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Server Help Multiplayer error with no message

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by DoctorSanchezSenior, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. DoctorSanchezSenior

    DoctorSanchezSenior Yeah, You!


    I've been playing on dedicated linux server with my kids. Me and my younger kiddo are doing fine but my older kid is experiencing odd begavior. His client gets desynced, we see his movements but his client does not get any updates. Like if I'm using matter manipulator when his client desyncs, he can see blocks wiggling forever. Monsters do kill him, he just can't see them moving anymore. There's no message in logs nor server in debug-mode.

    I have tried to check CPU usage, network traffic, ping to server and I'm out of ideas by now.
    I also tried to google if this has been an issue to anyone else but I haven't found anything useful.

    Has anyone else seen this? Is there something we can do?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    Doctor Sanchez Senior

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