OOC Nex Prison

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by ZilverZap, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. ZilverZap

    ZilverZap Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'll create the RP soon,(need to do my homework first)but im still kinda waiting for players
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  2. zilver is in some freaky time zone...its probably close to night time right now..but idk
  3. ZilverZap

    ZilverZap Pangalactic Porcupine

    I live in Malaysia FYI so since you live in Mississippi yeah......but the RP is up now
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  4. I would just like to say...these cells are surprisingly well furnished...

    1. A cell in a normal prison would just have a bed...usualy bunks becuase two prisoners per cell to keep space for more prisoners.
    2. yes, there would be toilet so thats fine.
    3. usual a cell wouldn't even have anything close to a shower even if it did it wouldn't have curtains becuase it doesn't matter if your prisoners are modest or not..they are there becuase they deserve to be in hell( or close to it) and shower time is usually all at one time...since this is a uni-sex prison then it might be two separate shower rooms ( one for men and one for women).
    4. an a desk? why would they allow a desk..if a psionic was in there...or anyone with super strength they could easily throw it at the people opening the cell... I know the guards have stuff to nullify powers for a while...but they cant stop a thrown object that could potentially kill them

  5. sorry for the double post guys, but why is phanaton talking about plants?
  6. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi, I'm taco. I think I'll make a character for this. Probably some kind of dealer.

    Also, I'm Dura- I mean Alaizia's bro.

    Addition: Do we have to have Latuo? Are there any non-mutant/whatever prisoners?
  7. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    why is phanaton gibbering about plants? because hes absolutely bonkers, and he kept a small sewer garden where he lived, he misses the plants, and also, expect more crazy gibbering, i am already enjoying it
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  8. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Some questions now. Does the prison schedule follow real life (at least in terms of the day of the week)? And could there please be a list somewhere as to what some of the basics cost in PG? Because I don't know how much stuff is (as well as whether PG is physical or digitally stored in my tracking bracelet.)
  9. SilasLore

    SilasLore Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is it too late to sign up?
  10. SilasLore

    SilasLore Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Also would it be theoretically possible to have two Latou powers with considerable restrictions? I work with the "Give something up to gain something" principle. I must also point out that these restrictions may not necessarily be related to his Latou abilitys.
  11. ZilverZap

    ZilverZap Pangalactic Porcupine

    It will not be following real time,basically what i'll do is an announcer will announce the what is the time and activity during that time .And your PG is tracked digitally on your tracker which you need to give to the vendor to transfer PG.I'll put the full list of basics you'll need in the OCC in the near future.
    Well you can if you want but i doubt you'll have much fun using a normal Human so..no you have to have Latou if you want to RP here
    We still have spaces to fill in this RP and as for the second question you'll have to let me see your Latou abilities before i approve anything of that sort
  12. ZilverZap

    ZilverZap Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well let me give you a bit of a made- up- on- the- spot backstory...you see Prison Nex is a hell hole yes but Lod wants the prisoners to be ripe for the Jenks,You see he dosen't want to have 2 prisoners in a cell because they would kill each other.Most people in Nex Prison would rather kill each other than stay in Nex Prison for even a single day.The shower and curtains are there so prisoners wouldn't be jumbled up in a single room so they can kill each other.and the desk is nailed to the wall too and there is the scrambler which every guard has that can mess up the Latou which in turn can rapidly drain the blood.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  13. soooo when we going on with this ? or are we just waiting for more poeple ?
  14. ZilverZap

    ZilverZap Pangalactic Porcupine

    well i'm waiting for more people to post on the RP thread,looks like you're having a conversation with a interesting madman.
    Draken09 and Alaizia Darkstar like this.
  15. SilasLore

    SilasLore Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OK, I've got my idea down.
    *cracks neck*
    Lets do this...
  16. and what is that idea?
  17. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Just wait for the CS!
  18. SilasLore

    SilasLore Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Prisoners ID: Zex, Subject 9 (No further data available)

    Prisoner's Pic:<No known facial photo><Data not available> He has dark chestnut hair and a lean, compact muscle build. Caucasian. Eye color unknown. Many scars can be found on his body. His height was recorded at 6'2. The mask he wears is securely attached to his head and sufficient strength to remove it wound be moot as it would cause decapitation. The mask is effectively his face and is featureless, no mouth hole, no viewing slot. He appears to have a polished plain metal plate in place of his face and the technology inside is remarkably compact.

    Prisoner's Background: Subject was one of the original test subjects for the Latou project but escaped because its effects were still being tested and proper countermeasures were yet to be created to counter Latou powers. Testing processes were still unrefined and considerably dangerous at this time, the subject suffered more at the test then modern participants and gained many permanent disability. His body has numerous scars from the testing process and damage had been done to his lugs, eyes and throat. He is blind, mute, and requires a specialized mask of his own creation to breath. Because the mask is required for his survival it was decided that he be allowed to keep it upon entering Nox prison. There are few records of him but those that can be found suggest he has lived in extreme climates as a hermit and hunter. His escape from the testing facility was over five years ago and all attempts to track him down had been unsuccessful. We can only assume that he has had more time to master his powers than most others and is well trained in its use, extreme caution is recommended. His physical exam after his detainment and one of the few surviving files from the original project show that he is in extremely good physical condition and evidence of conditioning and tolerance training have been found. His body seems strangely unaffected by cold or heat and his ability to use, maintain, and recover his Latou powers are among our highest ever recorded. Subject seems strangely restrained using these powers however. Subject has extensive martial arts training and is considered too dangerous to engage at close range, his combat style has yet to be identified. It should be noted in this report that despite his masks lack of a slot to see through and his blindness, he is somehow able to sense his surroundings accurately, It was discovered he was constantly using his Latou powers in such a way that the net gain of his power regeneration was not negative and as such he could maintain this indefinably. Its exact nature is unknown but we suspect it is similar in nature to echo location, it was noted in testing he appeared to have 360 degree awareness of his surroundings. The testers found him impossible to sneak up on as a result, something that had baffled us to this point. There are multiple accounts of his involvement in resistance groups and he has killed many of our soldiers. He was successfully captured outside what was once known as Northern Alaska, it required three squads armed with anti-latou devices. One whole squad and three members of the other was terminated in the attempt.

    Prisoner's Age: 39

    Prisoner's cause for Imprison:Assault, Murder, Resisting arrest, affiliation with resistance members, resistance member, Escaping prison, Interference with operations, mass murder, and unotherised ownership of sensitive weapons and information.

    Prisoner's Latou(Confidential): Electrokinesis

    User has control over electrical forces and is capable of generating it from a specialized organ located near his heart. He also found two smaller organs that seem to behave like batteries.

    Specific Applications:​
    • Electrical Manipulation - Can control electrical energy
    • Electrical Ionization - Can alter and manipulate the ions in objects, allowing for a variety of effects.
    • Electrical Absorption - Can absorb small amounts of outside electrical energy. resistance to electrical attacks
    • Walking Battery - Can charge and power electronics.
    • EMF Detection - Subject constantly sends out electromagnetic pings to sense his surroundings in a 360 degree area around himself. This allows him to see around corners to a limited degree or through thin surfaces because of its nature. He is also capable of sensing the electrical impulses given of by the body, allowing him to sense the presence of other people.
    Drawbacks and Repercussions​
    • Despite the versatility of his powers they lack two things. Precision and subtly. With most cases you will know when he is using his powers by an tell tale electrical aura. He has greater difficulty with precise and careful manipulation than direct power. Because of this he has difficulty with delicate mechanisms and electronics in general. He's good at frying them in spectacular ways but not so good at covertly getting it to do what he wants. That's not to say he can't be precise, just that it takes more power and all of his focus..
    • EMF White Noise - Because he's uses EM pings to see it is possible to disrupt him using powerful EM generators, this has shown a considerable decrease in the subjects ability to concentrate and cast complex powers. This is a double edged sword however as with the generator producing a EM field of such strength the subject no longer has to do so himself. It is also constant rather than individual pings allowing for constant feedback, The world appears in less detail and is, as described by the subject, "like trying to watch a T.V. show with bad reception". In the event that he must destroy the source of the noise it is anything but subtle in that it will literally explode, this makes it difficult to be covert near one.
    • Dependency on Mask - having trained to hold his breath as long as possible while active, the subject can continue to act normally for five minutes without the mask, however he will shortly suffocate after that point. This makes him vulnerable to those skilled at manipulating electronics such as those in his mask (Which he tried to make as simple as possible to better protect it from his own powers).
    • Mute - Without the ability to talk he looses a lot of the diplomatic and social ability to communicate with others. His only form of communication is through gestures and sign language. This in combination with his featureless mask give him a intimidating or even menacing presence.
    • Literacy Issues - Because of the way he sees his environment he unable to read words or monitors. He is unable to read books or read off a computer screen.
    Prisoner's Personality: He was know to be a rather socially skilled individual before being abducted for the Latou project. He was a hunter and traveler, visiting many regions and areas. He made a personal hobby of testing his survival skills in the harshest of environments. This had made him a remarkably resilient individual because no matter how bad it gets he's "seen worse". He trained both his mind and his body in remote monasterys learning many beliefs and martial arts styles, not much is know about these absences other than he underwent patience, tolerance, and mental strength training as well as extensive physical training. He chose these paths after earning a degree in both engineering and general biology. After loosing both his voice and his face and escaping the facility it is known that he went through a long period of seclusion and loneliness. He didn't have friends not because he chose to, but because he now had extreme difficulty making them. This is known to have effected him greatly. He has now taken a very slow and patient approach to getting to know people in that he slowly makes his personality and behavior known through his actions. As a person he will actively seek out peaceful solutions to problems and go's by a principle of reaction only. you do mess with him, he won't mess with you. He considers every friend he makes one less foe and is therefore a tactically sound strategy when in reality he just naturally desires friends. His menacing appearance and muscular, scared body don't help in the "friendly" department though so others tend to avoid him. But hidden in this peaceful behavior is a cold calculating hunter, he is extremely skilled a killing people. He always has his guard up and wont hesitate to take the initiative if hes sees no peaceful outcome. His study in the field of religion with the various areas he's been in has lead him to the belief that the soul is immortal and reincarnates infinitely. This, ironically, has led him to be less afraid of his own death and less hesitant to killing others. He made an oath in the past to "give everyone a chance" when getting to know them, even the unsightly or somewhat insane. His guard is always up around such individuals and in reality he is just looking for and excuse to kill them at the slightest provocation. If one of these people attack him they aren't going to live to talk about it. Otherwise he is described as quite and somewhat reclusive, others around him can't help but feel uncomfortable around him because they feel like they are being watched by a predator and describe him as a bit "stalkerish".

  19. I would like to say...this character is overpowered beyond belief... he has to many powers and is to strong ...

    and its also riddled with typos and misspellings.
  20. SilasLore

    SilasLore Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yay, I kinda got a little involved and its riddled with grammar errors. your concerns are valid. please send me data on what you think is overpowered and I'll do some modifying


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