Not.. Not the 8th of June progress update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. generaldisuhray

    generaldisuhray Void-Bound Voyager

    Haha finally. I know fish arent the smartest things but at least a game finally gave them enough credit to actually run away from someone. It's all of the details like this that you are adding that will make starbound so amazing. Keep up the good work!
    AdenSword and riseoflegends like this.
  2. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm not too concerned about the fishes swimming away from me...see, I have this special call they find irresistible
    Patitis and Flevalt like this.
  3. RomyCat

    RomyCat Industrial Terraformer

    I am personally going to get a fishing pole and quietly wait by the edge of the water to capture some of those shy fish. Will I make them into pets or eat them? Not sure on that one.
    generaldisuhray and AdenSword like this.
  4. Patitis

    Patitis Void-Bound Voyager

    I hope some fish will try to eat us instead of running away. yummie :D
    AdenSword likes this.
  5. cheebamane

    cheebamane Subatomic Cosmonaut

    yay for contributions!
    nice work "jordo"
    AdenSword likes this.
  6. Bastard Man

    Bastard Man Big Damn Hero

  7. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    I hope they get monster size!
    AdenSword likes this.
  8. Ashgad

    Ashgad Void-Bound Voyager

    Closer look at the picture... Is it a fish that she's holding in her hand? FISHHAMMER!
  9. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    It is the fishaxe, it works like a digger/pickaxe but with a much wider area. it is like the zapinator from Terraria, an item used only by the devs while testing the game.
    AdenSword and Ario08 like this.
  10. Fjantom

    Fjantom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That could be the water race's starter pet!
    AdenSword likes this.
  11. BluntQuotient

    BluntQuotient Void-Bound Voyager

    Add spaceship battles, random attacks in space, and chance to attack ships. Itd be awesome to be traveling to a new world and run into a (posibly another player would be cool) or just npc's either friendly or not that you could trade/battle/whatever with. Blow a few chunks in there ship, get in there ship and battle them, or just blow up there ship loosing loot. Also friendly's could be persuaded into coming to your home planet to live and help, or to fly with you as back up and guard your ship while your gone
  12. Zeal Valorick

    Zeal Valorick Seal Broken

    Nice update guys! Keep up the great work.
    AdenSword likes this.
  13. Bella

    Bella Starship Captain

    I-I can't wait any longer :saywhat:
    cheebamane and AdenSword like this.
  14. CaterinaPug

    CaterinaPug Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    awesome! i cant wait until this game is released! keep up teh good work! :D
    AdenSword likes this.
  15. Malachai13

    Malachai13 Title Not Found

    Do the Devs plan on launching with only a singe ship design? If so, woill we perhaps be able to eventually make rough outline designs of our own?

    I would LOVE to design a certain ship, find a crew, and keep flying ;)
    AdenSword likes this.
  16. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    "The fishes swim away from you."

    Next next gen stuff right there!
    AdenSword likes this.
  17. braulio1984

    braulio1984 Astral Cartographer

    Awesome update, like always!
    AdenSword likes this.
  18. Nexeron

    Nexeron Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    All those CoD Ghost posts made my day :D
  19. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    "The fishes swims away from you."

    I see what you did there.
    AdenSword likes this.
  20. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    Fun fact for Lingophiles - Double negation is a modern phenomena. In modern English Negatives are multiplicatory so any use of a statement which has negatives that are a multiple of two will mean that one negative cancels out the other forming a positive.

    However in middle/Medieval English this is not so. As found in the song "Sumer is Icumen In" most commonly known from the end of the 1970s version of The Wicker Man while they're
    burning Edward Woodward in a big Wicker Man

    (The þ letter is called 'thorn' and is one of two old English letters replaced by "th" these days. þ - Thorn was pronounced 'th' as in 'thorn' or 'thistle' as opposed to ð or eth which is the 'th' found in 'the', 'there' or 'that'. I actually quite like these letters and wish they were still a proper part of the English language along with Aesc - Æand Oethel - Œ)

    Sumer is Icumen in

    Sumer is icumen in,
    Lhude sing cuccu!
    Groweþ sed and bloweþ med
    And springþ þe wde nu,
    Sing cuccu!
    Awe bleteþ after lomb,
    Lhouþ after calue cu.
    Bulluc sterteþ, bucke uerteþ,
    Murie sing cuccu!
    Cuccu, cuccu, wel singes þu cuccu;
    Ne swik þu nauer nu.
    Sing cuccu nu. Sing cuccu.
    Sing cuccu. Sing cuccu nu!

    The line:

    Ne swik þu nauer nu

    is pronounced

    "Ne swick the nivver noo"

    Literally it means "Don't stop the never no"

    In modern English the Don't and the 'no' would cancel each other out and it would resolve into a single "Never stop" - making a triple negative into a single negative.

    In medieval English negatives are not multiplicatory but additive. Each succesive negative adds emphasis to the whole.

    So a better translation would be "Don't ever ever stop" (as postives are STILL additive in modern literature). Although it would probably be more accurate to go with Never, never, never stop.

    End of English lesson :proper:

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