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multiplayer ship exploit

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by MRGOOGLES, Dec 5, 2013.


    MRGOOGLES Phantasmal Quasar

    i may get bad flack for this but there is a thing where a person can be in a other persons ship and that ship's owner disconnects the person can take everything and it will still be in said person's ship. I figure some people may have figured out but have yet to see it posted so sorry guys if you been using it :p PS i just ran into a problem with stairs, building 2 over the end of the top of them i would fall off rather then run up them and onto the platform
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
    thusky likes this.
  2. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Don't be sorry, that's a fairly big progression breaking exploit.

    And everyone knows their character will be wiped eventually so these sorts of things don't break the game (But you can bet a few "MY CHARACTER WAS WIPED,FIX NOW" threads will appear :giggle:)

    MRGOOGLES Phantasmal Quasar

    hahah yeah i know its not a big deal i just figured bring it to their attention let the people freely get all the gear quick for now it doesnt even matter ;)
  4. thusky

    thusky Void-Bound Voyager

    Yup, did use this glitch when my buddy's cha' got wipped because of a crash in-game, this thread must go up, this is a pretty big thing. It reminds me of items duplication in diablo 1-2 back in the days ;)
    MRGOOGLES likes this.

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