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No explicit Death

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mamba, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. mamba

    mamba Phantasmal Quasar

    During my test i died 2 or 3 times without understanding why.
    After reading posts on this forum, i suppose it is because of the coldness ( there was fog as well )

    Dying because of the temperature why not , but it must be more explicit ( an interface cold bar ? ) or at least aimation that show your character freezing.
  2. harugami

    harugami Void-Bound Voyager

    did you get the bar with the sun next to it and arrows going to the right until it emptied? That means temperature is too low to survive, you need to wait near torches or campfires to warm up
  3. mamba

    mamba Phantasmal Quasar

    honestly i didn't notice.
  4. 11770

    11770 Void-Bound Voyager

    that and you should be able to see your characters breath too
  5. Alestron

    Alestron Void-Bound Voyager

    I noticed it right away
  6. Rockarm

    Rockarm Aquatic Astronaut

    I figured the fog was from the cold but there is little to no explanation about it in the game that i have seen. Maybe little dialog box when you enter a planet with cold spells?
  7. Baleine

    Baleine Big Damn Hero

    If you are too cold, the cold bar is raising to tell you that you're getting cold.
    Then you see your character exhaling vapor.
    Then light is getting brighter and bluer, noticeably from the edges of the screen.

    I didn't get past that point, I understood the message ^^

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