20. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    Some context: Once a thread reaches ~500 pages (about 10k posts) it's closed and a new one is usually started (this is for forum performance reasons).


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