November 17th - The food that makes you buff!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Wra17h

    Wra17h Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can't find the outpost. The A.I says its there but its not. I was told before to try mousing around the sun. But no sun only two planets. I moused around everywere, But still no outpost thing. Please Help!
  2. BlueKutsu

    BlueKutsu Master Chief

    I agree! It's always nice to see more updates, and the food looks to be shaping up nicely. But I remember seeing a lot of comments recently about people being disappointed about the loss of the hunger system. Folks like me just "Liked" and didn't comment, so I bet there are a lot more who would like to see this addressed by the Devs. I think a lot of players really enjoy the survival aspect of the game, even if it's not exceedingly difficult right now, so this is kind of a big deal for them.
  3. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    Enigma Berries
  4. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    See that's the funny thing. If there were an "ultimate food" planned, it seems quite obvious and natural to me that it'd take all the plants to create. But I don't think there'd be such a thing. More like a bunch of "ultimate in their category" foods.

    @ssuper8, @BlueKutsu, can we please not start all that again? Two news threads oughta be more than enough, don't you think?
  5. claudekennilol

    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

    Am I the only one that first as addictions?

    Also, I'm a bit concerned that too much work is going into food.. By that I mean, from your post, it looks like you're having to configure the buffs directly into the food. Is that the case? If it is, wouldn't it be easier for a food to know what ingredients it came from and extrapolate the necessary buff information from there? Then you're only configuring the ingredient, and the food only needs to know what ingredients it came from.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
    Kawa likes this.
  6. Mega Mann X

    Mega Mann X Aquatic Astronaut

    Now... Where's my chef hat? I got into a terraria vs. starbound argument the other day, and I believe we can be better than terraria :D
  7. Mystify

    Mystify Void-Bound Voyager

    well, I doubt there will be a single "best", more like tiers of food. a higher tier would be better, but it would also be much more resource intensive. y the time you can make a single awesomesauce meal, you could probably carry around stacks of basic foods and gorge yourself on them.
  8. Warped Perspectiv

    Warped Perspectiv Pangalactic Porcupine

    He's wearing Novakid armor. The Novakid's gear is based around the Old West, so yes you can.
  9. Uzkniso

    Uzkniso Big Damn Hero

    I found it hilarious, how the fireworks killed the birds.
  10. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Not in real life it ain't. Just saying in case of warped perspectives. :cool:
  11. HellsBells

    HellsBells Void-Bound Voyager

    Dont forget the race specific recipes! I mean... As a Human I think is a little dangerous to eat a glitch oil-pie.
    Kawa likes this.
  12. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    If I've but one issue with all this, is that's the cheeseburger has no pickles. The one I just removed from my Felins mod at least had those.
    Type1Ninja likes this.
  13. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    i will just say this, if when the stable build comes around and we still just have these POTIONS with no actual hunger food, then I will have no other option than to make a thread calling for help making a mod team to make a survival mod that is configurable and hopefully have it become so popular that they decide to integrate it just like they did the sky rail mod.
  14. Guys. Make sure when you're posting, it's more than just an image response. And make sure it's actually relevant to the discussion. Otherwise you will be warned for Spam.
  15. Warped Perspectiv

    Warped Perspectiv Pangalactic Porcupine

    No fun allowed, apparently.:confused:

    I have to wonder if they'd finally be to a point where they could give a general time frame we can all expect a new stable build. I mean sure they can get to a point (maybe after they finish with getting buffs implemented?) that they'd be able to release it as a stable build and then continue on with Nightly from that point.
  16. You can have fun. But if you're going to do it at the expense of post count, it should be in a clan thread.
  17. TheNarrator

    TheNarrator Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's pretty cool news, both the fireworks and the new food system. I wonder how the food system will work out. Personally, I find that a 20Hp buff isn't all that much. What will a small hp buff be? 5hp? 3hp? (That's a serious guess., I have no idea what the proportions of small, medium and large buffs are in SB.)
  18. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    well, if 20 is small, let's hope they keep it as that at the max. I really don't like this whole thing of Potions skinned as food.
  19. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    But what if - given that we are discussing food - the conversation turns to Spam and a desire to see it in the game. What if we post photos for photo reference?

    Actually, on that note, I want Spam in the game. How can I be a post-tentacle Human survivalist living in a plasticrete bunker on a distant moon if I don't have Spam? Or Spam sandwiches?
  20. right. wait what

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