Modding Help Multiple fire sounds for same weapon?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by [lel]Natin, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. [lel]Natin

    [lel]Natin Orbital Explorer

    Wondering if it's possible to have a single weapon play different fire sounds? For example, I made 4 variants of the same sound, following the format of the vanilla files.

    SOUNDNAME#.ogg = SOUNDNAME1.ogg, SOUNDNAME2.ogg... etc.

    I saw the parameter "fireSounds" in the vanilla files, but when I use it it doesn't work.

    I also tried:

      "fire" : ["/sfx/gun/SOUNDNAME1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/SOUNDNAME2.ogg", "/sfx/gun/SOUNDNAME3.ogg", "/sfx/gun/SOUNDNAME4.ogg"],
  2. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Fire sounds are set in the weapons animation by the build script, using the parameter fireSounds.

      if config.fireSounds then
        construct(config, "animationCustom", "sounds", "fire")
        local sound = randomFromList(config.fireSounds, seed, "fireSound") = type(sound) == "table" and sound or { sound }
    This results in the following structure:
    "animationCustom" : {
      "sounds" : {
        "fire" : []
    The format for the 'fire' array is the same as your example.

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