November 17th - The food that makes you buff!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Interesting idea. You could probably make a suggestion of it.
    anthcool likes this.
  2. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I'd be down. It'd be super-helpful for planning building projects, especially if it showed the variant looks of the blocks, their different color possibilities via paint gun, etc.
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I think the term "Weight" is a bit to ambiguous
    Weight of the item
    vrs weight of the buff given

    is easily confused.
  4. RoseTyler51

    RoseTyler51 Void-Bound Voyager

    So firework gun? Yes or YES?
    Mero likes this.
  5. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    If this game was a person; I'd obsess over that person and watch "Starbound" from a distance, put in a scrapbook with my head taped on next to Starbound, ask to go out with Starbound until she/he calls the cops on me, and probably start walking into stuff when Starbound is around... if you know what I mean. :yeahhhh:
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    RenaldiForumStar likes this.
  6. Dzony_B

    Dzony_B Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Cool stuff as always... but how about adding weapon crafting from parts,couple of fixes and call it an update,not nightly update. :D (upset koala) :rofl: FIREWORS HYPE!!! More of pyrotechnic please.
  7. xalar

    xalar Big Damn Hero

    Where's the buffs for warmth regeneration? I've experienced that if you eat a lot of meat prior to bed, you burn up in the middle of the night and wake up.
    Caelann likes this.
  8. Mero

    Mero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Or i da know YYEEEEEEESSSSS!
  9. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    The response has basically been "We have your money, you have no say."
    Seriously, even the call for hunger to be an OPTION was completely ignored.

    100% behind this. Now, I am all for additional herb crops that could be brewed/blended at an alchemy workstation or provide these buffs, in addition to food being actual food. CF did not have to rip out a defining trait of the game to add this feature.
    BlueKutsu likes this.
  10. Perq

    Perq Phantasmal Quasar

    But hey, if they turned it into potions, you could say that they haven't implemented food system, which they said they will, right? Doesn't matter it is not actual food system - they used that term when publishing news with "planned to do in Starbound", so more people would preorder. And now you can't say they didn't implement food system, because there will be one!

    No really, the big list of things that will be in the game is in fact a wish list - CF is unable to do this all. Hunger is first of many things that will be scraped of that list. So while I'm not surprised, I'm still disappointed that such show-off, "gib-moni, pre-order cuz will be cool" lists had to be made. Picking the route of least resistance is kind of sad too. :V
    BlueKutsu likes this.
  11. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    We are not stockholders.

    That is all.
    Dunto, Lintton, Tamorr and 2 others like this.
  12. FlynnFlare

    FlynnFlare Void-Bound Voyager

  13. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Errrrr expansions have been documented for months you know
  14. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    I think they are listening more than you give them credit for. They probably haven't mentioned it in a blog post because they haven't made a definite decision on how to handle it.
    Mero and BlueKutsu like this.
  15. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank

    I've been thinking about this whole hunger thing. Starbound is a game about flying through space. More specifically, getting stuck and then flying through space. Some people argue hunger stays for the survival aspect, while others find it tedious. Starbound isn't a clear cut survival or sandbox; it's got aspects of both. Starting out stranded, it makes sense to have to struggle with hunger. Later on when you're jumping star systems, it makes a bit less sense. In fact, this is the future. Why eat when some kind of nutrient-sustaining technology could reasonably be developed to sustain the body? Portable IV or something that would be replenished upon returning to the ship. But I digress. Starbound starts out with more of a survival feel that gradually gets more open-ended and sandboxy as you progress. Eventually, you reach endgame. Then what? Sandbox. Perhaps some endgame tech that alleviates the tedium of hunger. This'd make it optional, but available to those who have worked for it.

    Just an idea; not sure how viable it is or how well it'd be received, but there it is for what it's worth.
    Naun, Mero, BlueKutsu and 1 other person like this.
  16. IcyLucario

    IcyLucario Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can't wait to see the missions im worried they will be simple.
    Everygame has simple mission and such, but I got hope in you guys! :p

  17. Caelann

    Caelann Void-Bound Voyager

    Most hunger systems that get implemented in sandbox games these days are boring and serve no purpose other than to annoy players with the trivial chore of stopping every X minutes to eat something. You can't even compare it to health, because you have all but complete control over when (and how) you lose health, whereas hunger just keeps going down even if you're just building, farming, crafting, decorating, etc. and not fighting or spelunking. Heck, sometimes even if you're just standing still, depending on the game.

    It is quite literally an "action points tax" to artificially limit your time spent in-game actually playing the game, which you cannot avoid (short of having a gimmick that temporarily freezes hunger or fills it over time), unlike health, whose loss you can avoid by either not doing dangerous things, being careful, or, yes, using gimmicks that regenerate health constantly.

    By comparison, for example, Minecraft's hunger system is rather taxing on normal and harder difficulties; but you do get a nice health regeneration gimmick for your troubles, so it's worth it (then again there's no idle health regeneration independent of the hunger system, so it's a trade-off I guess). There's also a hardcore realistic survival mod for it out there called TerraFirmaCraft, which goes even further by adding nutrition, which, when catered to adequately, gives you a maximum health bonus as long as you stay well-fed with a varied diet.

    The new system in SB is full of rewards, sure, but the saturation effect means you can't abuse it, and if you start getting used to having buffs all the time, you'll really feel it when you're well-fed and your buffs end, or you need a new buff, and can't eat anything until the saturation effect ends. On the other hand, you need not worry about stopping to eat all the time, especially at the most inconvenient of situations.

    Also, it's worth noting that you do have to go through all the trouble of making the food, as well as all the agricultural business, which isn't exactly a breeze (at least time-wise). So I think that's quite enough of a "chore" to balance the "reward" aspect of the new food system.

    I wouldn't be surprised if hunger were brought back later on, but I personally couldn't care less about the old system. I'm all for the new one, to be honest.

    This post just breathed new life into me. Please add Spam as an easter egg kind of thing. Pretty please? With spam on top? (maybe change the name, though, for copyright issues)
  18. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    Boring, as has been stated several times before, is an opinion, and many players find hunger to be desirable. Most of those, myself included, are willing to accept it as an option, ie we arent trying to shove our preference down others throats. I see none of that on the other side of the argument. The idea of food being weighted by ingredient, or by certain mixes of ingredient, for how much hunger it refills is a great idea.

    I'm also loving the thought of food, crops, and herbs having a buff value that, when mixed, will provide an item with those buffs. Food then becomes dual purpose. But not a recipe list like existing crafting, make it something like a blender workstation, initially with a single slot, you put the ingredient in and hit blend. The blender is upgradeable into a food processor, then alchemy lab, each allowing more ingredients. Experiment to find the right mixes, customize potions to your needs, and theres your "better buffs through progression" scaling mechanic satisfied right there.

    As for spam, hmm... find a can of mysterious meat, and the examine tooltip reads Standard Protein of the Apex Military.
    Caelann likes this.
  19. Mackerel II

    Mackerel II Void-Bound Voyager

    Hunger worriers, mollygos said this in the hunger poll thread yesterday...

    'Three modes: casual, normal, hardcore.
    Casual won't make use of hunger/survival mechanics, normal and hardcore will.

    Something for everyone. :)
    Going to lock this up for now.'

    Maybe it was just a summary of the thread... but as three difficulty modes have now been implemented, including a no ore drop casual mode, it seems like a distinct possibility, time will tell...
    Caelann likes this.
  20. Mero

    Mero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Personally I thought of it being you get a implant that sustains you so you don't have to eat. It also would be intersting if you had to find a Npc that could implant implants, you pay them (A TON OF) the pixels and you lay on the operating table and then it fades to black as the Npc says something witty. Then you wake up and your off the table, you got the implant and the Npc is yet again saying something witty.
    Naun and Caelann like this.

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