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Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Muffinsforever, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Muffinsforever

    Muffinsforever Void-Bound Voyager

    My game currently does not do it, be that the current state of the game or some odd consequence of a glitch; it makes the game unplayable in many areas due to chugging fps, including this cool subterranean base with robots I found on my planet.

    My PC has 8 cores but each one isn't that great by itself; the pixel and enemy stuff is bad enough without the fps issues.

    Maxing only one thread on my CPU concerns me greatly for the playability of the game and I was wondering if there was word on this issue.
  2. Mathew

    Mathew Star Wrangler

    Have you tried restarting the game since the opening of the beta? A new patch came out, seemed to fix all my FPS issues.
    GTX 670x2 btw.

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