Nov 19th - Sep 8th???

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    Hsss, Floran like sstrategy. Sstab with sspear, not with dagger, Floran uncle alwayss say.

    Though sstabbing of any type iss good.
  2. Royal_Starlord

    Royal_Starlord Big Damn Hero

    =w= Ah well. Each update is but another step to the full game.
    Windcaller and yclatious like this.
  3. HyperSpace Princess Elly

    HyperSpace Princess Elly Phantasmal Quasar

    They're actually .webm videos.

    which is neat.
    dantronix and yclatious like this.
  4. Kholdwyn

    Kholdwyn Void-Bound Voyager

    I can already see abandoned planets littered with fallen paper planes after an epic paper plane battle.
  5. hanleybrand

    hanleybrand Phantasmal Quasar

    Plus paper airplanes and beach balls. Folks that are going to kvetch about this update should wait for the release, you're not ready for early access.
    yclatious likes this.
  6. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine


    Now I am going to have THAT song stuck in my head all day :facepalm:

    (You know the one)
    yclatious likes this.
  7. neosuduno

    neosuduno Aquatic Astronaut

    I would an estimate as to WHEN the next stable is? They have basically said they would try to have the game ready by the end of the year and at least one stable before that...
    yclatious likes this.
  8. Royal_Starlord

    Royal_Starlord Big Damn Hero

    yclatious and Ashgan like this.
  9. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    What are you talking about? I don't have any music in my head...

    *blam* *blam* *blam* *blam*


  10. Ferengi Latinum Farmer

    Ferengi Latinum Farmer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Every time some "bird" lands on my roof I want to throw something at it. You've given me that something.
    yclatious and Royal_Starlord like this.
  11. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Speaking of birds, one of the fixes is that the bastards don't spawn outside planetary atmospheres, right? Sick of seeing a big flock bouncing along under my Satellite of Love build...
    RenaldiForumStar and yclatious like this.
  12. Fit

    Fit Void-Bound Voyager

    Stupid little toys are among my favorite things in games like these, keep it up! Most of my gold in wow was spent at the toy shop, I have no regrets.
    Do the beachballs activate pressure plates or other types of switches? If so, then we are one step closer to a beach ball based Rube Goldberg machine.
    yclatious, Colaymorak and Naun like this.
  13. GorunNova

    GorunNova Pangalactic Porcupine

    YES! Only large flocks of skeletal red dogs should ever spawn around a structure such as that!
    RenaldiForumStar and yclatious like this.
  14. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    I've honestly never seen anything as serious as beach balls and paper airplanes...
    Seriously Kyren?
    Anyways, good job. I like how you are putting cool toys to play around with. Nothing beats playing a game, in a game.
    Paper airplanes though, I have a thought. And please consider this. So listen please! :heylisten:
    Paper airplanes; although a small little addition to the game as something fun, they look kind of bland- they FEEL bland. That paper airplane in the demonstration was sort of like throwing a rock, nothing that caught my eye. Most paper airplanes (not all) soar in the air and glide majestically until they hit something or just spiral down on the nose upon hitting the ground. That paper airplane that you threw? Just hurled into an enemy.
    I guess my point is to make them glide and fly and loop the loop some! I want to release hundreds and let my paper avian friends rain terror on birds! And if not just me, everyone wants to do that.

    Don't worry, all of us Starbound players will surely take the responsibilities that come with paper airplanes. (Most of us, at least.)
    No paper cuts, I promise. :up:
  15. Dresden

    Dresden Void-Bound Voyager

    Every good game needs a B-Ball minigame. Deus Ex, DE: Invisible War, Thief: The Dark Project, System Shock 2, now this. :D

    I thought the second one was a lawn dart at first. I was like "That should be doing way more damage".
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  16. KazeSkyfox

    KazeSkyfox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ...I want that beach ball.

    yclatious and Royal_Starlord like this.
  17. DarkMInds

    DarkMInds Void-Bound Voyager

    :iswydt: That's cute...

    But I'll turn my Media Player back on now.

    I share your idealism.
    I lack your promise.
  18. guyverlord

    guyverlord Big Damn Hero

    Beachball? Time to start planning a beach party.
    yclatious likes this.
  19. Albussystems

    Albussystems Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thank you!
    At first i thought you would tell us about Paperplanes or balls for real...^^ (as fun as they may be)

    I am really happy to hear the second part of your post!!!!!
    Has been quite some time since a CF Member used the words "stable update" in a post :D

    Now the waiting is easier to bare!

    Thank you again^^
    yclatious likes this.
  20. Kail

    Kail Void-Bound Voyager

    One step closer to Most Extreme Challenge: Starbound Edition
    yclatious likes this.

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