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Ocean Pictures!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Stargazer, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Mokunen

    Mokunen Void-Bound Voyager

    Now that I think about it, that could also be the dev spamming the admin water spawning command. I think I've seen them use it in a livestream video. I really hope there are waves, though.
    Wolfedg and Cyral like this.
  2. Cyral

    Cyral Title Not Found

    Yea thats what I was thinking, I do the same thing in a game that I am making. I thought this beacuse of the shape and because the other side of the ocean seemed to be empty. Maybe because Tiy tweeted "Working on oceans" and that they are not completed, and maybe he was just filling them in.
  3. Huntrex

    Huntrex Big Damn Hero

    sitting sounds legit. LOVE WATER SO MUCH!
  4. volchonokilli

    volchonokilli Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh my God, Starbound engine is awesome!
  5. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    I don't think they would spam water and take a picture only a few seconds after without letting it settle.
    Mokunen and Cyral like this.
  6. Huntrex

    Huntrex Big Damn Hero

    They might be stills from a stream of video though, it wouldn't be hard to accidentally capture an effect like that.

    EDIT: Especially since the water is hard to distinguish from the background.
    Mokunen likes this.
  7. Cyral

    Cyral Title Not Found

    That was my other thought, so can't really decide. I guess we will have to find out :p
  8. SpiritWhiskers

    SpiritWhiskers Subatomic Cosmonaut

  9. Nob

    Nob Orbital Explorer

    Now that is awesome! :up:
  10. Star and Moon

    Star and Moon Space Kumquat

    This is going to be one heck of a game when i comes out.

    The Oceans are beautiful, and I don't even use that word that often! I don't even know how to spell it!
  11. imp

    imp Void-Bound Voyager

    even in stationary screenshots, the sky looks really dynamic. and the sunset is stunning.

    im also slightly concerned that the water seems to be the exact same colour in all in game footage/screenshots i've seen (correct me if i'm wrong). i was really hoping for different coloured water on different planets, but perhaps they may add that in later. after all, the game is not finished yet.
    Penguin99661, Medricel and Keeper like this.
  12. Wolfedg

    Wolfedg Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yea even just varying it from blue to emerald to brown would be cool, not to mention polluted water or other non-water. Oilspills/slicks on the surface and even density interactions between liquids could really produce some interesting effects.
    imp likes this.
  13. Blazerer

    Blazerer Void-Bound Voyager

    Tiy has confirmed so far they only have the same colour, they are working on it though.
  14. jvp

    jvp Orbital Explorer

    I wonder if there will be entire water planets.

    I'm sure we won't be able to, but being able to surf on those waves would be pretty sweet.
  15. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    We can sit! Hopefully our characters are smart enough to LEARN TO SIT ON CHAIRS! :mad: (90% of sandbox games, y u no let us use chairs)
    Alanzer-DNA, Yoshi, Rtyh-12 and 4 others like this.
  16. Captain Glacius

    Captain Glacius Sandwich Man

    Looks awesome, I hope they take their sweet time with this game making everything pixel perfect. :up:
    xboy777 likes this.
  17. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    Last time I checked, you can't get crystal clear screenshots like this from streaming video, and definitely not at a resolution of 3549x999 (picture 3.) These are most definitely screenshots from the client.
    Rtyh-12 and Mokunen like this.
  18. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    hoo boy, does that water look wet or what folks?
  19. YoshiXeros

    YoshiXeros Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Starbound. The only game that makes me want to freeze myself til it comes out.
    Alanzer-DNA, Yoshi, Rtyh-12 and 4 others like this.
  20. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    MUST MAKE AN EXTENSIVE UNDERWATER BASE - KJGSdkjshagfdfdagkjhgafKJHFGAJKsdsafjhkdgf...

    Okay. I'm done my fangasm.

    From the looks of things, the oceans are going to be really nice. I love the look of the water in the background, it's just like, expanse of water. I'm hoping that we'll see some different colors of oceans as well, like purple water with a green sky, I think that would look amazing. As for the waves if there are any, that would be cool, and make exploring the ocean a bit more interesting, cause if the water moves players and you have waves, then you can get pushed around by them in the shallows.
    Alanzer-DNA and Mokunen like this.

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