November 27 2014 - Thanksgiving

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Supernorn, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. buenagua

    buenagua Void-Bound Voyager

    The first thing I thought seeing the biome was,"Christmas lights"
  2. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    <reads caption>

    Yesss, Floran like ssstabing large bird, then eat until Floran iss in sstupor on floor.
    But Thanksssgiving? What isss thanking?
  3. Xylott

    Xylott Orbital Explorer

    Thanks for choosing to give us an update even thought you didn't need to. Hope your dinner was a great one! Love glowy things, so this update is a well received one. Waiting patiently for the next stable version to come out (though wishing you'd all hurry the heck up - :lickitung:).
  4. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

  5. Sailo

    Sailo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It kinda pisses me off seeing all the negative reviews on this beautiful game on steam. The devs are working their asses off and the nightly proves it. I hope those negative reviews get blown off of steam as soon as the stable update pushes through. You guys are doing amazing and deserve a break. Happy Thanksgiving to the CF team! and to everyone else that celebrates it!!!!!!111one
    Jonesy, GorunNova, garpu and 4 others like this.

    ODSTNICK Big Damn Hero

    are you from Canada? because you say on October?[DOUBLEPOST=1417186108][/DOUBLEPOST]
    your right everyone earns a break even chucklefish for providing us with this great game and being great Devs
    Auraknight likes this.
  7. Maxiplayer

    Maxiplayer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    no, i'm a cat
  8. Dest

    Dest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanksgiving this year ruined by racist family members and the legal murder of black teens across America.

    But hey, yams.
  9. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    America, now: OMG THANKSGIVING YAY TURKEY WHOOO *Super epic party*
    Canada, 1 month ago: Yay thanksgiving I get monday off school. *Meh*

    ODSTNICK Big Damn Hero

    meow meow meow meow (10 years later)meow meow meow
  11. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    Western Canadian, born and raised.
    I don't entirely get why our day of remembering a really good harvest by early European settlers happens a month before the US, but there you have it.
  12. Coolitic

    Coolitic Big Damn Hero

    Secret turkey star ship boss plz?

  13. Helix1111

    Helix1111 Big Damn Hero

    thanks for sharing all these cool images about what is comming up, hoepfully there equallty alot more stuff for us to discover, dont show us EVERYTHING.. :)
  14. Maxiplayer

    Maxiplayer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    meow meow~ :kitten2:
  15. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    you know you can put that image in your signature :V
  16. StraySheep

    StraySheep Aquatic Astronaut

    It's mostly Reddit doing that. I went to the Starbound Subreddit ONCE, and the whole thing was nothing but posts bitching about how Chucklefish is "stealing money from early access customers" and "not making any content".
    Basically, Redditors are entitled buttholes.
    Even the Starbound General on 4chan's Video Games image board was more polite about Chucklefish's development schedule and were actually discussing what was happening with the game when I passed through.
  17. Maxiplayer

    Maxiplayer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    oh thanks, i didn't notice that
  18. Silver200x

    Silver200x Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Happy Thanks Giving Guys & Girls!. Keep up the Good Work!
  19. ThierryBud2

    ThierryBud2 Aquatic Astronaut

    While it's true that Ubisoft started in France, some of their games (like Assassin's Creed) were created in their Montreal studio. But I undertand what you meant. I don't like how we're bombarded by these american celebrations, but they are not by ours. :confused:

    ODSTNICK Big Damn Hero

    4chan being nice for once? WERE DOOMED!
    Colaymorak, Sailo and Kawa like this.

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