November 27 2014 - Thanksgiving

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Supernorn, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. KreamStyle

    KreamStyle Void-Bound Voyager

    Happy Thanksgiving all, I hope everyone has a happy safe holiday.
  2. starbound_steve

    starbound_steve Orbital Explorer

    Wow that is cool! You should add that in jungles like avatar.
  3. Kyora473

    Kyora473 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Some of Chucklefish's staff are from America. Also, Thanksgiving is a nice holiday. It's literally "be happy for the stuff you have and go into a food coma with family while you do so together" day. It also commemorates when people from the UK first had a peaceful encounter with Native Americans, back before America was its own country and still belonged to England, so it's also "HOLY CRAP THE WORLD IS ROUND AND WE CAN GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIVE ON THE SAME PORTION OF IT AS US IF WE JUST TRY TO DO SO" day.
  4. j4yn1ck5

    j4yn1ck5 Void-Bound Voyager

    A bioluminescent biome is pretty cool and all. But, I was hoping more along the lines that there would be a deep underground bioluminescent layer in most worlds.
  5. Heartstrings

    Heartstrings Giant Laser Beams

    Happy Thanksgiving Generic Winter Celebration of Thanks Towards Cooperation Day!
    You know, for that jerk who hates american specific holidays.
  6. Zaelox

    Zaelox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks very much for the good tidings. My thanksgiving has been quite lovely thus far, good food, great company, and pie!!!

    Thanks for your hard work in bringing us this wonderful game, I bid you all good night!
  7. trevtrev800

    trevtrev800 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Kyora473

    Kyora473 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Heartstrings likes this.
  9. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Well happy turkey B-day to me then, and thank... Ok maybe it didn't land on today this year, but I dread the shopping on my B-day tomorrow. Not that I will be going shopping... Rather I might be going to a game night at a cousins...

    Anyway Happy day to all. :)

    Looks nice and colorful over there, and nice work on the flora.:D

    ODSTNICK Big Damn Hero

    for my thanksgiving I had lamb
  11. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Now, I wanna fight bioluminescent random-gen bosses on those places!

    //My Ningen's body is read
  12. Exxil3d

    Exxil3d Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I heard reworking tech systems

    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  13. panga

    panga Space Hobo

    Well Bastille day is the french national celebration which mark the begining of the french revolution and the end of oppression by kings and overpowered rullers. It's also quiet a nice holiday right? The German Unity day comemorate the reunification of Germany and mark the end of division between people of the world. It's nice! but it's not american so... meh why would any developer make a special event about it like prety much everyone do with the Independence day... About independence day... the Independence day of india is prety much like the american one but why does developers and game studios and tv never mention it? Does american holidays are more important than holidays of other countries?
    Anyway... i'll just leave this here:
    Colaymorak likes this.
  14. Maxiplayer

    Maxiplayer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Happy Thankgiving everyone, thank for working so hard for all of us, CHEER!
  15. Tuesday's Eyebrow

    Tuesday's Eyebrow Phantasmal Quasar

    Why? Because either a) they assume, whether correctly, or incorrectly, that most of their audience is american, b) the developers themselves are american c) they want to.
  16. Albussystems

    Albussystems Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well happy TG to you all too!^^

    The Plants seem nice, and glowing stuff is always nice.. .D
    What kind of changes will there be in techs?

    Funny thing, before i red all other posts i felt a bit left out?! Why only wish a nice Thanks Giving to "all your american Fans?" (as if others can't celebrate it or what...? strange that is)

    Happy to hear you guys are making progress
    Keep it up :D
  17. panga

    panga Space Hobo

    I've played many years on eve online and i've never seen any iceland independence day event. Ubisoft is a french video game company. Have you see any reference to the bastille day in any ubisoft game excepted the last assassins creed? Despite being german games i aven't seen any unity day in anno games or x games or crysis games.
  18. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    Aw yissssssss!

    I hope they generate heat too—it'd make so much sense to have something fill in the niche that all that missing heat is leaving!

    ODSTNICK Big Damn Hero

    Why does that remind me if tails the fox
  20. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    you Americans are weird, turkey'n'yam day is in October, about a week before candy'n'cosplay day. November's holiday is wear-a-poppy-and-show-respect-for-veterans day, though a second turkey'n'yam day does sound good now that I think about it...

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