Multi-person Vehicles

Discussion in 'Vehicles and Mounts' started by MachineRiver6, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Snoopere

    Snoopere Void-Bound Voyager

    Yup, multi-person vehicles will be so awsome like, 7 people mega mech D:
  2. ElectroSauce

    ElectroSauce Master Chief

    This is a fantastic idea it would be cool it it was something like a 2 or more person hover bike or land rover :metroid:
  3. Subtrance

    Subtrance Seal Broken

    Seeing as how a hoverbike is on Wiki it should now be mandatory to have them, especially with the mobs (knights) being on horses. Would also be handy on those giant planets for those that create various sorts of highways and subway-highway type networks. This needs to be done. I do hope the devs see this and add it in.
  4. crazygamer2255

    crazygamer2255 Phantasmal Quasar

    Sounds awesome, I always love to see some team work elements in games, especially online multiplayer games, and what better way to make friends and do team work than to drive a hover bike while your friend mows down mobs with the gun...
  5. drover95

    drover95 Void-Bound Voyager

    maybe like a dropship? that would be cool
  6. Zifier

    Zifier Tentacle Wrangler

    I think it would be imperative that we could have mechs or vehicles combine. Multi-person vehicle and have a combine option. Hell why not go as far as combine vehicles and mechs to combat a MEGAZORD
    Silverforte likes this.
  7. Goldpork

    Goldpork Zero Gravity Genie

    That's kinda smart, actually... This will be useful in PVP!
  8. Ferrettomato

    Ferrettomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is a great idea. That said, in my opinion, first things first: It would be nice to be able to have two people sit on chairs that seem multi-person. No need to take up the whole couch. =P
  9. basdxz

    basdxz Void-Bound Voyager

    If this was added to the game... Trains.

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