Multi-person Vehicles

Discussion in 'Vehicles and Mounts' started by MachineRiver6, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Brilliant idea.
    I would love to see that in the game ... imagine this : you and your best friend in a mech, he's a pilot and you're the gunner or submarines that can hold many players and so on !
    Awesome and upvoted !
    Captainhindsite and Baku Vicen like this.
  2. Master Catfish

    Master Catfish Void-Bound Voyager

    Great idea! This could also be implemented by just adding a spot where other players can stand on a vehicle. That way, decks on boats won't have to use different coding.

    I'd be very happy if this made it into the game - some of my most enjoyable moments gaming have been driving dangerously in vehicles with my friends.
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  3. Twig Arcane Empires

    Twig Arcane Empires Sandwich Man

    Ummmm :wut:) bon idee lol
  4. Change568

    Change568 Space Penguin Leader

    This seems like a very good idea to me. Having someone fire weaponry while you drive or operate the machine would add another level of depth to the game for sure.....imo
  5. geomark123

    geomark123 Title Not Found

  6. Greenphlem

    Greenphlem Void-Bound Voyager

    I support this!
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  7. PurpleSquirel43

    PurpleSquirel43 Pangalactic Porcupine

    The game wouldn't be complete without this. My brother can drive, I'll be the one with the very large turret spraying bullets everywhere. Cooperative murder, I like.
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  8. Captainhindsite

    Captainhindsite Void-Bound Voyager

    What's to not like about being liked?
  9. Tectal

    Tectal Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can almost taste the absolute cooperative power over land and sea.
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  10. Fizz

    Fizz Big Damn Hero

    I was just thinking about this the other day, I like the idea very much so!
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  11. Zergind

    Zergind Void-Bound Voyager

    I always wanted to play Grand theft beard: Starboundreas, so i hope we will be able to do drive-by or something like that. If that is possible, then me and my beard will stand by you - that's 3 votes!
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  12. Supreme Suprise

    Supreme Suprise Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Great, if obvious, idea...just make sure the Troll isn't driving. :up:

    Guy: :wtf: "Is that a cliff we're heading towards, Bob?"
    Bob: :lolwut: "..."
    Guy: :wtf: "Bob?"
    Bob: :lolwut: "..."
    Guy: D: "Bob!?"
    Bob: :lolwut: "..."
  13. Ryzin

    Ryzin Seal Broken

    I call for a helicopter so that it'll be easy to fly over things and you can make landing pads at important spots
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  14. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A helicopter, eh? I think I've got something you'd like.

    Captainhindsite likes this.
  15. Spellpawn9

    Spellpawn9 Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome idea! Adds more teamwork to the game.

    Dat helicopter!
  16. buboe

    buboe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Jesus that's a nice helicopter.
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  17. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So nice, in fact, that a news outlet (forget which) ran a whole alarmist article on it, even though it's not real and easily found on DeviantArt. Hell, they even included that image, watermarks and all.
    Captainhindsite likes this.
  18. Sneech

    Sneech Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm more curious if the artist of that model has mentioned the weapon systems included on that bad boy. What is that on the underside? A giant beam cannon?! And behind it I can't tell if that's a jet thruster or large bomb >_<
  19. Sneech

    Sneech Void-Bound Voyager

    I love this topic. I upvoted it as hard as I could. Since I liked it so much, I took this idea, along with a bunch of other peoples awesome vehicle ideas and made a combined suggestion.

    In order to satisfy everyone in their creative desire what is really needed is a vehicle hangar/garage/bay area that would be part of a players space station. In it players could be able to build, customize, and store their vehicles for use on planets. The bay itself could be upgraded with resources to increase the amount of vehicles stored, vehicle size, type, amount of customization options, etc. With a system implemented like this, it could satisfy the multiple suggestion topics that include different types of vehicles like, subs, aircraft, mechs, and multi-person vehicles.

    I've created a suggestion for this here:
    Please upvote it since it will help making multi-person customizable vehicles a part of the game!

    Together we can get it to the TOP!
  20. matheusmmsbr

    matheusmmsbr Pangalactic Porcupine

    Great idea. Remember that Tiy said that space battle system would be inspired in ftl? imagine a clan vs other clan controling big spaceships sending ships with someone driving and other it would be awesome

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