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Movement Demo (Fan-Made)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Forever, May 12, 2013.

  1. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

  2. Nanohurtz

    Nanohurtz Space Spelunker

    I am impressed! If this is the way Starbound's toons will move, then I'm sold twice over. I really like the BG music. Great work!
  3. enthusedpanda

    enthusedpanda Pangalactic Porcupine

    Is there a way to run?
  4. Siloxis

    Siloxis Big Damn Hero

    I knew it was a misstake to start this "game".
    Now i even want the beta more than bevore to be released ahhhhhh...

    I'm completely adicted to play starbound now :D
  5. enigmatic fluff

    enigmatic fluff Big Damn Hero

    I grabbed this and tricked my boyfriend into thinking the game was already released.
    Trolled him into next year, lawlawl.
    Thanks. :D
  6. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    Nice idea :up::up::up: But is there a way to run??
  7. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    3 likes on your post, triple half-life 3
  8. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

  9. 1stxknight

    1stxknight Pangalactic Porcupine

  10. Magician Xy

    Magician Xy Ketchup Robot

    Not a particularly large demo, but actually pretty nice for a first time project. Gotta start somewhere, right? Did you enjoy the experience of creating this?
  11. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

    Indeed I did. It was quite the experience, though frustrating at times, but very rewarding after all the good feedback I got.
    Magician Xy likes this.
  12. Dubology

    Dubology Big Damn Hero

    Nice job! It gives a nice taste of what we are going to be dealing with in game :up:
  13. Magician Xy

    Magician Xy Ketchup Robot

    Ah, yes, the life of a programmer. Small amounts of satisfaction in between copious amounts of frustration and the unshakeable belief that computers are the stupidest invention on the planet. As a student going for software engineering, I know that feeling well. :D

    I must say, you did quite a good job capturing the atmosphere of the game, even for such a small screen. The music fits pretty nice too.

    For your next challenge, try to add some inertia to the movement, even just a little. I've found that games feel a lot more fluid when the character doesn't stop moving immediately after the button is no longer being pressed.
    Finn Learson likes this.
  14. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

    I can give you the file if you'd like so you can see that inertia would not be possible. Being my first game, I had no idea how physics engines worked. The way I made the movement system can't even make ceilings, let alone an inertia system. :p

    Though that's certainly a good idea and I'd do it if I hadn't screwed the project up from the beginning.
  15. icepick37

    icepick37 Phantasmal Quasar

    Hah! Nice. It's definitely a fun toy.
  16. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff


    thanks for lowering my insanity for the game.
  17. Star and Moon

    Star and Moon Space Kumquat

    Cool! This is neat.

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