Digital NEW COMIC: Shine the Light

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Musetrigger, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Sir.drake

    Sir.drake Cosmic Narwhal

    One of them is a red shirt.
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Unfortunately, that's a nextgen uniform. The colors for Command and Security switched around, so even though the Avian is wearing a red Starfleet uniform he's not a redshirt. Therefore, "is" is wrong.
  3. Legacy95

    Legacy95 Void-Bound Voyager

    Very cool. What's with the hissing Lily? Is she angry?
  4. Vovannnnnn

    Vovannnnnn Void-Bound Voyager

    Try to be slaved around for that ungrateful bird, and we'll see how angry you will be :3
  5. Bwaha

    Bwaha Starship Captain

    can someone link a flashlight being rubbed in someone's face in game?
  6. FrozenFlame

    FrozenFlame Giant Laser Beams

    What a bully :(

    I will eat you all one day!-ay-ay-y-y.
  7. Lyze

    Lyze Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's adorable. Lily is precious.
  8. NightWolf93

    NightWolf93 Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh my goodness, that Floran is cute in the cute!
    Poor Lily, she must be pretty stressed
    >insert name here< likes this.
  9. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Oh, she's okay. She bounces right back up after a hot meal. She's a real trooper. <3
    NightWolf93 and lethem010 like this.
  10. NightWolf93

    NightWolf93 Void-Bound Voyager

    Cute :)
  11. Arrex

    Arrex Tentacle Wrangler

    I severely protest against the humiliation of such a cute Floran! That Avian deserves to be... dunno, nagged half an inch at both wings per hour he hushes her around.
    >insert name here< likes this.
  12. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    If you ever decide to read my other comments about Lily, you'll find that she's not being enslaved, humiliated, or anything. She's working hard for her superior officer.
  13. Arrex

    Arrex Tentacle Wrangler

    Yeah, I noticed that by the context of the comments, but still... it's not fair. ^^ Not like I'm a fair judge or something....
    >insert name here< likes this.
  14. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It's the Next Generation Red Shirt, the one that doesn't die.
    Razortazor99 likes this.
  15. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

  16. Cheezitz6

    Cheezitz6 Space Hobo

    I love it! Very cute comic xD
  17. Sir.drake

    Sir.drake Cosmic Narwhal

    So he is .
  18. TinnedEpic

    TinnedEpic Void-Bound Voyager

    I 'nawwed', I love the art style for both of them. :p
  19. Snark

    Snark Master Chief

    Hope we see Lily in future comics, she's absolutely adorable.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
    >insert name here< likes this.
  20. Nyken

    Nyken Void-Bound Voyager

    That. That is why I think florans are the best race.

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