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My biggest gripe so far(no pause)...

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by MaGicBush, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. MaGicBush

    MaGicBush Void-Bound Voyager

    Well I have put a few hours in and I really like the game, and this is from someone who never played Terraria until a few days ago(bought that on sale). But I already enjoy this game more as I am a sci-fi freak lol. However my biggest gripe has to be the fact you cannot pause the game in any way and it is a fundamental feature in a single-player game really. I have to take breaks a lot for my son, and should not need to exit every single-time and reload on my ship instead of in my house(which is quite a ways from where you teleport down to the planet). It is very repetitive and is getting old fast after only playing a few hours. Does anyone else feel this way? I cannot understand the developers position on wanting to leave out such an option considering every other game allows it and is a standard feature/benefit to single-player over multi-player?
    Aer_ likes this.
  2. Disterric

    Disterric Space Spelunker

    Yeah it is quite annoying, honestly there are a few things like this missing like the option to keybind so I'm sure they are working to get everything sorted.
    Because these features are kind of essential for a lot of players I think/hope they will be added later.

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