Not.. Not the 8th of June progress update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. cvbbot

    cvbbot Pangalactic Porcupine

    I Don't want the fishies to swim away from me :( hopefully being a hylotl will prevent this
    AdenSword likes this.
  2. LimpPimp

    LimpPimp Void-Bound Voyager

    Sooo, the fishes think you fishy now??
  3. blobjim

    blobjim Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The flying fish that could...
    AdenSword likes this.
  4. Electric0Eye

    Electric0Eye Phantasmal Quasar

    Now no one can argue that Starbound isn't the true next gen game. :p Keep up the good work! We're cheering for you!
    AdenSword likes this.
  5. Premoril

    Premoril Void-Bound Voyager

    Now all you need are some high res dogs and arms
    AdenSword likes this.
  6. captain derps

    captain derps Starship Captain

    Robot fish!
    And they even look like little torpedoes!
    Now I just need a gun that can shoot them.
    AdenSword likes this.
  7. Ario08

    Ario08 Star Wrangler

    Totally awesome update! :up:
    AdenSword likes this.
  8. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    FIsh swim away? No point in even getting an XB one now is there xD Still, awesome update!
    AdenSword likes this.
  9. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    Its Not Not the update, if that makes any sense, The nots cancel out so its the "Not... not the 8th of June progress update"
    AdenSword likes this.
  10. Beonadryt

    Beonadryt Big Damn Hero

    This is called double negation
    Space station anyone? :D
    ThatMadCat, Ario08 and AdenSword like this.
  11. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    The dog's mouth is modeled from a real dog's mouth!
    Noc likes this.
  12. Noc

    Noc Guest


    Could we get a fish-swimming-away-from-you trailer!? Plllleeeaaassseee!!!!!!!!!!
    AdenSword and Hugt like this.
  13. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    Advanced fish mechanics = Next gen
    AdenSword likes this.
  14. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    well you have to contribute something like maybe submit a model for something or Kryen said the new one submitted some code so you know just do something like that and (maybe) you will be a contributor (well from what i heard that is how it works)
  15. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Yay! The itty bitty wittle fishies run away from us! It makes the hapless slaughtering of them all the better!
    AdenSword likes this.
  16. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    What is everyone talking about that it is a CoD joke?
    Zichqec likes this.
  17. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    no the title is Not...not the 8th of june update so what it is saying is it is not the not the 8th of june update do you get what im saying? it means it IS the daily update
  18. Solar

    Solar Master Chief

    2 Words. "I'm Amazed."
  19. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    EDIT: Dammit Ninja'd
    Noc likes this.
  20. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    ok thank you

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