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Ocean Pictures!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Stargazer, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    I got them off of IRC. They're also in the subreddit.
  2. Where's my towel?:cool:
    Vinauf likes this.
  3. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    The sand looks amazing, and there even appears to be two types? I hope there's some cool stuff waiting to be found underwater, as well as a good place to build my underwater evil lair scientific research base.

    Also I agree the border between the background water and the real water should be more distinct.
  4. Opfierce

    Opfierce Aquatic Astronaut

    Beautiful pictures.
  5. Timpie1230

    Timpie1230 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    makes me want to go to the beach and relax in the sun tobad its winter where i live and raining like crazy
  6. Mr. Electric Ocean

    Mr. Electric Ocean Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Man. Thanks for sharing this. This game is looking fantastic.
    Garneac and Braxtrose like this.
  7. Knight9910

    Knight9910 Existential Complex

    My thoughts, in actual chronological order:

    1. Cool, alien palm trees. I likes it.

    2. The ocean does look really good.

    3. Oh my God, we can SIT!
    xboy777 and Huntrex like this.
  8. Rtyh-12

    Rtyh-12 Master Chief

    I think (well, hope) it's because of the tide. It would be awesome to have totally pointless things like that in the game. Although tides aren't necessarily pointless, they might provide useful opportunities for exploration or maybe new threats...

    The sun definitely needs to stay bright, in my opinion. Unless, of course, this particular planet has an odd athmosphere which scatters light in a weird way.

    It would be nice to be able to see clearly where the "real" water starts. However, [wildspeculation] I imagine the ocean as having some kind of parallax effect, so in-game the boundary would be more obvious [/wildspeculation].

    This is my first post on this forum, and I must say that I'm really excited about this game. I just hope it won't disappoint (doubt it will, though).
    TottWriter, Keeper and Mokunen like this.
  9. Blazerer

    Blazerer Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome, end of discussion.

    Agreed, as of now the background combined with water makes is somewhat hard to sea *badum tsh* where exactly the sea starts.
    TottWriter, Mokunen and Keeper like this.
  10. Kombucha

    Kombucha Orbital Explorer

    Look's fantastic!
  11. Wolfedg

    Wolfedg Pangalactic Porcupine

    Is that a wave in pic 1?!
  12. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Awesome pictures!
  13. Darkone59

    Darkone59 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I am throwing my debit card at the screen... Why doesnt it work?
  14. Patrick

    Patrick Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Try putting it in the DVD place.
    Johan likes this.
  15. Darkone59

    Darkone59 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thats a great idea!
    Kitty Box likes this.
  16. Cyral

    Cyral Title Not Found

    If you can see the difference between the real water and background, their are actually waves!
  17. volchonokilli

    volchonokilli Subatomic Cosmonaut

  18. arobuttons

    arobuttons Orbital Explorer

    It look really wonderful! This gets me really excited. Though all those rays on the sun seem a bit distracting? Maybe that's just me.
  19. Cyral

    Cyral Title Not Found

    I just made a picture so you can see the water easier
    Assuming it is a wave, I would love to see how it comes into play.
  20. Flameofice

    Flameofice Pangalactic Porcupine

    Looks very nice. Probably the best ocean I've seen in a sandbox game so far.

    Wonder what the deeper areas look like....

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