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New Hairstyle Suggestions

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by thefluvirus, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    There is hope, Tiy is viewing this thread!
  2. Alright then, you want more hairstyles?!


    Long loose braid for the female.
    Braid for the female, looped in a circle.
    Curly hair for the female, but shorter.
    Longer beard options? Like viking or dwarven beards.
    Possibly beards adorned with jewlrey?
    More scraggly hair options.
    A flat-headded hair style for the males, similar to the male human style just made.

    Peacock-esque plumage.
    One that looks like a rockhopper penguin.
    Owl "ear" tufts.
    A pelican beak option.
    A single feather on the top of the head.
    A few stand out feathers of a different color, one option on top, the other on the side.
    Cassowary head crest.

    Maple leaves
    Pine needles variations.
    One with pineneedles sticking straight up, the other with them flattened down.
    Also, optional pinecone in the hair.
    Palm leaves, one with big leaves that lay over the head, the other spiky and thin, standing up like Calvin's hair.
    Crooked and dry leaves.

    Curvy long fins, swerving down the side of the head in an "S" shape.
    A fin with a cut taken out of it.
    A peirced fin
    Double-fins, side by side.
    A shorter eel-like fin, running down the back of the head, possibly in pairs as well.
    Spiky, lionfish-esque fins, with visible spines.
    Longer and more hairlike fins.

    Antenna/headphone ears.
    Hair with a propeller in the back.
    Larger eyes, like goggles almost.
    Curly hair made of springs.
    Buzzsaw beard.
    More mask styles and shapes.
    Long hair made of plastic tubing. May or may not be filled with liquid.
    Hair similar to that of humans, only made of metal and bolted together.
    Triclops eyes.
    A metal ring around the head, like saturn, only tilted at an angle.
    JazzPigeon, RustyJ, Gerael and 10 others like this.
  3. Knight9910

    Knight9910 Existential Complex

    My main request is ponytails for male humans.
  4. Female Humans: Just going to support Leia buns and really really long hair here, nothing original...
    Male Apex (much as I dislike them): Some kind of really long, trailing beard. It seems to fit them in my mind for some reason...
    Robots: Some kind of twin antennae like these (Darthkitten ninja'd me a bit with the idea, but I drew them :p ):

    In all honesty, I'd prefer more hair colours as well as more styles. (*hint* neon blue/pink/yellow *hint*)
    I know having an RGB slider or something wouldn't fit with the rest of the creator GUI, but it would be nice to see five or six tones of each colour, rather than one or two.
  5. Kousaka

    Kousaka Void-Bound Voyager

    This one is also an existing hairstyle but with a colorable (undy color) "tie", instead of simply giving it the hair color. It gives it more variety and makes it look better, imo


    It's all about the little things
    Gerael and XRiZUX like this.
  6. Neon...

    Neon light hair for the robots!
    JazzPigeon and Miner8625 like this.
  7. He's viewed it quite a few times today.
    Steam Pirate, LukØs and Ghostar like this.
  8. Ayumi

    Ayumi Pangalactic Porcupine

    [​IMG] How is this? My flavor of pink. :D
  9. Duplo

    Duplo Big Damn Hero

    I would adore it if these styles could be implemented, from the Starbound art by Bietol which I've seen on these forums in the past, especially for the female Hylotl. :love: Ideally the art being put to use for both hairstyles and unique heads for the character models, if possible- it's all quite top notch stuff Bietol has drawn. :idea:

  10. OR... Lightbulbs! :idea:

    (it's supposed to look like it's flickering, but I'm too tired to do any more than a simple two frame .gif)
  11. Megane

    Megane Void-Bound Voyager

    I just want tentacle hair for Hyotl and I'm set.
    JazzPigeon, Spacedino and Duplo like this.
  12. thefluvirus

    thefluvirus Contributor

    Okey dokey, here's some avian featherstyles based on some of your suggestions...
  13. Duplo

    Duplo Big Damn Hero

    That's quite the degree of pink, aha ha. Though if anything, I'd like a pink braid, similar to the one in your avatar. Think you could pixel art one of those together, Ayumi? ;)
  14. Very nice. I like the barbarian style of the last one. :)
  15. Duplo

    Duplo Big Damn Hero

    I see it's already been requested, but I'd love some pony tails for men in the customization, as well as a beard or two. A pony tail and a beard combined, the pinnacle of manliness. ;)
    Amen. Hopefully Bietol's art of said tentacles within a Hylotl's hair comes true. :D
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  16. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yes! I like the first and fourth ones. :D
  17. RexMori

    RexMori Industrial Terraformer

    A mustache would be nice; pair with tophat and monocle for the epitome of gentlemanly fashion. :proper:
    JazzPigeon and punkypie like this.
  18. Ayumi

    Ayumi Pangalactic Porcupine

    [​IMG] Like this?
  19. Duplo

    Duplo Big Damn Hero

    Just like that. What can I say? I'm a fan of braids. :)
  20. punkypie

    punkypie Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe some rocker and punk hairs for humans like this:

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