No mid-air energy dash? [nightly]

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Ionosphere-Negate, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Ionosphere-Negate

    Ionosphere-Negate Void-Bound Voyager

    I just got the most recent nightly build, and I can no longer use e-dash in the air. Is this a bug? I'm hoping this is a bug.
  2. MMbsman777

    MMbsman777 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I noticed this also, it seems they have nerfed the energy dash, at least for the moment. I am not really a fan either. It made doing a quick planet survey very easy when we could e-dash in mid-air. I also noticed you can't do it as frequently as before as well. My favorite tech combo was double jump and e-dash....sadly that combo is no longer very useful.

    EDIT: I was incorrect. You can still e-dash in mid air, I think my keyboard is just getting a bit worn out on the WASD keys.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  3. R_C_A^

    R_C_A^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    In the future we will have vehicles to cover a planets surface quickly. So if it is a nerf, its not TOO bad of one.
  4. 9802

    9802 Void-Bound Voyager

    Definitely annoying, seeing as it's nerfed before its replacement is brought around. Now it's just a worse version of the FTL Boost.
  5. caldfir

    caldfir Void-Bound Voyager

    The problem with e-dash is that you get it so early and it is currently way too good. Like, I never bother using anything else ever because it is crazy amazing.
    It really kills the excitement of unlocking other tech. I wouldn't be against the current implementation being brought in at a higher tier, with ground-dash as the basic one, so as you progress you actually use something else at least part of the time.
    Oxidis, M_Sipher and 1nfinitezer0 like this.
  6. Akre

    Akre Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nerfing e-dash is an awful decision. Unnerfed e-dash made fighting much more dynamic and enjoyable.
  7. What this says to me is there needs to be a far better way to travel around and that techs should be focused on utility and not travel. I do the exact same thing because there is no better combination for planet skimming.
  8. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Well, they have talked about making rideable vehicles as placable objects, so there's that. Placing a jeep or hovercraft down instead of just running.

    I'm all for the nerfing of Techs, with later more expensive upgrades coming later in the game. More progression, more work, less "superbest early on".

    Personally I'd also like to see more Techs that are the same thing as far as utility goes, but have mere cosmetic differences. I want Butterfly Boost back, even if it is exactly the same as the current Particle Boosts and whatnot. I just liked the visuals. I'd like to see versions of that dropping leaves, bubbles, etc.
    Oxidis and 1nfinitezer0 like this.
  9. Thinking about it, it'd be cool if they had an inventory slot that changed your particle effects from techs, so like if you had a Butterfly thing in the slot, it would change like pulse jump, and boost, etc.
    M_Sipher likes this.
  10. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

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  11. FloomRide

    FloomRide Cosmic Narwhal

    You can still use the secret energy jump technique, probably.

    Dash while jumping a split second later, it launches you into the air as well as propels you. Combined with pulse jump it works wonders.
  12. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    ThatThunderCookie (the guy that made/makes some of the challenge rooms for chucklefish) mentioned (in one of his latest youtube video's) that he belives tech might be upgradeable in the future and that this change is a stepping stone to that end.

    While he isn't part of the dev team per say, he does likely get more info then the rest of us, so i would put some weight on his theory because of that.

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