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RELEASED Nightar Race 0.3.4

Adds the Nightars, or "The Knights of the Night" as a custom race!

  1. The God Of Death

    The God Of Death Poptop Tamer

  2. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    Welcome, i am happy to know it worked, have fun!
    The God Of Death likes this.
  3. The God Of Death

    The God Of Death Poptop Tamer

    Thanks alots :D
  4. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

  5. otisjasmodeus

    otisjasmodeus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    for the one sword with the flame thrower effect, can you have the sword position reset after you use the flame thrower secondary. its kind of annoying that after you use the flame thrower the sword stays pointed in that direction when you try to swing it, and stays like this till you manually reposition it with the secondary to in front of you, or swap to another tool then swap back. (IE if you activate the flame thrower secondary and point straight up while using it, then stop while still aiming straight up, no matter which direction you are pointing when trying to swing the sword, the sword will always swing and do its animation set while pointing straight up) other then that you fixed the only other issue I ran into (the augment one) with a previous patch.

    Also im loving this race, with the sort of sci-fi midevil/glitch armor and weapons (like if the glitch fixed the programming error and ascended to future tech. good work.
  6. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    Think of that as a drawback or side effect for having a flamethrower sword that can combo, which you cant get in the vanilla game, so having a side effect is good for the balance's sake!
  7. otisjasmodeus

    otisjasmodeus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    fair enough
  8. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    iMisterX updated Nightar Race with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Guilmonex

    Guilmonex Phantasmal Quasar

    Found one conflict with other mod.
    It makes the Viera race silent. When you talk to them they should say "hmm?" along with their dialog. Now there is only the dialog without voice.
  10. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    I will try to find what's the problem.
  11. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

  12. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    forgot to add to my review, but thank you very much for the customizable eye color, I have been waiting for that!
  13. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    This might have happened because the mod folder is inside of another folder with the same name. (thats what I just did lol)
  14. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    Yea i thought having varied eye colors would be a cool thing! :3

    There is only one folder, but this changes depending on how you extract your .zip files, if you chose "extract here" there will only be one folder, but if you choose "Extract to (insert file name here)" it will create another folder and put the original folder in it.
  15. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    At Ran's Castle the Nightar chest costs 0 pixels and can not be bought.
  16. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    Thank you for the bug report!

    I fixed it, but i will upload the fix later with the next update!
    AArticuno3 likes this.
  17. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    BTW, where do I find the codex? is it given after the mission? or am I supposed to have it before going to it?
  18. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    There are 4 started codices that you have when you make a character, and there are 5 codices in the mission.
    AArticuno3 likes this.
  19. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    could you make yorunnoha and yorunokama spears?
  20. Assassin001rus

    Assassin001rus Void-Bound Voyager

    I complete that mission and i got a question: What can i do with "Broken Nightar legendary Sword"? Can i "fix" it or something?

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