October 10th - Integration

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Uzkniso

    Uzkniso Big Damn Hero

    No one can ..
  2. NonBritGit

    NonBritGit Cosmic Narwhal

    I didn't realize food was an issue... This isn't Don't Starve. You guys really are redoing everything about the game you can get your hands on. You must really have thought what you already released was total throw away.
  3. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Really? I don't think I understand you entirely correctly.
  4. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    well, hopefully they'll have an updated or new version of the "Wooden cooking table" and "apex standard issue counter top"

    I don't know what it is, they just don't fit well amongst my high tech dwellings.
  5. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Yea, it seems that way. I think Starbound will be remade two or three times before 1.0 comes out.
  6. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    I can understand doing a bit an overhaul with food. Its always a bit of critical existence failure (your fine till that last bar of hunger drops and then you quickly lose hit points and die)

    maybe some little penalties that drive the point home that: eat or die a slow amd agonizing death
  7. NeoFoxx000

    NeoFoxx000 Phantasmal Quasar

    I hope one of the new cooking features is a cooking table that matches the various respective furniture. I mean the wooden cooking table is nice, but kinda clashes with higher tier furniture.

    Seriously though, if I remember correctly there were certain foods that, according to the description, healthy to select few and poisonous to to all others. I'm guessing that the new status system is related to the new food system, yes?

    What sort of changes are we looking at anyway? I know on the nightly the player starts with a handful of wheat seeds to make bread and can hunt the local wildlife for meat (and if you're human, combine bread and meat to make a burger, which is more beneficial that the sum of it's parts). Based on that last sentence in the main post, I'm imagining something along the lines of Well Fed buffs found in most (if not all) MMORPGs.

    Hmm... is it a good thing or a bad thing that I'm imagining the effects of alcohol on the various player races? I mean it could be a interesting energy source for a Glitch, a risky item for a sentient mass of energy, and get the organics just plain drunk. :rofl:
    Jafetgx likes this.
  8. SupertankerZambda

    SupertankerZambda Void-Bound Voyager

    I wonder what would happen to Florans? I remember reading it one of the codex that the humans once used weed killer on a bunch of Florans to buy time and get prisoners out, but instead of killing them they just got intoxicated off it.
  9. ClockworkMidnight

    ClockworkMidnight Big Damn Hero

    Novakid = Stat boost. :rofl:
  10. The Observer

    The Observer Phantasmal Quasar

    Nightly updating on a Saturday? What madness is this?
    SupertankerZambda likes this.
  11. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I know, right? I'm running diffs right now, can't wait to see what happened.
  12. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well said bro - that's how you suggest an idea
  13. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Surprise Saturdiffs: not a whole lot, but something.
    [NEW] unique_worlds.config
    [NEW] stats\effects\freeze\freeze.animation
    [NEW] stats\effects\freeze\freeze.lua
    [NEW] stats\effects\freeze\freeze.statuseffect
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    <          "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png"
    <        } ]
    <      },
    <      "skyType" : "atmospheric",
    <      "horizonImages" : [ {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png"
    <      }, {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0"
    <      }, {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png"
    <      }, {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png"
    <      } ],
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    <      "surfaceLevel" : 1200,
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    <    },
    <    "primaryBiome" : {
    <      "name" : "garden",
    <      "hueShift" : 0,
    <      "surfaceLiquid" : 0
    <    }
    >    "ambientLightLevel" : [128, 128, 128]
    <    "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32],
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    <      "spaceLevel" : 3000,
    <      "skyColoring" : {
    <        "eveningLightColor" : [ 126, 166, 138 ],
    <        "dayLightColor" : [ 184, 197, 182 ],
    <        "morningLightColor" : [ 156, 195, 149 ],
    <        "nightColors" : [ [ 0, 40, 60 ], [ 0, 10, 20 ] ],
    <        "eveningColors" : [ [ 186, 221, 235 ], [ 73, 247, 121 ] ],
    <        "dayColors" : [ [ 152, 228, 169 ], [ 205, 243, 193 ] ],
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    <        "morningColors" : [ [ 167, 255, 152 ], [ 163, 255, 208 ] ],
    <        "mainColor" : [ 255, 255, 255 ]
    <      },
    <      "satellites" : [ {
    <        "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.21497 ],
    <        "drawables" : [ {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ],
    <          "mirrored" : false,
    <          "rotation" : 0,
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    <          "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45"
    <        }, {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ],
    <          "mirrored" : false,
    <          "rotation" : 0,
    <          "flipHorizontal" : false,
    <          "centered" : true,
    <          "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/2.png"
    <        }, {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ],
    <          "mirrored" : false,
    <          "rotation" : 0,
    <          "flipHorizontal" : false,
    <          "centered" : true,
    <          "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/20.png"
    <        }, {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ],
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    <            "rotation" : 0,
    <            "flipHorizontal" : false,
    <            "centered" : true,
    <            "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/5.png"
    <        }, {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ],
    <            "mirrored" : false,
    <            "rotation" : 0,
    <            "flipHorizontal" : false,
    <            "centered" : true,
    <            "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png"
    <        } ]
    <      } ],
    <      "ambientLightLevel" : null,
    <      "planet" : {
    <        "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ],
    <        "drawables" : [ {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ],
    <          "mirrored" : false,
    <          "rotation" : 0,
    <          "flipHorizontal" : false,
    <          "centered" : true,
    <          "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png"
    <        }, {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ],
    <          "mirrored" : false,
    <          "rotation" : 0,
    <          "flipHorizontal" : false,
    <          "centered" : true,
    <          "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds.png?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/17.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png"
    <        }, {
    <          "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ],
    <          "mirrored" : false,
    <          "rotation" : 0,
    <          "flipHorizontal" : false,
    <          "centered" : true,
    <          "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png"
    <        } ]
    <      },
    <      "skyType" : "atmospheric",
    <      "horizonImages" : [ {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png"
    <      }, {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0"
    <      }, {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png"
    <      }, {
    <        "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png",
    <        "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png"
    <      } ],
    <      "dayLength" : 1153.36,
    <      "surfaceLevel" : 1200,
    <      "seed" : -5288806180628666923
    <    }
    >    "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32]
    <  "uniqueWorlds" : {
    <    "outpost" : {
    <      "type" : "FloatingDungeon",
    <      "dungeonWorld" : "outpost",
    <      "seed" : 1234
    <    }
    <  },
    <      "rect" : [40, 100, 434, 254]
    >      "rect" : [40, 100, 434, 254],
    >      "captureMouseEvents" : true
    >  local stuns = status.statusProperty("stuns", {})
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  local stunned = false
    >  for k, v in pairs(stuns) do
    >    stunned = true
    >    entity.setAnimationRate(0)
    >    break
    >  end
    >  if not stunned then
    >    local animSpeed = 1.0
    >    for k, v in pairs(slows) do
    >      animSpeed = animSpeed * v
    >    end
    >    entity.setAnimationRate(animSpeed)
    >  end
    >  elseif stunned then
    >    --do nothing
    <  if inState == "stunState" or inState == "fleeState" or knockedOut() then
    >  local stuns = status.statusProperty("stuns", {})
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  local stunned = false
    >  for k, v in pairs(stuns) do
    >    stunned = true
    >    entity.setAnimationRate(0)
    >    break
    >  end
    >  if not stunned then
    >    local animSpeed = 1.0
    >    for k, v in pairs(slows) do
    >      animSpeed = animSpeed * v
    >    end
    >    entity.setAnimationRate(animSpeed)
    >  end
    >  if stunned then
    >    --do nothin
    >  elseif inState == "stunState" or inState == "fleeState" or knockedOut() then
    <  return (entity.animationState("doorState") == "closeLeft" or entity.animationState("doorState") == "openLeft") and -entity.direction() or mcontroller.direction()
    >  return (entity.animationState("doorState") == "closeLeft" or entity.animationState("doorState") == "openLeft") and -entity.direction() or entity.direction()
    >  script.setUpdateDelta(5)
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  slows["frostslow"] = 0.75
    >  status.setStatusProperty("slows", slows)
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  slows["frostslow"] = nil
    >  status.setStatusProperty("slows", slows)
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  slows["mudslow"] = 0.8
    >  status.setStatusProperty("slows", slows)
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  slows["mudslow"] = nil
    >  status.setStatusProperty("slows", slows)
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  slows["tarslow"] = 0.65
    >  status.setStatusProperty("slows", slows)
    >  local slows = status.statusProperty("slows", {})
    >  slows["tarslow"] = nil
    >  status.setStatusProperty("slows", slows)
    Though I suppose technically these diffs were made on a Sunday...
  14. CheddaryCheeses

    CheddaryCheeses Void-Bound Voyager

    Are these additions and changes they are making being released as updates somewhere other then Steam or are they waiting to recess it all as one big update? Or am I missing something obvious? (I just chose this post because it's the most recent, sorry for the slight irrelivance).
  15. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Some of these changes are part of the nightly branch.
  16. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    For certain definitions of "some".
  17. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I meant in general as not everything in the news is part of the main branch.
  18. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I meant that most of the stuff they write about is or will soon be in the nightly branch. Are you as confused as I am or am I just dumb today?
  19. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    There are things they say they are going to do, but change their minds before it hitting the main branch. So what ever changes are read about - should always be taken with a grain of salt. Once it is in the nightly branch it is in the nightly. Till than everything written is theoretical and behind a screen door.
  20. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

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