November 7th - All the things!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Ghostskill

    Ghostskill Aquatic Astronaut

    Hunger should just be treated the way Fallout: New Vegas did, this allows the players that prefer more of a challenge to activate this function in whatever difficulty they are playing. If for whatever reason you wish to disable the function you would just go into options and turn it off, and to give some incentive for those using the mode a nice cosmetic reward for surviving a determined amount of time would be nice.
  2. ssuper8

    ssuper8 Void-Bound Voyager

    I think it's clear by this thread that the majority of people want to keep the hunger bar. Ive always thought of starbound as a space survival game and as some people have pointed out, getting rid of it does actually almost change its genre... keep the hunger bar... add buffs to foods that are hard to make and keep you full longer.
  3. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    Ok, can I get real for a second here?

    The "survival" aspect of the hunger bar as it was boils down to having a 5-tile farm of whatever starting crop on your ship or at your base and keeping a pile of that item in your inventory at all times so that you could click on it a couple times per hour. That is 100% fulfillment of your hunger requirement. This is not interesting. This is not a challenge. This doesn't present some risk or indicate skill or even simulate reality in any way. It's a minor little chore that you'd just keep up with or else face the consequence of going back to your ship to grab a snack. Oh man, true grit.

    What has been presented in this update suggests that foods will provide varied, useful buffs. Presumably it will now become advantageous to grow and maintain a large variety of crops so that you can have access to (and have fun discovering!) all the different bonuses that will be introduced.

    Dungeon with baddies that are extremely difficult to dodge? Eat something that raises your defense and shrug off that mess!
    Searching planets for surface structures and rare chests? How about something to boost your run speed?
    Planet has irritating poison puddles everywhere? Regeneration food saves you from having to bandage yourself every time you slip!
    Ocean exploration? I got some sushi that increases lung capacity or something- who knows!

    It's completely insane to suggest that removing the hunger bar in this way is going to be a net loss of options or flavor.
    Dsc, metadept, Mystify and 3 others like this.
  4. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I'm a bit worried about the food change. Till now, food was already greatly plentiful and merely a little thing to concern onself about rather than a challenge. With how it's planned to be now it's importance will be that of a gimmick with player who don't really care about buffs ignoring those items altogether. With that also all survival scenarios where player is stranded somewhere underground, already far too rare - become pretty much nonexistant. I'd rather have food changed to be more important (which doesn't mean 'characters should be bothered and eat every minute or two') than less as turning all those interesting recipes and items into just slew of buffs is quite a waste of potential, I'd risk saying, at least for players like me who do care about survival aspect.

    I believe the issue here is not that people claim that food will be useless as much as the whole aspect of food as a necessity for survival - rather than temporary superpower to boost and/or make up for shortage of skill - is being completely throw out of the window. There are already buffs in the game and till now, there were also edibles (whose, again, I'd say a role was horribly downplayed for the game). With change as suggested, everything will be only a buff.

    As for the other aspect of the news I find of some importance:

    I do like the changes regarding lights and generators. I hope that quite a few locations will be looked over and adjusted. I assume though that not every location will need or use such - I'd some dark locations as well as some random structures not protected by any generator. Good that slowly the days of visiting random base/city and just stealing a toilet, some cabinet and a bed without anyone caring is ending.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2014
    JT`, Treequil, jonathonspy and 2 others like this.
  5. Kholdwyn

    Kholdwyn Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm going to also say that they hunger system was part of the draw. This game has a large number of food recipes and finding crops on a new planet was always exciting for me. Now it doesn't seem as important and I quite enjoyed stashing large quantities of food. Some did really need balancing like rice which you can harvest en mass and each individual one heals a lot but I didn't expect them to completely remove hunger. I hope they reconsider.
  6. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    I knew it was a mistake to make a post with more than one line of text.
    Kawa likes this.
  7. Shiek200

    Shiek200 Aquatic Astronaut

    I don't know if I speak for everyone, and if you guys can't/won't do it, I'm sure a mod will, but I would VERY much like an option to turn the hunger bar BACK on, even if nothing else changes, or food buffs are removed if the option is checked. I kind of liked that aspect of the game, but I absolutely understand why you guys are changing it.
  8. The Anger Specialist

    The Anger Specialist Master Chief

    I'm not sure if someone else has posted this, but I don't have time to read four pages of comments. Sorry.

    I liked the guns the avians had. I think it'd be better to give them muzzle flash instead of energy bullets (You could still see where the bullets come from, and it might be a fun difficulty boost to not actually see the bullets flying through the air).
    Darian Stephens likes this.
  9. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    Absolutely not true. Not every feature or aspect of a game has to be complicated or epic. A farm is simple to maintain and since crops dont wither, you can come back to it at your own pace.
    Lots of players, myself included, love the simplicity, and the ability to gather every seed in the game and look with pride over an expansive produce department of their huge fortress or humble homestead. It was part of the games character. To some its a chore, and thats a perfectly valid point of view. Have the ship be able to replicate a basic food paste (like Lexx), but if you want the buff food, put in the time and do the farming. Not every "challenge" has to be about dexterity, platforming and shooting skill, which if you want to get real, all of those become trivial with a few weapon upgrades and the double jump tech. Some challenges actually take time off from pewpewing to do some actual (point and click) work.

    Removing things like farming reduces the game towards a mindless twitch platformer. How far will this go? Instant housing pods dropped from your ship in orbit? Great idea for a starter shelter, but from there do we remove the ability to customize your house because the pod has all you need and is simpler? Or do we do away with crafting altogether and have mobs drop equipment for a more streamlined gameplay experience?

    What truly angers me about this though, is that the hunger bar is actually a completely separate issue from farming and gathering. OK, so they wanted to put the focus on the matter manipulator as the one super space multitool. Great, leave the MM improvement quests in. But that in itself is not reason to flat out remove the other tools from the game, and along with removing the hoe, remove even the ability to plant the seeds you start with! Cutting off all other options does not make the one you want to focus on better, it just pisses off those who were happy with the others.

    On the subject of buffs for craftable foods, I have one thing to say: Misty Thicket Picnics. For those that dont immediately get the reference, they were a craftable food item in Everquest. It required multiple tradeskills to craft all the ingredients for, and a master chef to actually make the picnic. The stat bonus they applied made them extremely sought after for group raids. Stat bonuses aside, the simple hunger system already in place (before it was broken this patch) already had something similar. Yes hunting for meat would keep you fed and alive, but dropping a few wheat seeds in the ground between your hunting expeditions would let you craft burgers which were FAR more beneficial to your hunger bar than meat alone. It made sense, and it worked. Now it doesnt, and as seen in this thread, many players are NOT happy with that.
  10. Ashgan

    Ashgan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    as someone said its a thing to keep in mind when delving underground.
    And if you want a real life example going to your ship is like going to your fridge when your at home but when your hungry on the road not much you can do other then look for a shop or go back home.
    And no it does not provide a risk that goes beyond planning and keeping in mind to have some food on you, nor should it require a skill unless you want to play a minigame every time you eat something.

    In short its like packing a lunch when going on a hike, better example how much food you packed when going camping (replace camping with cave delving)

    Overall I wouldn't mind seeing some revamp to the hunger system as long as it remained in function as it used to be not have food be just an optional buff.
  11. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't use "potions" so, if food no longer provides hunger, I wind up with no reason to even grow it.
    Darian Stephens likes this.
  12. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    You love the simplicity of farming but for some reason it will be unbearable if it isn't required of you.

    You suggest that people should be allowed to have a free endless supply of food, which is somehow better than simply removing starvation.
    You want people to "put in the work and do the farming" if they want buff food which is basically what this update is going to do- but it's bad somehow.

    You say that farming is being removed, but it isn't.

    I don't know why you're talking about tools or anything about that. Nothing in this update is about that.

    You suggest that taking time to farm varied crops and learn recipes too cook them should be valuable, which is what this update is going to do, but you say that it will actually make it impossible somehow.

    Packing a lunch = keeping a stack of 87 boltbulbs in my inventory forever and just gathering them whenever I walk past the little farm plot in my base.

    If your'e doing anything more than this, then you are doing it recreationally and not at all because of the hunger bar.
  13. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ever think we do it "recreationally" BECAUSE of the Hunger Bar being there? like I've said before, without the hungerbar I just see my efforts making a farm as being a waste of time, I'd much rather keep the hunger system in place and see it improved than see it be removed and make my farm or hydroponics bay become some worthless potions area. as said before, I don't use potions, they don't give "skill" in combat, they are just cheep little things that if implemented should be put in AS POTIONS OR STIMS, not as a replacement for hunger.
  14. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    Well then it's already a "waste of time" because a teeny tiny farm that you barely pay attention to is enough to generate a lifetime of starvation protection, or you could just scoop up fruits that you find as you explore planets. You will never run out!

    Everyone check out this fun little farm I made- despite the fact that the floor I'm standing on is more than enough to keep me from going hungry for eternity. I had fun making it and making it look cool! But I guess it'll be impossible to have fun in this way if the possibility of starvation is removed, oh brother!
    Anthony Bailey and Dagger7 like this.
  15. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm liking these updates!!
    A few things though:
    - The hunger bar should definitely be put back in. I thought that it was just removed from the nightly because of the cooked meat issue. I didn't know that it was going to be removed altogether.
    - I actually think that the random weapons in earlier stages shouldn't be nerfed. Where's the fun in crafting a weapon that will be stronger than most (if not all) of the random weapons that you might find?
  16. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    you don't get it, for some of us the fun IS ruined if making a farm doesn't even stave off hunger, the entire point of food is to not get hungry, not getting stim bonuses! Why are you so dang in favor of killing off the hunger system which was always a good thing to have in starbound!?
  17. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    The hunger bar does not require farming. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way, and I hope you will find some way to have fun.
  18. RomadE

    RomadE Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you want to have the exploration of naturally dark places feel more organic, there could be some bandits at the entrance plotting to raid the dungeon and killing the bandit with the flashlight makes them drop it, allowing you to pick it up.
  19. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    Farming had 3 parts to its value.
    First, yes it staved off hunger. And while hunger did not require farming, it was more efficient even for a dedicated carnivore to plant some wheat and make burgers.
    Second, its aesthetic value of setting the scene of a homestead or castle.
    Third, the collection aspect of gathering seeds for all the growable crops in the game. That took exploration and raiding both surface chests and dungeons along with visiting merchants.

    Different players will have a different mix of these, but all are important aspects. Yes, taking out the hunger system DOES take away some of the value of farming, and for many players its MAIN meaning. It still has its aesthetics and collection value, but its lost its practical value, and for some players that takes a part of the game they enjoyed and makes it worthless. Since a game is supposed to be enjoyable, this was NOT a productive move on the devs part.

    And yes, farming HAS been removed, or at least made inaccessible, by the removal of hoes. The matter manipulator cant till dirt!
  20. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Uh that's, like, totally your opinion mate.

    Many people clearly enjoy this hunger bar mechanics, if reactions on this thread is anything to go by. Maybe all it does to you is having a farm on your ship and having to click an icon every once in a while, but just because it holds no value to you doesn't mean it's entirely worthless.

    The idea of foods granting buffs is nice, I haven't seen any complaints about that specifically, so I don't know what you're on about in the second paragraph. Foods can be useful AND a basic necessity.

    And it is a loss. For one because it can coexist with the whole food buff thing. You don't really need to remove the hunger bar to get all of those examples you mentioned.

    [Edit] also, calm down mate. Being snarky on the internet does nothing for your arguments except hurt them.

    [Edit2] from your arguments, I'm guessing that you play this game like me: mostly adventuring and exploring.

    Ever occurred to you that not everyone plays like that? That some people will be farmers or builders? Foods that only grants buffs that helps with combat or exploration is next to worthless to them.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2014

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